Saturday, July 25, 2009

Call for help

Today at a Taco Bell restaurant I observed the following, and I'm just not intelligent enough to figure it out. Please help. I saw a young male approximately twenty five years old enter the restaurant ahead of me. His pants were sagging about half way down his butt exposing his underwear. He had a blue handkerchief hanging out of his left rear pocket. While waiting in line behind him I noted that he had two earrings, cone shaped about two inches long. His left eyebrow had a piece of metal in it. He was wearing a baseball cap slightly cocked to the left side with the visor bent in the middle and pointing up. What does it mean. Is this a fashion statement. Does this make him cool. Is this our future where people can't dress themselves and think they are cool? Is it a rebellious act against the older generation? Does the handkerchief in his left rear pocket mean he is gay, a member of a gang, or just cool? When he was younger who could have allowed this? Who is responsible the parents, the school, who? What future contribution can a person like this make? Please Help
A. C. Smithson

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