Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Immigration Reform

Comprehensive immigration is a phrase intended to mislead Americans. To the democrats, it simply means legalize millions of illegal aliens and invite more to take their place. The borders would not be sealed, nor would the system be modified to attract peoples deserving of our great land. It is simply to legalize illegals. Illegals to vote democrat. Republicans are called racist because they do not support this amnesty. Amnesty which will cost working people dearly. Republicans gave amnesty to illegals in 1986, not democrats. Why don't we want to do it again? BECAUSE IT DIDN'T WORK! There is nothing wrong with our current system. It is the most liberal in the world. The only changes that might be made are to relax the rules for allowing highly skilled and trained immigrants into the country, and enforce our laws already on the books.
A. C. Smithson

Gulf oil explosion

Why are we drilling six miles down into the ocean to capture oil? It is because the environmental nuts drove the oil producers out there. We should be drilling on our lands and close to our shores. Had this accident happened close to shore in shallow water they would have had the flow stopped weeks ago. They could have "plugged that damn hole" almost immediately as they would have had access to it. A big part of the blame for the damages, and loss of life rest with the environmentalist.
A. C. Smithson

Plug the Hole

Washington D.C. announced that in it's schools there will be an adjustment in the distribution of condoms to the children. Complaints were made that the condoms were cheap and too small. Eager to please Washington indicated it would spend a few thousand dollars more each year to improve the quality of condoms. D. C. representatives reportedly will distribute Trojans in the future and will include magnums (their largest condom.) Washington heeded Obama's instruction when he call out to "plug the damn hole."

A. C. Smithson

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

While Rome Burns

The leader will attend a party in Chicago this Memorial Day instead of visiting Arlington National Cemetery. If he receives some bad press he will change his party plans and pretend to care about our soldiers. While oil is covering the gulf states he plans to continue his White House Concert Series and throw a party for Paul McCartney. It really doesn't matter as a person such as he with no experience has no clue what to do about it anyway.

A.C. Smithson

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Who are these people?

The secular socialist are showing their true colors. Don't doubt me on this! This is who they are and what they believe. We will lose this country if we don't resist this takeover. On 5-17-10 Woody Allen (just an average liberal nut) the kind who would vote for Barrack or Hillary. Allen a supporter of Roman Polanski the child rapist. Allen the man who took nude photos of his girlfriend's teenage daughter. He also was suspected of molesting his girlfriends seven-year-old daughter. Allen married the teenage daughter after breaking up with his girlfriend. This average liberal says "I am pleased with Obama. I think he is brilliant. The Republican Party should get out of the way and stop trying to hurt him." "It would be good... if he could be a dictator for a few years because he could do a lot of good things quickly." Tell me they are not dangerous! Tell me Obama thinks he being our dictator is a bad idea. As I said before not all Democrats are idiots, but all idiots are Democrats.

A. C. Smithson

Friday, May 7, 2010

The Lawless

The anarchist composing our city council and county commissioners court have set a new standard for absurdity. They know that the Arizona law is simply a watered down reflection of the current federal law. Our federal laws are much more severe. The lesson they offer is that you can ignore laws that you don't like. They want to boycott Arizona economically. Will this not hurt the illegal aliens they want to help? These proponents of illegal immigration are encouraging the breaking of the law, both state and federal. I no longer wish to pay taxes, federal, state, or local, is that all right? I like some traffic laws but not others. I will decide which to follow. I definitely do not want anything to do with the socialized medicine scheme. In addition to the destroying of our health care system the law is unconstitutional. Where is the outcry from the simpletons on the council and commission. Why not boycott this socialist law? If laws can be ignored I suppose rules can be ignored also. I would rather not go to work any longer. I will still need my paycheck. I will need it in order to vacation in Arizona this summer. These politicians are nothing but a group of whores pandering to the misinformed Hispanics in order to get their votes.
A. C. Smithson

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


The Obama regime and the press were hoping and praying that the Times Square bomber was an angry white male. Their hopes were that he was a 40-year-old white male that didn't like the socialist health care law. They prayed that it was a white male with ties to the Tea Party movement. It broke their hearts when it turned out to be a Middle East terrorist. One who previously voted Democrat. Faisal Shahzad the Democrat. It would not be fair to say that all Democrats are idiots. This however is further evidence that all idiots are Democrats.
A. C. Smithson
El Paso, Texas

Saturday, May 1, 2010

America's Stand Up Comic

Obama is a much better stand up comic than a president. I saw him perform at the National Press Club Dinner. He was funny but tacky, beneath the dignity of the office. With his liberal up bring and his black theology teachings he has grown up with a deep hatred for our country. He is Reverend Wright and Bill Ayers rolled up into one. In an attempt to garnish more power for himself and his regime he has attempted to turn people against each other. Poor against rich, citizen against corporations (other citizens), black against white, Hispanic against white, muslin against Jew etc. It is unfortunate that he happens to be black. He will set race relations back 75 years.
A.C. Smithson

More Government

The fuhrer was singing the praises of big government when he made the following comment. "Oil spills are cleaned up by the companies that caused them." Now that is stupid even for the fuhrer. Did British Petroleum want the rig to explode and kill its employees? Did it want to loose the millions of dollars in equipment and output? Did it want the law suits to follow and more government control? The fuhrer made it sound like B.P. blew up the rig. Oh I guess he is just trying to vilify one more business.
A.C. Smithson

Obama's Katrina

While Louisiana is being coated in crude oil the leader of the regime will be headlining with Jay Leno tonight at the National Press Club Dinner. Some people are upset with him over this. I say take a chill pill. It doesn't matter which room he is in he is the least experienced least knowledgeable person in the room. He has no clue what to do about this spill, nor will he have any idea what to do about any real crisis which the nation may face. We elected him and we deserve what we get. I want to see if he can find some way to blame Bush for the spill. If he does there will be some morons who will believe it.
A. C. Smithson

May Day

On this International Workers' Day I believe the marchers have hurt their cause. Marching in the streets like members of some third world banana repuplic waving a foreign flag, the Mexican flag, and protesting against the government. NOT ALLOWED IN MEXICO. I think your average American feels that this is just about enough, and we do not wish to take anymore of this non-sense.
A.C. Smithson