Monday, July 4, 2011

Narcissistic Society

For the past couple of weeks, on all the news channels, there has been nothing but wall to wall Casey Anthony trial. Who the hell is watching that junk. I do however have a couple of three thoughts concerning the case. The family is nuts, she murdered her daughter, and she has one thing in common with a large number of young people in our society.

She as with many of today's youth were either raised by wolves or allowed to raise themselves ala "Married With Children". Very prominent in today's youth is a strong narcissistic streak. They almost seem devoid of conscience, and it is all about them and what they want. In her instance she wanted a different life without the burden of raising a little child. Many of our current institutions foster this belief that it is all about our youth. I guess it was just bound to happen without family and God in their lives.

A. C. Smithson

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