Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Nation of Wusses
Fast Eddie says of Sunday nights football game (can't play in the cold) between Philadelphia and Green Bay: "We've become a nation of Wusses. If this was in China do you think the Chinese would have called off the game?" " They would be walking to the game while doing calculus."
In 1967 Dallas played against Green Bay in the Ice Bowl. The game time temperature was -13 F with a wind chill factor of -48 F.
We are slowly becoming incapable of doing anything for ourselves.
People can't feed their children lunch without someone else picking up the tab.
People won't find jobs because we are willing to pay them not to. (Unemployment insurance into perpetuity).
Children will not behave in school as parents can't discipline them.
Children will not learn as they have no personal responsibility. Other nations it is claimed are surpassing us in science and technology. Cultures in other countries value an opportunity for an education. Here it is just another entitlement to be taken advantage of. It's not the children's fault if they don't apply themselves. It is the fault of some teacher for not sufficiently entertaining them.
We are feeding our fat kids too much even though we can't afford to buy their lunch. Our (junk in the trunk) first lady is going to tell you how to feed them.
An animal rights group makes a commercial of a dancing bear and a burro in some third world country. It explains how both were traumatized at a young age by having to witness the murder of their mothers. We want to make wusses out of animals now.
I am a Vietnam Veteran and as such feel compelled to comment on the military. It kills me to see soldiers, warriors, combat troops whine about being away from home. Double deployments. You volunteered, you were not drafted. Suck it up. What is this post traumatic stress syndrome? Hell soldiers that haven't even been in combat have it. You only need to know someone who was in combat to qualify. Do you think China or North Korean soldiers cry like this? Hell the North Koreans don't even have food let alone a pot to piss in. Think they're tough? We better hope we don't have to fight them. We better pray we do not have an all out conflict like World War ll. The military has a commercial that tells soldiers it is strong to ask for help (in other words to be weak).
Mama's don't let your children grow up to be wusses.
A. C. Smithson
Sunday, December 26, 2010
1942 D U.S. Cents for sale
The battle of Midway was fought from June 4 to 7, 1942. Four of Japan's front line carriers were destroyed. One American carrier the Yorktown was destroyed. Japan was never able to recover from these losses and eventually lost the war.
A. C. Smithson
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Christmas Wishes
A. C. Smithson
Monday, December 13, 2010
A nation of laws?
The criminal regime known as the Obama Administration declared that is not unconstitutional. These Marxist disregard our U. S. Constitution and do whatever they wish. If they are successful what will come next. If they are above the law imagine what they can do to us. If we are not a nation of laws then we become a nation of men. This is kinda like Germany and Japan were during World War ll a nation of men, Hitler and Hirohito.
A. C. Smithson
Saturday, December 11, 2010
You may be an Obama Supporter if...
You may be an Obama supporter if you covet you neighbors possession and buy into this class warfare jazz.
You may be an Obama supporter if you think he has any clue what the hell he is doing.
You may be an Obama supporter if you believe the recession is over.
You may be an Obama supporter if you think he can't screw things up worse.
You may be an Obama supporter if you believe Obamacare will lower the cost of health insurance, and that the quality of health care will continue as it currently is. (The best in the world.)
You may be an Obama supporter if you cannot acknowledge that he is a Marxist after examining the previous actions he has taken.
You may be an Obama supporter if your education predominately consist of indoctrination, and not true education, and you do not read this blog in order to round out your education.
You may be an Obama supporter if you believe the Imam Barrack Hussein Obama when he says that America in no longer a Christian Nation.
A. C. Smithson
Current State of the Union
His Marxist Utopian dream of tearing down the nation and rebuilding it in a manner of his liking is falling apart. Unlike when the Messiah was elected the promise of bluer skies and lower sea levels never materialized. Instead more and more people are starting to realize what a complete and total failure he is.
A. C. Smithson
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Danger! Danger! Will Robinson
I can remember and I am sure you can remember when smoking was allowed in restaurants. Remember having to crawl over all the dead bodies on the way out? I do.
If this stuff is so dangerous why is it legal. Why is it sold tax free on Indian Reservations. I better not hear anything else about how dangerous guns are. They are nothing compared to smoking or even second hand smoke. These nuts want you to be afraid of everything.
A. C. Smithson
A glimpse of our socialist future
Socialism fails every time and everywhere it is is tried. Why can't we learn from past history?
A. C. Smithson
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Unemployment Insurance
When you pay a person to do something (in this case not to work) they will do what you are paying them to do.
A. C. Smithson
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Racist Democrat Party
I was born in the 1950's. I witnessed the civil rights struggle first hand. It was a daily event on news stories. The people who opposed the civil rights struggle were southern democrat politicians . They favored separate schools, separate water fountains, separate restaurants, marriage within own race, and sitting in back of the bus. They were racist then and now that they oppose the Messiah they clearly continue to be. One of their main goals appears to be holding the black man down.
A. C. Smithson
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Marxist democrat party
If you look at Obamacare, cap and trade, amnesty for illegals, deficit reduction, Club Gitmo, Afghanistan, Iraq, laser focus on unemployment, drain the swamp of corruption, tax reductions for the rich, man made global warming etc. they are all lies. Don't believe me take a closer look at each issue yourself, and you will discover that they are in fact lies.
A. C. Smithson
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Farewell and best wishes
A. C. Smithson
Social event of the year
I made a considerable ass of myself hurting the feelings of at least three guest. I warned the hostess that I am severely lacking in the social graces at the time the invitation was given. She bears some responsibility for my actions as she was forewarned. I can be somewhat of a bully (see blog post on bullying posted 9-17-10.) This may have been one of the characteristics that made me a good cop. I am sorry for offending as each of the three are class people who deserve better.
A. C. Smithson
Friday, December 3, 2010
TSTA/NEA comic book
A. C. Smithson
Obama versus Osama
A. C. Smithson
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Tax Cuts for the Rich?
A. C. Smithson
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
TSA Screening
A military group rotating out of Bagram Air Base, Afghanistan stopped over at Indianapolis International Airport. A re-screening was necessary. One alert screener located a nail clipper on one of the passengers. It was promptly confiscated and the passenger was informed that this clipper could bring down an aircraft. Good work, right? Only problem is the passenger was carrying a combat rifle. Your government at work......
A. C. Smithson
Monday, November 22, 2010
Recent health study
A. C. Smithson
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Do they really believe in man-made global warming
I question whether many of these followers truly believe the nonsense they espouse. Consider this: if people truly in their hearts believed we were destroying the planet by utilizing products derived from trees would they not stop or severely limit their use? Would we purchase houses made from wood? Would we continue making thousands of paper copies on a daily basis in our workplaces? Or would we simply refuse to kill a tree? Would we not drive clown cars, ride bicycles, or walkabout ( a bit of Crocodile Dundee lingo in order to spice things up)? Would we not take showers every other day and limit them to one minute. Would we not use one square of toilet paper as suggested by Sheryl Crow? Sheryl is the type of intellectual that believes this malarkey. I believe she suffers from too many drugs at too young an age. Would we not all travel by mass transit regardless of how time-consuming and inconvenient it might be? Would we not all have solar panels regardless of cost. Wouldn't we all hang our clothes out on the line to dry turning away from the traditional clothes dryer? Would we not keep our thermostats at 60° and wear a sweater? We would prohibit the use of coal putting tens of thousands of people out of work. Dirty, dirty, dirty. Without coal burning our electrical production would be cut in half. ( Yes over 50% of our electrical production is derived from the burning of coal). We would gladly do without electricity 12 hours a day in order to make up the difference. Would we not avoid exercise in order to limit the amount of carbon dioxide we release into the atmosphere?
I promise you if I believed in this nonsense (with the exception of the toilet paper) I would follow this guidelines. There would be no alternative. We would do all this and more in order to survive.
Think about it! Do they truly believe?
A. C. SmithsonThursday, November 11, 2010
Public Reprimand
On Tuesday I was late in arriving to one of my classes. I lingered in the previous class building rapport with the teacher. It is always good to have a friendly relationship with the teachers in whose classroom you work. I missed the first few minutes of the scripted initial assignment. An interpreter, and two teachers were present. All of whom can execute sign language to varying degrees. I was immediately pounced on and yelled at for being late. Late to one of ten assignments that I have on a daily basis. I have three minutes between each assignment so there is no justification for being late.
The following day one of the student who had overheard the reprimand asked. "Say man who was that old lady that was yelling at you. The wicked witch of the west?"
One of the items in education which is sorely missing is leadership and management training. It is one of numerous trainings available. The difference in this training and others the district provides is that this training would be beneficial to the organization.
In the field of education these magic moments are what we call re-arraigning the deck chairs while the Titanic is sinking, or business as usual.
A. C. Smithson
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
The wonders of science
I will list a few of the findings from half a dozen or so different research efforts. The totality of the hundred plus studies clearly shows the DDT was not the cause of the Eagles malaise. Research was done on both humans, primates, and a variety of bird types. All were dosed in amounts varying from hundreds to in the case of primates more than 33,000 times the average daily human exposure. Many experiments on caged birds demonstrates the DDT and its metabolites do not cause serious egg shell thinning even at levels many hundreds of times greater than wild birds would ever accumulate. A myriad of other explanations for the egg shell thinning were identified. Lead has been associated with egg shell thinning. Mercury, stress from noise, fear or excitement and disease are all associated with egg shell thinning. Older birds produce thinner shells. Dehydration is associated with thinning in shells. Temperature extremes are associated with thinner eggshells. Decreased illumination is associated with thinner eggshells. Normal egg shells become 5% thinner as developing embryos withdraw calcium for bone development. Larger birds tend to produce thicker shelled eggs. Predator intrusion is associated with thinner egg shells. Phosphorus or calcium deficiency is associated with thinning shells.
Here's a couple more quick facts. Bald Eagles were reportedly threatened with extinction in 1921, 25 years before widespread use of DDT. Alaska paid over $100,000 in bounties for 115,000 bald eagles between 1917 and 1942. The bald eagle had vanished from New England by 1937. After 15 years of heavy and widespread usage of DDT, Audubon Society ornithologist counted 25% more eagles per observer in 1960 than during the pre-DDT 1941 bird census.As stated earlier I have a complete compilation of studies done on DDT and its risk to humans and wildlife. I only scratched the surface of available information. It should be enough to make readers questioned certain claims. Hopefully it reminds us when someone sounds the alarm we need to ensure the evidence supports the claim. If not look at the harm that can be done.
A. C. SmithsonMonday, November 8, 2010
Is Life Still Worth Living?
If you listen to the liberal nuts the answer is no. Everything is a crisis or calamity that only government can fix.
The local newspaper today had an advice piece about an 11-year-old boy being distressed at watching the news. The father was advised unless his son is very sensitive (little girl) he can watch it, but the parents need to be present. The father was told to put the news in perspective. "Let your son know that although it seems like there's nothing but bad news in the world, there are plenty of good and positive stories that don't get reported." What's on the news is nothing compared to what they're taught in school.
What's being taught kids now days should scare them to death. They are told that the earth is overpopulated. That man encroaches on nature and is destroying species after species. That over collection, and over hunting, and overfishing are destroying the planet. Man has caused tumors to grow on turtles. Man is causing European Swans who are said to be more aggressive than the American Swan to kick the American Swan's ass. We are destroying the ozone. We are destroying the air. We are destroying the water. We are destroying the rain forest. We are causing one plant species not indigenous to an area to overtake and destroy native plants. We are causing a wasp to kill Afghan pine trees. Pesticides are killing bugs and everything else. Man is the quintessential devil on earth. According to these nuts were not fit to live among nature.
The liberals can't be blamed for the overpopulation crisis. Through their abortion practices they have killed over 40 million babies. Over 50 million have died from insect borne diseases since the late 1960s. One standout liberal nut Rachel Carson negotiated the banning of DDT the most effective pesticide in controlling these insects worldwide. Liberals have done their best to decrease the number of people on earth.
Now here's my point if all this crap that these pointy-headed, unthinking, drones accept as gospel was true would life worth living?
They have no answers for any these problems other than limiting individual choice, freedoms, and liberties.
What will be their answer to overpopulation? Extermination camps? Gas chambers? Death squads or what? And who would decide who lives and who dies? Now if I get to make the choices I could possibly get on board. If the choices are left to someone else I'd just as soon pass.
There is no longer any debate allowed in education. It's either my liberal nut cake way of indoctrination, or the highway. I say God forgive them for they know not what they do.
A. C. SmithsonSunday, November 7, 2010
Child Advocate
That is until I discovered how they are made.
A. C. Smithson
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Evolution of the American People
Recently at an amnesty rally for illegal immigrants the Messiah called you the enemy.
See how easy it was for the American People to transform from racist to:
A. C. Smithson
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Ronald Reagan quotes
Government's first duty is to protect the people, not run their lives.
Man is not free unless government is limited.
Government does not solve problems; it subsidizes them.
Abortion is advocated only by persons who have themselves been born.
Government always finds a need for whatever money it gets.
Government exists to protect us from each other. Where government has gone beyond its limits is in deciding to protect us from ourselves.
Thomas Jefferson once said, "we should never judge a president by his age, only by his works." And ever since he told me that, I stopped worrying.
The government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: if it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it
Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first.
How do you tell a communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lyndon.
Ronald ReaganCalifornia and drugs
A. C. Smithson
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Monday, October 25, 2010
Education in America
My understanding of the movie is that it indicates the teachers unions are at fault. This can not sit well with this arm of the Lib party. The teachers are ultimately blamed, indirectly.
It is true some teachers under perform and should look for other employment. Remember the schools failed before the standardized test were introduced. The cause of their failures must rest elsewhere. The liberal unions are largely to blame for their programs, indoctrinations, and progressive policies. Their support for liberal administrators who run the districts is also a cause for failure. The absolute lack of discipline and parental involvement has to be two of the greatest factors.
I have a question now. Don't get exercised. I'm only asking the question. This morning some egghead researcher/educator stated if we got rid of 5% of the teachers (bad ones) we would lead the world in education. Here's a question: in the psychotic liberal world if a disproportionate number of bad teachers turn out to be members of minority groups which liberal rule would apply. The one that says the teachers are at fault get rid of them, or as with prison inmates the disproportionate number of minorities serving time is due to racism.
A. C. SmithsonWe have to pass it before we can know what's in it
Today it seems the Associated Press finally figured it out. In a story out of Washington Ricardo Alonso Zaldivar says, " the new health care law wasn't supposed to undercut employer plans that have provided most people in the U.S. with coverage for generations. Last week a leading manufacturer told workers that cost will jump partly because of the law. A Democrat governor laid out a scheme for employers to get out of health care by shifting workers into taxpayer subsidized insurance markets that opened in 2014."
Wasn't supposed to undercut? That was the intent of the passage of Obama care. To make all Americans dependent on the government for health care. To drive private insurance companies out of business. Their plan all along was to have a one payer system.
A. C. SmithsonSaturday, October 23, 2010
Breast Cancer Awareness
I am completely and totally aware of breast!
I am reasonably aware of cancer.
I wanted the ribbon to go to someone who either can't remember breast or can't remember cancer. Someone additionally may feel the need to show the world they care. My concern with cancer as well as my concern about many things goes without saying.
A. C. Smithson
Friday, October 22, 2010
Another Obama lie
A. C. Smithson
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Point to ponder
In the words of our 20th president James A. Garfield:
"Now more than ever the people are responsible for the character of the Congress. If that body be ignorant, reckless, and corrupt, it is because the people tolerate ignorance, recklessness, and corruption. If it be intelligent, brave, and pure, it is because the people demand these high qualities to represent them in the national legislature.... If the next centennial does not find us a great nation.... It will be because those who represent the enterprise, the culture, and the morality of the nation do not aid in controlling the political forces."
Liberal halfwit
Now this average liberal has no problem with the government overstepping its constitutional limits. No problem with spending us into oblivion. No problem with us moving toward a socialist state where everyone is equally poor and miserable.
A. C. SmithsonAnother brainwashed moron
The Petit family in Cheshire, Connecticut needed a gun in the home when two animals broke into their home. Two of the three female victims were raped. One was strangled. Two were tied up. Gas was poured on all three and the house was set on fire. One of the females which was raped was 11 years old. "How can having a gun in the house be a good thing?"
A. C. SmithsonJuan Williams firing from National Public Radio
National Progressive Radio is in part subsidized by tax dollars. Why is this? Do they not have a product that can sale. The answer is clear. Normal people do not want to listen to a bunch of libs sit around talking about their feelings. Funding should be cut off. While we are at it Am Track should not be funded either. If those Yankees want it let them pay for it with local taxes.
A. C. Smithson
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
How much time is enough
More time? How much more? Does he need four years, six years, eight years or what? How long does it take to transform the greatest, freest, richest nation on earth into a socialist utopia?
How much more time does he need to silence free speech with programs like the fairness doctrine? How long will it take to pass the Cap and Trade energy tax, so that every form of energy is taxed at much higher rates. How much time is needed before government is the only access to health care? How much more time is needed in order to nationalize American corporations? How long until enough funds have been redistributed from the earners to the moochers? How much more time is needed to stack the Supreme Court with Marxist so that the liberals can enact laws by judicial fiat instead of the legislative process? How long will it be before you are paying 70 plus percent of your earnings in taxes? How much time does he need in order to legalize illegal aliens to keep democrats in power for the next 60 to 70 years?
Yo, useful idiots how much more time does Barack Hoover Obama need?
A. C. SmithsonWhat's next
A. C. Smithson
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Wise quotes
Admiration is the daughter of ignorance.
At 20 years of age the will reigns; at thirty, the wit; and at forty, the judgment.
Do not squander time for that is the stuff life is made of.
Being ignorant is not so much a shame, as being unwilling to learn.
Ben Franklin
Noteworthy quotes
Abraham Lincoln
A woman is the only thing I am afraid of that I know will not hurt me. Abraham Lincoln
All my life I have tried to pluck a thistle and plant a flower wherever the flower would grow in thought and mind. Abraham Lincoln
Don't worry when you are not recognized, but strive to be worthy of recognition. Abraham Lincoln
Common looking people are the best in the world: that is the reason the Lord makes so many of them. Abraham Lincoln
Don't interfere with anything in the Constitution. That must be maintained, for it is the only safeguard of our liberties.Abraham Lincoln
History lesson
Theodore Roosevelt 1907
Monday, October 18, 2010
Possible bumper stickers
Democrat-- party of blame someone else
Republican -- lesser of two evils party
Democrat -- party of the modern-day Marxists
Democrat -- the party of party
Democrat -- party of infanticide
Democrat -- party of dependency
Democrat -- party of secrecy
Democrat -- party of corruption
Democrat -- party of tyranny
Republican -- party of less corruption
Democrat -- party of confusion
Republican -- party of the RINO
Democrat -- party of lost liberty
Democrat -- the party of pot
Democrat -- party of all consuming government
Democrat -- party of the Godless
Democrat -- all people are victims party
Republican -- party of the meek politician
Democrat -- punish success, reward failure party
Democrat -- the anti-American party
Democrat -- party of the racist
Democrat -- the blame America first party
Democrat -- party of the lazy
Democrat -- Socialist Utopian party
Democrat -- party of perversion
Republican -- the don't defeat your political foe party
Democrat -- party of hate
Democrat -- party of whiners and crybabies
Recent observed sign at tea party rally:
Redistribute my work ethic, not my money
Meghan McCain -- has to be the dumbest blond alive. All the dumb blond jokes had to have their origin with her. She has a new book out. Who on earth would want to know what a dumb blond has to say.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
De-evolution has arrived!
El Paso Times byline "City moves to create a vulnerable road users law." Pedestrians, runners, physically disabled people, highway construction workers, tow truck operators, utility workers, stranded motorist, people on horseback, bicyclist, hand cyclist, horse-drawn conveyance operators, and farm equipment operators could soon have an additional layer of protection.
The city will write an ordinance aimed at outlining new rules for drivers when it comes to sharing the streets with so-called vulnerable road users. This should do it. Telling drivers not to crash into this vast group of victims should remedy the situation.
Back in the old days when we were less sophisticated and less evolved we had a simple understanding. Cars belong on the road other things don't. Regardless of whatever nonsensical ordinance these morons dream up nothing will change. Drivers may be at greater peril from over criminalization of our society, but this other category of street sharers will have no more protection. Inattentive pedestrians, cyclist, riders on skittish horses will still face the same hazards if they choose to intermix with motor vehicles.
When I was a relatively young person of age eight or nine I understood this. I knew that if I got on the roadway in the path of a car I would come up a loser. This is why I made it a point to stay the hell out of the way. When I walked near a roadway or when crossing the street I had the same understanding. When I rode my horses I understood this. The 20 plus years I worked as a police officer on the highways I understood this.
When you put bicycle paths on high-speed highways, Loop 375 for example you will eventually have mishaps. Fallible humans are operating the cars and bicycles. Mistakes will happen. If you want an ordinance that will protect the safety of these vulnerable road users make one that tells them to stay the hell off the road. Pedestrians are not allowed on interstate highways for a reason. In the days when we were less intelligent and less evolved we understood that an unprotected pedestrian meandering in an environment with 2,000 pound bullets flying by was not a workable situation. Now we think it's okay.
If you walk on a train track long enough a train will get you. If you swim in the ocean long enough a shark may attack. If you fly like a bird (airplane) there is a possibility you may crash. No ordinance written by a group of simpletons will protect you. Note to vulnerable road users stay off the road if possible. Pedestrians use sidewalks or other areas off the street.
A. C. SmithsonMonday, October 11, 2010
Democrat tax increase
A. C. Smithson
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Summer of Recovery, what's to follow?
A. C. Smithson
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Absolute Guarantee
A. C. Smithson
Tax the rich!
A. C. Smithson
Rated tacky
One of the reasons I believe men cannot figure out women is because women are always changing, evolving. Even parts of them change depending on their geographical location. Consider if you will a woman's breast. In a doctor's office they are breast, in a bar they are tits, and on the beach they are boobs. See why we're confused?
A. C. SmithsonTuesday, October 5, 2010
Obamaville Update Diaper Crisis
I don't know maybe I'm a little harsh, but if you can't afford to buy diapers to cover their butts maybe you shouldn't be having kids. That is unless you think someone else should buy them for you. How do you plan to feed, cloth, and shelter them?
My wife and I had two kids. We had two because we thought we could feed and care for them. We were married seven years and waited until we could afford a house before we had children. This planning is called personal responsibility. It obviously no longer exist in Obamaville.
A. C. Smithson
Monday, October 4, 2010
T.S.T.A / N.E.A. magazine
In reading the in-depth, rigorous, detailed probe of White during his interview with TSTA Democrats, nothing was revealed. The magazine claimed that he had promised to make education funding a top priority. He said "I will try to give priority (not top priority) to education." He is going to try, he promised to try.
Another question concerned lower student/teacher ratio in the classrooms. He gave no answer as to what could be done. I'll answer. If you want a lower student/teacher ratio in the classroom don't enroll illegal aliens.
He called the existing accountability system for the public schools a joke. He offered no alternative. He will continue the status quo.
Unionists interjected politics into school curriculum not the state Board of Education. The magazine blamed the Board of Education. The board simply attempted to rectify some of the rewriting of history.
Unions, liberal politicians, school boards/administrations, and neglectful permissive parents, have destroyed public education not the teachers.
White promised you nothing. He simply answered with political double talk committing to nothing.
The union showcases the fact that White's parents were both teachers. A noble profession that he did not follow himself. He must not have thought it a worthwhile endeavor. Instead he decided to be a liberal politician.
In future issues instead of wasting all the magazine space on politics just simply say what you mean, vote Democrat!
Remember NCLB authors were Edward Kennedy and George Miller, liberal Democrats.
Unions, politicians, and administrations, are far more concerned with holding and expanding their power and influence. These goals are far more important than educating children in today's society.
A. C. Smithson
Friday, October 1, 2010
Clown of the Day
This morning a defense lawyer stated that the prosecution had not proven that his client intended to kill his four victims during a home invasion. He shot some of them in the head. He strangled one of them. He raped two of them and tied them to their beds. He poured gas on them and set the house on fire. Clearly he had no intent to hurt anyone. Some Obama supporters would believe this. Why do these elites think we are this stupid? One reason may be because we elected Obama. Another reason may be Donald.
Today I was reading my NEA comic book (NEA today). A teacher named Donald Wood from Ashbury Park, New Jersey wrote the following of which I will paraphrase in order to avoid punishing you the reader. He speaks of some education babe name Diane Ravitch. She says that No Child Left Behind had some consequences which were unintended. Wood says it is clear in reading No Child Left Behind that its authors were hostile toward public school teachers. It is an expression of a larger view among conservatives that liberalism is a threat, and must be eradicated. Public school teachers and the humanism (any system of thought based on the interests and ideals of humanity) they teach have become symbols of what conservatives hate and fear most: progressivism (I call what they are doing regressivism). Ravitch glossed over an important point -- or she is naive according to Donald.
Donald, Donald, Donald, if you are this ill-informed you should not be writing to a magazine as in this case, they may publish your thoughts. Two of the most progressive liberal Democrats ever are the authors that you say wrote NCLB because they are hostile toward public school teachers. Donald the authors of no Child left behind were Edward Kennedy D. - Dead - Massachusetts, and George Miller D. - California. Ravitch knew this and that is why she was gentle on them. Donald, you are far too ill-informed and unintelligent to be a teacher. I indicated at the beginning of this piece I wholeheartedly support teachers. Donald, in your case get the hell out you MORON!
A. C. Smithson
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Mid-term election voting
A. C. Smithson
Sun Metro
A. C. Smithson
Words of Wisdom
A. C. Smithson
UAW Workers
A. C. Smithson
Please click this link to view the video!
Friday, September 24, 2010
Stephen Cobert testifies before Congress
A. C. Smithson
Illegal Aliens
Just like the professional race baiters they are simply using you. Democrats can no longer get Americans to vote for them, so they're turning to illegals. If you make them legal then you can get their vote. For over 50 years the D. S. P. (Democrat Socialist Party) has been promising blacks they will take care of them. They will meet their every need and want. The sad thing is blacks still believe it, and are waiting.
The statist (Democrats) have no problem rewarding people who have broken our laws. They willingly place them ahead of immigrants who have followed the rules. (dream act ).
Democrats say that illegal aliens do jobs that Americans will not do. For the most part they are talking about agricultural jobs. We do not need illegal aliens to pick our crops. Europe does not utilize migrant farm workers to pick their crops. Mechanized devices pick their crops. Mechanized devices could pick our crops. Democrats claim illegals contribute to the American economy. This is inaccurate as is most of what they say. Illegals take far more than they contribute. Medical, law enforcement, public education, and the myriad of social welfare programs far exceed the cost that illegals pay.
If you follow liberal logic and you find yourself short on groceries you can steal. If you need a car in order to get to work and make your contribution to the economy, take one. If you find yourself in need of a payday loan, rob someone.
Mexico is held in such high esteem by many. We fly their flags and celebrate their holidays. On immigration I am with the Mexican Government. Lock step, no deviation.
Situation: 16-year-old brought to the country by parents at age 3. Model student, good decent person. What would Mexico do. (W. W. M. D.) Deport her. Me too. She has been receiving benefits from the tax payers for way too long.
Situation: illegal stands in drizzle. Pregnant and chilled to the bone. When she goes into labor she steps across the boundary line into the United States. She sits down and an ambulance is dispatched. It takes her to the county hospital. Her child is born a United States citizen. W. W. M. D. Deport them. Me too. We have done her an enormous favor by providing her and her child the best medical care in the world, for free.
Situation: a man enters the United States in the middle of the night. He breaks into a house and attacks a female. He rapes her and then kidnaps her and her baby. He takes her car and fills it with items from her house. He drives to the border and rapes her again while she holds her baby. He then takes what he can carry and reenters Mexico (true story). W. W. M. D. Put him in prison and when his term expires, deport him. Me too.
Situation: 22-year-old male. High school valedictorian. Illegal alien. He is preparing to enter graduate school, and paying in-state tuition rates. W. W. M. D. Deport him. Me too.
Situation: sob story number five. Young couple enter the country on a temporary work permit. They have the intention to follow the legal process and become citizens. Year after year passes and they never seem to get around to it. They have three beautiful children (citizens by birth) one attends public elementary school and two attend public middle school. W. W. M. D. Deport them. Me too.
These gifted and talented people that liberals exalt need to return to their country. If it is true that they make such a positive contribution then possibly they can pull Mexico out of the squalor she is in.
If you want Mexicans working here set up a guest worker program. Return them to Mexico on weekends. Keep track of them. No welfare, no benefits. If you're concerned about their plight donate your money to a charity which can assist them.
A. C. Smithson
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Conversation with a Liberal Drone
Whenever you talk to a liberal ask them to be specific. They can't. They are full of hate but they don't know why.
Drone remember don't vote!
A. C. Smithson
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
A. C. Smithson
Monday, September 20, 2010
Why are my health insurance premiums increasing.
It's the federal mandated requirements which take effect this Thursday.
In Connecticut the state approved a 22.9 % increase to cover the federal mandates. Our increase is not as bad as Connecticut's, but give it time.
These are what are forcing the higher rates:
- Companies must issue policies on pre-existing conditions.
- Elimination of lifetime spending limits per customer.
- Young adults can stay on parents plan until they turn 26.
This is only the beginning. When this socialized medicine scheme fully kicks in watch out. Higher cost and less service. The Obama guarantee.
If you doubt me look it up yourself.
A. C. Smithson
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Who exactly is the mainstream?
NOTE: The mainstream is where the majority of Americans stand.
- Obama and his regime are for Obama care.
Tea Party, O'Donnell, and conservatives are against it.
A majority of Americans are against it.- Obama and his regime are for expanding government.
Tea Party, O'Donnell, and conservatives are against it.
A majority of Americans are against it.
- Obama and his regime are spending big.
Tea Party, O'Donnell, and conservatives are against it.
A majority of Americans are against it.
- Obama and his regime are for bailouts.
Tea Party, O'Donnell, and conservatives are against it.
A majority of Americans are against it.
- Obama and his regime are in favor of amnesty for illegal aliens.
Tea Party, O'Donnell, and conservatives are against it.
A majority of Americans are against it.
- Obama and his regime are for tax increases.
Tea Party, O'Donnell, and conservatives are against it.
A majority of Americans are against it.
- Obama and his regime see Arizona as a rogue state.
Tea Party, O'Donnell, and conservatives are against suing them.
A majority of Americans are against suing them.
I could continue on for a while, but I think you see how it's working out. Now answer me truthfully, who is in the mainstream.
A. C. Smithson
Friday, September 17, 2010
Bullying is this week cause de jere, that and free college education payed for with others money. Libs could do whatever they want to as far as I am concerned if they just would use there own money. I don't know who failed in their upbringing to teach them that they are not entitled to other peoples hard earned money. These other people may have plans for their money. They may want to keep it for selfish reasons like supporting their own families.
Back to bullying. The talking points for bullying are as follows: "bullies work hard to look strong and tough in the eyes of other people. They hurt people on purpose. They call them names." (How could someone survive that? Wait I know what about sticks and stones) "They tease and reject."
Experts say that people bully for any number of reasons. One reason may be that they are feeling lonely. Another reason may be that they are feeling afraid. Bullies feel a need to bully others so they can feel better about themselves.
Good God people what are we doing! We should not be trying to ostracise bullies. If they feel lonely become a friend and hang around with them. Tell people that bullies are some of your best friends. People will know how open minded and accepting you are. You could become a hero to millions. At least all the bullies would like you because you stood up for them. We should be trying to help and understand them. This need they have to bully others sounds like an addiction. They need treatment not ridicule. Question: if you ridicule a bully who can't control himself do you not yourself become one? These people need care, compassion, love, understanding, guidance, a kind word, sympathy, treatment, and possibly a hug. Lay off the bullies and pick on someone your own size. Pick a different flavor of the week.
A. C. Smithson
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Those Amazing People
People never cease to amaze me!
A. C. Smithson
2010 Journalism Awards
Friday, September 10, 2010
Deficit Spending
From George Washington to Ronald Reagan deficit spending combined was less than Obama has created in 19 months. He says we need to spend more. If you find that you are digging yourself into a hole the answer is to stop digging. Not an answer the socialist wants to hear.
A. C. Smithson
Castro"s Cuba
Please talk to Marxist Obama about his socialist Utopian dream before it is to late for America!
A. C. Smithson
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Burning the Koran
Afghanistan 2007, U.S. military members were accused of proselytizing to the Muslim community. The bibles were confiscated and reportedly burned. Some might say turn about is fair play. Today it was reported that the preacher wanted to talk to Obama. He might be wondering why his money from N.E.A. (National Endowment for the Arts) has not arrived. They fund such worthwhile art efforts as the tossing of elephant dung on a rendering of the Virgin Mary, or the urinating on a sculpture of Christ. There should be some kind of grant for burning Korans.
I say this is no way for a christian preacher to conduct himself. He may be a person in search of his fifteen minutes of fame.
This mosque is a different story. Everything should be done to discourage it's building. It is a provocative act the same as the burning of the Koran. We should not pussy foot around with those with whom we are at war. When they show tolerance toward us then we should reciprocate.
If there are peace loving Muslims. Muslims who do not believe they must kill all people of other religions (infidels) they need to speak up. If they are afraid to then possible their religion is the dark hate filled one that some people think it is.
A. C. Smithson
Grouping of peoples
Another destructive feature of our society is multiculturalism. Like most other nations we should have one dominate culture. One that is showcased. If individuals wish to observe traditions of their own that is fine, but don't attempt to mainstream it.
All these different months set aside to recognize certain groups is counterproductive and yes even destructive toward our society. Black history month, or Hispanic heritage month. Why not if you want to showcase contributions simply say so and so did this. If you are a liberal and must drag race into it you could always add he/she also happens to be Hispanic or black or whatever.
These groups are maintained and encouraged in order for race baiters to pit one group against another. Blacks vote almost unanimously for democrats. Why, because they are grouped and targeted with propaganda. They are told lie after lie. If they knew the democratic party's history they would go elsewhere. Democrat politicians in the south implemented segregation laws. They set up separate water fountains. They opposed civil right legislation and access to educational institutions. These are just a few of their transgressions against blacks. This is also why we no longer teach history.
A. C. Smithson
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
New Age
Does anyone still care?
Today I received a letter (bill from Texas Tech Physicians of El Paso). I called them and a machine answered. It asked me if I wanted English or Spanish. Since I live in America I elected English. It was a bill for a Aaron Michael Collins. I have heard this name before. Several years ago I received a bill from a veterinarians office. After receiving about four of these I called the vets office and told them that this person does not live here. I told them if they wanted to they could continue sending the bills here, but it would save them time and trouble if they looked for him elsewhere. They sent two more letters and then stopped. I have lived at this address since the house was built.
On 9-7-10 I received the bill from Texas Tech Physicians. It was from radiology. The bill was for the amount of $225.00.
I then called the police department to make a report. A machine spoke to me. It told me that I need to call between 8 and 7. I then called Pebble Hills. I spoke to a girl and she told me that they take reports for a few hours and then shut down in order to type them. I advised her I am retired from the police department and wanted to know if they took reports at the station. She said only in person. What concern and what service. Next time I see the chief I will have to complain to him . If the police don't give a damn who will.
A. C. Smithson
We Need More Stimulus
Number one: $787 billion for shovel ready jobs (slush fund for unions). It roughly cost the American taxpayer $400,000 per job. Jobs saved or created. Jobs saved is a joke. There is no way to quantitate these claims. Economy remains in the tank. At the end I will offer some of these claims supporting Bush.
Number two: $30 billion to save police, fire, and teachers jobs. Economy remains in tank. (slush fund for unions)
Number three: $50 billion for jobs that will start immediately roads, rail, and runways. If this continues soon the Communist Chinese economy will be freer than ours. (slush fund for unions)
Question: is not the definition of insanity to do the same thing over and over again the same way, and expect a different outcome.
Ridiculous claims supporting Bush
If President Bush had not been elected we would have been involved in eight more wars.
If Bush had not been elected we would have experienced a depression far worse than the Great Depression. 75 million people would have died of starvation. 12 million would have died of obesity.
If Bush had not been elected 10 million more people would have been sentenced to prison terms. Crime would have been out of control.
If Bush had not been elected we would have been hit by a huge meteorite resulting in the death of one half of the world's population.
*See how silly Obama's claim that he saved or created 3.5 million jobs is? It is just as silly as the claims I made on behalf of Bush.
A. C. SmithsonMonday, September 6, 2010
Suggested Reading
A. C. Smithson
Isaiah 29:18
Holy Bible
King James Version
Some believe that this community organizer is simply corrupt and incompetent. He is much more than that.
Useful idiots continue to believe he is doing a good job.
John McCain is credited with coining the acronym B.I.O.B., blame it on Bush. Throughout his one and only term Obama will continue to use this excuse to justify his actions. (directly from Alinsky's teachings).
Reject B.I.O.B.when you hear it. The correct acronym to explain our nations current condition is B.I.O.O., blame it on Obama. Hopefully the truth will catch on.
A. C. Smithson
Thursday, September 2, 2010
New generation motor vehicles
A. C. Smithson
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
The dentist thought to himself, "Wow, this guy is brave, asking to have his tooth pulled without anything for the pain." He asked the man, "Which tooth is it, sir?"
The man turned to his wife and said, "Open your mouth, honey, and show him."
The American Legion Magazine, September 2010 issue,
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Border Wars
They had a guy in custody with 17 pages of arrest for crimes committed here in the United States.
He was placed in a cell and immediately asked for medical attention. The agent asked him what the problem was and he stated that he suffered from depression. The Border Patrol agent called for an ambulance.
How does a person who comes from a country which has yet to dream up the myriad of ailments excusing inappropriate human behavior dream this up? Try using this excuse on a Mexican jailer. It's population (majority) has little education making it difficult to claim such a diagnosis. How did he imagine such a thing? We taught him!
We taught him the same way that we have taught these excuses in our society to explain young peoples failings. We provide them with endless excuses for their failures and then expect them to succeed.
A. C. Smithson
Friday, August 27, 2010
We tried this time clock approximately 4 years ago at the urging of the principals secretary. It did not work out. Our rather bright principal at the time instructed that the clock would be discontinued, and packed away. My how time changes.
Like I said I know this new policy is not about me as if I tried to steal time, become a thief and criminal it would not work. The teacher I am assigned to would ask where is my interpreter. I would get busted.
I have been in law enforcement half of my life. I am a good, decent, honest person. I am however a little curious about what has transpired necessitating that we all use the time clock. Who is the genius that suggested the clock. Now as a person of some experience I understand a boss can ask for a time clock if she /he does not trust the employees.
It is not used by all schools in the district. Why must I and other employees at this particular school be held to a different standard. It is my understanding that punishment can be assigned for errors made while clocking in and out four times a day. I have heard numerous hourly employees comment on the stupidity of duplicating our work. If clocking in and out is their preference why do they not have it set up to satisfy the districts time reporting standards. Very inefficient and time consuming to duplicate the information a second time after it has already been documented by the clock. Is it typing practice?
I don't have a problem with it. If our superiors wish us to use our time doing clerical work to free up clerical workers to do little or nothing it is OK with me. I will have less time to teach the children.
A. C. Smithson
Thursday, August 26, 2010
I thought Clark vowed not to rest until the economy was fixed and people were back to work.
A. C. Smithson
Education Shortchanged
Joe was told by one of her nutty professors that if mosquito's disappeared frogs would go hungry. (Another reason for government to expand. We would need a frog nutrition program. Safety net.) If humans disappeared we would not be missed as we have no worthwhile place in nature. Who would feed my dogs? If you cannot see our place in nature you need to look harder. I can list numerous reasons to continue our existence here on earth. This nutty professor was described as being very, very, smart.
I say the nutty professor is wrong. We are special due to the fact GOD looked upon us with favor. GOD gave us dominion over the earth. Man was created in the image of GOD. If God thinks I'm special I am.
This nutty professor clearly is a product of liberal guilt. Liberal self deprecation. Liberals feel guilty about everything, and most professors are liberals. Everything wrong in the universe is our fault. B.S.
We are as much part of nature as any other species. While I'm at it let me remind you that oil, plastic bags and aluminum cans (all come from mother earth.) If you do away with them you might be fooling with mother nature. Remember it's not nice to fool with mother nature.
Over 95% of all species that ever existed are now extinct. If they were so interdependent (unlike us) every other living creature would have vanished. Right? There must be some ability to adapt. Another gift from GOD.
Refund my friend's money.
A. C. Smithson
Monday, August 23, 2010
Question of the day.
A. C. Smithson
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
The majority of people in the United States are for freedom of religion, and the Muslims have a right to build on the site. They have the right to build it elsewhere also. The Governor of New York offered them state property on which to build their mosque. They refused it. Why? Provocation is the reason they are building it there, plain and simple. There is no other reason to refuse the governor's offer other than to provoke America. The area is in the financial district. There is no Muslim population to serve in that area.
The liberals are tolerant when it comes to Muslims, but what about Christians and Jews. They and the A.C.L.U. are continually forcing the removal of Crosses, Stars of David, Ten Commandments, and Nativity Scenes from public view.
Lets see how tolerant the Muslims are:
- Muslims treat their women as fourth class citizens
- They will not allow non-Muslim infidels to enter Mecca or Medina
- They will not allow building of churches or synagogues in most Muslim countries or in Mecca or Medina
- I am betting homosexuals will probably not be getting wed in the new Muslim mosque near ground zero
- Their bible teaches them that all non-Muslims must be killed
- Under their Sharia law a woman committing adultery is stoned to death
- Women need four male witnesses in order to claim rape.
- Women are not allowed to drive or go to school
A. C. Smithson
Friday, August 13, 2010
Your Momma Didn't Lie to You!
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Jack Webb
Jack loved his country and his work was directed toward making America a better place. He starred in movies like "Pat Novak Private Eye", "He Walked By Night", "Dragnet", "Pete Kelly's Blues", "The D.I.", and he worked on "77 Sunset Strip." He also acted in a number of military war movies. His life goal was to be a director of which he eventually became.
His father left home before he was born and he was raised by his mother and grandmother. He grew up in dire poverty. His life demonstrates that a person can overcome a difficult childhood without all the social programs.
On his Dragnet series he fought against marijuana, LSD, hippies (lazy worthless dumb asses, my description not his), juvenile delinquency, and disrespect for law enforcement. For these actions he was made fun of by this commie Hollywood web site I.M.D.b. The site points out that he was against LSD even at a time when it was legal. Sounds like he was ahead of his time.
To me he was a true American Hero and I will always have great respect and admiration for Mr. Webb.
A.C. Smithson
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Old Fashioned? Possibly
This morning while listening to an old tune by Neil diamond titled The Boat That I Row, it started me thinking again about the future generations.
The song goes like this "I don't have a lot, but with me that's fine. Whatever I've got well I know that it's mine. I don't go around with the local crowd. I don't dig what's in so I guess I'm out. There ain't a man alive that can tell me what to say. I choose my own side, and I like it that way. I don't worry about all the things that I'm not."
Could it be so that young people acted more as individuals as this song demonstrates? Would as many young people participate in bizarre behaviors and actions in order to obtain their 15 minutes of fame. It pains me to see young people follow each other, copy each other, as would mine numb robots. Young people tattooing themselves piercing themselves apparently attempting to emulate the originators of this type of behavior, the prostitutes and outlaw biker gang members.
A. C. SmithsonMonday, August 9, 2010
Am I one of the few persons in Texas who doesn't have a Lone Star Card? I just returned from Walmart and it was a typical scene. Person after person paying with their Lone Star Cards. One was a female undocumented democrat. One of her children dropped a cup of chicken nuggets on the floor. She hit the kid and left the nuggets on the floor. She was too sloven and lazy to pick them up.
The second was a white male, approximately twenty-five years old, earrings, tattoos, muscle shirt, with his chicky babe hanging on his arm. He pulled fifteen to twenty 100 dollar bills out of his wallet. He paid with his Lone Star Card.
An elderly lady stands outside in the hot sun holding a sign that reads: Homeless, large family, please help, God Bless. She like me may not have a Lone Star Card.
All three inside the store were able bodied and capable of working. Has Obamaville spread so far and wide that the elderly woman and I am the only persons in Texas without a Lone Star Card? If this is the case can you please advise me on how to obtain one as I only have 10 dollars left in my pocket after paying for my groceries, and appearantly theirs.
A. C. Smithson
Monday, August 2, 2010
Words of Wisdom
The oil in the Gulf of Mexico can't be found by the purveyors of doom and gloom. Perhaps it is hiding along side Obama's 3.5 million saved or created jobs as they can't be found either.
A. C. Smithson
Democrat Corruption and Excuses
Friday, July 23, 2010
- A federal government that will not protect its borders.
- A small group of people who want the taxpayers to support illegal aliens.
- A government who has taken control of your very life with it's health care law.
- A government that has diminished your ability to pursue happiness with it's financial control law.
- A government who will soon take away your liberty once it silences the opposing voices.
- A government hell bent on redistribution of wealth based on some Utopian dream.
- Ignorant citizens who blindly accept this governance.
- A government who wages a daily war against prosperity.
- A government that is spending us into oblivion.
These are some of the things that are truly controversial, but you don't see the media lap dogs reporting it.
A. C. Smithson
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Blog Site Contents
Monday, July 19, 2010
Reprint from blog dated 5-29-09
You may be an Obama supporter if you believe in the tooth fairy.
You may be an Obama supporter if you believe as in the movie Superman ll that you can rid the world of nuclear weapons.
You may be an Obama supporter if you think you can talk to terrorist, and then they will like you, and be friends.
You may be an Obama supporter if you are willing to trust an entity which has bankrupt Social Security and Medicare with your health care needs. Note: they can't even run the Postal Service at a profit.
You may be an Obama supporter if you believe global warming is caused by man and not the sun, and that paying higher taxes (Cap and Trade) will resolve the problem, and that Al Gore is not crazy.
You may be an Obama supporter if you know all the lyrics to Kumbaya.
You may be an Obama supporter if you wake up at noon in order to go pick up your welfare check.
You may be an Obama supporter if you believe that socialism or some form of fascism is preferable to our free market system.
You may be an Obama supporter if you think someone else should pay your mortgage.
You may be an Obama supporter if all your life your friends and family have continually reminded you of how gullible you are.
A. C. Smithson