Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Democrat Parties new Symbol

Symbol of the Democrat Socialist Party of Obama, Pelosi, Reid, and Alan Grayson D-FL.  This is in response to Alan Grayson's  burning cross in his attack on the Tea Party.  I am not a Tea Party member.  From what I know the American Democrat Socialist Party is closer to the National Socialist Party of 1930's and 1940's Germany than the Tea Party is being a racist organization.

Monday, October 21, 2013


This morning I checked the unaffordable healthcare website.  My insurance premium goes up $350.00 a month.  The out of pocket is $6,000.00.  Now if you are a pregnant female with five children from five different men, we got you covered.  We will pay 100% of your cost.  If you are a lazy bum collecting welfare no sweat we will take care of you.  If you are a working citizen, contributing to society, you are screwed.
A. C. Smithson

Saturday, October 19, 2013


Here we go again making everyone weak, defenseless, victims.  One of many approaches used to make people into devastated, dependent, soft, little babies.  From the ADVOCATE magazine, the publication of the Texas State Teachers Association/National Education Association comes the work place bully.  Their stats are as follows: Three of four bullies are bosses.  One in five is within the same employee group, e.g., both are teachers.  Some bullies have lesser status in the work environment than the victim (what the hell is happening is the school cafeteria worker telling the teacher that she is fat)?  One in three is male-to-male.  One in four is male-to female.  A whopping three of four is female-to-female (I told you girls are mean).  The types of bullies are: the generalissimo who controls every behavior and every action.  the two headed hydra who presents a friendly face to the public and another, less friendly face, to employees.  the medusa, who strikes fear into everyone. the nitpicker who picks everything apart.  the gatekeeper who controls resources (paper, desk textbooks, technology, etc.  When I was in the education field we had a principal who fit all the bully types.  She was disinterested in the children and totally focused on self promotion.  She cheated on state standards and treated employees good or bad depending on whether or not they were willing to brown nosed her.  I pointed out numerous times to other employees that this tyrant fit one to six of the listed identifiers on the various bully posters hanging around the school.   All that said I have a question.  Are you TSTA/NEA members educated adults or little victim babies.  Our medusa was not broadly enlightened and I challenged her.  She quickly got the message I was not one to bother with, too much trouble.  She left me alone and I left her alone.  That is what you do with bullies you stand up to them.  Now if you have become such a victim that you can't stand up for yourself, have no fear, the bully will eventually be promoted to a higher position in the education field.  They all rise to their level of incompetence eventually. 
He or she will then be able to exert more influence over more people.  Problem solved.  P.S. I wasn't the only one that stood up to medusa.  You others know who you are.  Especially the one female teacher.
A. C. Smithson

Friday, October 18, 2013

Damn Tea Party

Yo, low information citizens.  You hate the Tea Party as you are suppose to.  You just don't know why.  Let me lay out their principals and perhaps it can help you understand why you hate them.
1.  They are for individual Liberty
2.  They are for limited government as our founding fathers were when they set up the republic.
3.  They are for economic freedom.
4.  They are for protecting the Constitution.
5.  They reject Cap and Trade (being taxed to save planet from non-existent man made global warming.)
6 .  They demand a balanced budget.
7.   They want the enactment of fundamental tax reform.
8.   They are for restoring fiscal responsibility and constitutionally limited government in Washington.
9.   End runaway government spending.
10. Defund, repeal, and replace government run health care. (I am against them on this don't replace it.  Not a legitimate federal government function.)
11. Pass all of the above energy policy.
12. Stop the pork spending.
13. Stop the tax hikes.

It is no wonder you hate these bastards.  It's easy to see how unreasonable they are.
A.C. Smithson

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

More big government

The government is now telling you must breast feed or you are a bad person.  Well it may not work for everyone.  Should not it be a decision between the woman and her doctor.  The government says it is economical.  It is the perfect temperature.  Every day of breast feeding is a day of good health for both baby and mother.  If that is the case I suggest breast feeding to at least the age of 65.  That will guarantee a long healthy life.  Texas says this is the reason why it has made breast feeding in public a legal right.  I got no problem with that as long as they don't have a problem with me staring.
A. C. Smithson