Thursday, August 26, 2010

Education Shortchanged

I am sad for one of my friends. This friend is about to graduate with a masters degree, and my friend was clearly shortchanged. In order to be politically correct let us call my friend Joe.

Joe was told by one of her nutty professors that if mosquito's disappeared frogs would go hungry. (Another reason for government to expand. We would need a frog nutrition program. Safety net.) If humans disappeared we would not be missed as we have no worthwhile place in nature. Who would feed my dogs? If you cannot see our place in nature you need to look harder. I can list numerous reasons to continue our existence here on earth. This nutty professor was described as being very, very, smart.

I say the nutty professor is wrong. We are special due to the fact GOD looked upon us with favor. GOD gave us dominion over the earth. Man was created in the image of GOD. If God thinks I'm special I am.

This nutty professor clearly is a product of liberal guilt. Liberal self deprecation. Liberals feel guilty about everything, and most professors are liberals. Everything wrong in the universe is our fault. B.S.

We are as much part of nature as any other species. While I'm at it let me remind you that oil, plastic bags and aluminum cans (all come from mother earth.) If you do away with them you might be fooling with mother nature. Remember it's not nice to fool with mother nature.

Over 95% of all species that ever existed are now extinct. If they were so interdependent (unlike us) every other living creature would have vanished. Right? There must be some ability to adapt. Another gift from GOD.

Refund my friend's money.

A. C. Smithson

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