Friday, December 12, 2014

Privilege in America

Privilege is what comes with being born in the great nation of America.  The nation founded by geniuses and run by idiots.  Many people like myself were born in poverty.  I didn't like it so I decided to change my situation.  I had to enter the military to work my way out.  I continued to apply myself until I was in a position where I could properly care for my family.  White Privilege is just one more lunatic liberal concoction made up by the left to separate people.  It works on the ignorant, youths wtih heads full of mush, are particularly venerable.  The only people trapped in their situation are those who choose to do nothing.  The people who live in the victim-hood neighborhoods of America.  It is still possible, and will continue to be unless Obama is successful in fundamentally transforming our nation, to Marxism.  At that point everyone will be equally poor and miserable.
Andrew C. Smithson

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