Thursday, July 28, 2011


Does not Anders Breivik the Norway Attacker look eerily similar to Wikileaks Chief Julian Assange. Does having this look make you a crazy person. You decide.

A. C. Smithson

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Anthony Jury Verdict

Anthony grieving the loss of her daughter.

Some ask how did we elect a Marxist President. How did we pick someone who's associates are communist, anarchist, and America haters. The jury that found her not guilty of killing her 2 year old daughter are definitely her peers. These same kind of brain dead people that found this little tart not guilty, elected the Marxist.

A. C. Smithson

Anthony Juror's
AKA Obama voters

Monday, July 4, 2011

Narcissistic Society

For the past couple of weeks, on all the news channels, there has been nothing but wall to wall Casey Anthony trial. Who the hell is watching that junk. I do however have a couple of three thoughts concerning the case. The family is nuts, she murdered her daughter, and she has one thing in common with a large number of young people in our society.

She as with many of today's youth were either raised by wolves or allowed to raise themselves ala "Married With Children". Very prominent in today's youth is a strong narcissistic streak. They almost seem devoid of conscience, and it is all about them and what they want. In her instance she wanted a different life without the burden of raising a little child. Many of our current institutions foster this belief that it is all about our youth. I guess it was just bound to happen without family and God in their lives.

A. C. Smithson

How many Independence Days are Left?

July 4th, is the nation's day of celebrating the freedom from an oppressive, tyrannical, overbearing government. Today with the government growing larger and involving itself with more and more of it's citizens lives I question how many more Independence Days we have left. Citizens more and more seem to be accepting of our lost liberties as they embrace promises of government assistance and handouts.

Government now directs your life in many ways in which it never should have been allowed to. It strives to tell you what kind of cars to drive. It guides you on how to conduct yourself in order to save the planet which it claims falsely that you are destroying. It is moving toward telling you how many children you should have. (started last week). It tells you what kind of grocery bag you should use. It decides what indoctrination your children should be subjected to in school. It tells you how to talk to your kids about drugs, sex, smoking, eating, volunteering, donating, exercise, and how you should parent them. It tells you what and how much you should eat. The government knows better than you how much exercise you need. It tells you that you can have no symbols of your Christian religion displayed in public. It tells you how to care for and feed your pets. It controls college loans and decides what you need do to get one. It soon will control who lives and dies with it's health care program. It tells you how you should think of homosexuals and how you are evil if you object to their conduct. It tells you they should be allowed to marry even though you know that is wrong. It tells you that our borders are open and we should not protect them as that is mean and selfish. It controls most peoples retirements. It decides to redistribute your property to less fortunate, and less ambitious people and calls you uncaring and greedy if you object to this theft. It is telling companies more and more how they must conduct themselves. It picks winners and losers. It told the coal industry that if new coal burning plants were to open it will force them out of business. ( even with new clean coal burning technology). It requires permits for almost any adjustment you want to make to your home or properties. It more and more frequently tells you what you should think.

The list goes on and on. It ignores the will of the voters both at the federal and local level. I submit the government is as tyrannical and oppressive as it was when the colonist declare their independence centuries ago.

Will we become the United States of Dependency, or have we already. I recall an incident in New Orleans a day or two after Katrina hit. TV camera's arrived at a man's house and the man was sitting on his porch. He told the news crew that he had been sitting on the porch all day waiting for someone to come by and help him. It never occurred to this man to help himself.

Will we do anything about it? I doubt it as I fear we have been lulled to sleep.

A. C. Smithson