Monday, March 14, 2011

I told you don't doubt me!

When our geniuses on the El Paso City Council passed an ordinance, protecting people in traffic, who don't belong there, I told you it wouldn't work. The ordinance instructs operators of motor vehicles not to hit pedestrians, cyclists, skateboarders, joggers etc. This morning a block from my house an elderly female was struck and killed. She was close to a bus stop. Now it's only speculation on my part, but she may have been crossing the street after getting off a bus, attempting to get on a bus, or waiting on a bus to arrive. Perhaps, the news reports will clarify. The stupid ordinance didn't help that poor lady. It won't help anyone else either. Instead of ridiculous ordinances like the don't hit pedestrians ordinance, get rid of the buses. Only two or three people ride them anyway, and it takes half a day to get anywhere and back. Makes more sense than their new ordinance, and it will save taxpayer money.

Followup, she was a jogger.

A. C. Smithson

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