Thursday, September 25, 2014

Professional Sports

NFL and NBA (Negro Football league and Negro Basketball Association) need to be overhauled.  They need to be investigated by the Justice Department for discrimination.  Where is the diversity.  Where are the quotas.  Liberal multiculturalism demands it.  That is the current societal standard.  Where are the women players, Gay, lesbian, transgender, Hispanic, orientals, amputees, and hell even white players.  The make up of the NFL and NBA should reflect the makeup of the community.  If blacks represent approximately 20% of the population no more than 10 players per team should be black.  51% should be female.  I don't care if they don't want to play.  Social engineering requires it.  1% should be gay.  60% should be white.  Lets get this affirmative action crap working here.  Now don't tell me that the most talented, capable, people are being selected.  By liberal standards that justification is not acceptable.
Andrew C. Smithson

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