Friday, May 29, 2009

You may be an Obama supporter if......

  • You may be an Obama supporter if you believe in the tooth fairy.

  • You may be an Obama supporter if you believe as in the movie Superman ll that you can rid the world of nuclear weapons.

  • You may be an Obama supporter if you think you can talk to terrorist, and then they will like you, and be friends.

  • You may be an Obama supporter if you are willing to trust an entity which has bankrupt Social Security and Medicare with your health needs. Note: They can't even run the Postal Service at a profit.

  • You may be an Obama supporter if you believe global warming is caused by man and not the sun, and that paying higher taxes (cap and trade) will resolve the problem, and that Al Gore is not crazy.

  • You may be an Obama supporter if you know all the lyrics to Kumbaya.

  • You may be an Obama supporter if you wake up at noon in order to go pick up your welfare check.

  • You may be an Obama supporter if you believe that Socialism or some form of Fascism is preferable to our Free Market System.

  • You may be an Obama supporter if you think someone else should pay your mortgage.

  • You may be an Obama supporter if all your life your friends and family have continually reminded you of how gullible you are.

A. Smithson

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