Sunday, July 6, 2014

Request for favor from 18 to 30 year olds

If you are 18 to 30 years of age and fall into the following descriptors please do your fellow mankind a favor.  If you believe Lincoln was the first president and Washington was the second.  If you see a picture of George H.W. Bush and think it is Nixon.  If you see a picture of Joe Biden and think he is the states secretary (what the hell is that).  If you believe we dropped the bomb on Russia to end World War ll.  It is your understanding  that the North and South fought the Revolutionary War.  It is your understanding that Lincoln was on the side of the South.  If you know it was the French that we fought for independence in the Revolutionary War.  If you believe Reagan was president during World War ll.  If you believe JFK's words were "Ask not what your country can do for you but what your country can do for you." If you believe republicans are waging a war on women.  If you can't find Iraq or Iran on a map.  If you think Obama is doing a good job.  If you think that it is the responsibility of your fellow citizens to purchase your birth control pills.  If you believe conservatives  are anti-immigration and not anti-illegal immigration.  If you believe the poor have too little because the rich have too much.  If you believe anything Obama says.  You know none of these things and are as ignorant about many more. Additionally,  you think it is funny and cute to be this dumb.  PLEASE, PLEASE don't vote in the future.  You have already screwed things up bad enough.
Andrew C. Smithson

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