Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Beware the end is at hand!

I am not speaking of the end of the world, but instead the end of the greatest nation ever to exist on the face of the earth. The end of the world we will have to wait and see. The evidence I base this prediction on the following: Commercials on radio and television. I'm guessing that since the inception of these forms of media they have always played to the lowest common denominator. Now days the target is very low, very, very low. If we the United States Citizens are as dumb, and lack the common sense that the government thinks we do we are beyond help.
  • The Texas National Resource Commission has a commercial that instructs you on how to care for your carpets. Vacuum frequency, do not pull out attached fibers, and move furniture around to change high traffic areas. (I don't understand the connection between TNRC and our carpets).
  • Health and Human Services admonished people to talk to their doctors and ask questions during examinations. Don't just sit and stare.
  • The Texas Agriculture Commissioner reminds us that during school months people are fed. Despite welfare, food stamps and food distribution centers hunger has run amuck during summer break. Hunger is everywhere so we have feeding centers in selective schools. Sponsored by the U.S.D.A.-United States Dumb Asses.
  • Don't dump your oil (from Vehicle) into storm drains. A single oil change will pollute one million gallons of water. If you water your lawn during the heat of the day, the water will evaporate. Save Texas. Org
  • Smart Way Leaf will tell you when purchasing a new car what models are environmentally friendly. Best mileage, fewest emissions etc. You could never figure it out for yourself. Smart Leaf decal will be on the windshield to guide you. Sponsored by the E.P.A.
  • Generally speaking it is not a good idea to leave a child under the age of 10 at home alone. (I have heard that before somewhere, wait it was the movie "Home Alone"). C.H.I.P.S. advertisement
  • The United States Department of Transportation has a commercial with voices, purported to be that of young children, discussing picking their noses and farting in the back seat of the car. Then they go on to explain to the lowest common denominator how to secure your child's restraint seat. If you can't figure out how to buckle them in how did you figure out how to procreate in the first place? A state worker needs to be assigned to buckle these kids in.
Understand your tax dollars are paying for this. This is what your government thinks about your ability to care for yourself and your family.
A. C. Smithson

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