Sunday, February 23, 2014

Minimum wage laws

This is more education for the low information citizen.  Minimum wage jobs are entry level jobs.  They are not intended as lifetime career employment.  People should gain experience, education, and knowledge to obtain better employment in the future.  Liberals bring it up every so often to convince low information citizens they care about you.  They don't.  Since the inception of minimum wage laws in 1938 the increase of income to the low income worker has been at the expense of other low wage earners.  Same is true today.  When the minimum wage is increased employers make adjustments.  If they employee six people they fire one in order to stay in business.  Five workers see an increase an one loses everything.  This is just the way it works.  If you happen to be a minimum wage earner better hope it is not your job they cut.
A. C. Smithson

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