Sunday, December 21, 2014

Sharing Some of Thomas Sowells' Witty Thoughts

Thomas Sowell is a former economics professor and currently a senior fellow at the Hoover Institute, at Stanford University.  I will attempt to share a couple or three daily.  I consider him to be one if not the smartest man in America.

Advice to the young:  You don't have to listen to anybody.  You can learn everything from your own personal experience.  Of course, you will be at least 50 years old by the time you know what you need to know at 25.

Environmentalism is not about the environment.  It is about ego trips for the busybodies.

If it were up to me, the age of adulthood would never have been lowered from 21 to 18.  It would have been raised to 30.  In recent decades, people have been taking longer and longer to mature -- and increasing numbers never make it.

Andrew Smithson

Friday, December 12, 2014

Privilege in America

Privilege is what comes with being born in the great nation of America.  The nation founded by geniuses and run by idiots.  Many people like myself were born in poverty.  I didn't like it so I decided to change my situation.  I had to enter the military to work my way out.  I continued to apply myself until I was in a position where I could properly care for my family.  White Privilege is just one more lunatic liberal concoction made up by the left to separate people.  It works on the ignorant, youths wtih heads full of mush, are particularly venerable.  The only people trapped in their situation are those who choose to do nothing.  The people who live in the victim-hood neighborhoods of America.  It is still possible, and will continue to be unless Obama is successful in fundamentally transforming our nation, to Marxism.  At that point everyone will be equally poor and miserable.
Andrew C. Smithson

Sunday, December 7, 2014

The New Republican Congress

My hope is that the new congress will stand up against the lawless Obama Regime.  My fear is that Boehner and McConnell will be our modern day Neville Chamberlains.
Andrew Smithson

Friday, September 26, 2014

Obvious Result

I told you people who voted for an inexperienced, incompetent, weak, marxist, that things would not end well.  The economy, national security, jobs situation, morals, and everything else would go to hell, as it has.  Now a muslim cut the head off of a woman in Oklahoma and stabbed a second woman.  The press will try to cover for obama.  That will keep low information citizens uninformed.  When they hit schools, malls, airports, and power grids I doubt they will be unable to protect obama further.
Andrew C. Smithson

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Professional Sports

NFL and NBA (Negro Football league and Negro Basketball Association) need to be overhauled.  They need to be investigated by the Justice Department for discrimination.  Where is the diversity.  Where are the quotas.  Liberal multiculturalism demands it.  That is the current societal standard.  Where are the women players, Gay, lesbian, transgender, Hispanic, orientals, amputees, and hell even white players.  The make up of the NFL and NBA should reflect the makeup of the community.  If blacks represent approximately 20% of the population no more than 10 players per team should be black.  51% should be female.  I don't care if they don't want to play.  Social engineering requires it.  1% should be gay.  60% should be white.  Lets get this affirmative action crap working here.  Now don't tell me that the most talented, capable, people are being selected.  By liberal standards that justification is not acceptable.
Andrew C. Smithson

Note to women

Women traditionally, in the majority, vote for the democrat socialist party.  Women like minorities believe the lies told by the democrat socialist party for the last 50 years.  They don't care about you, got it.  They are only interested in power and influence.  Tell me how you will fill when terrorist start attacking our schools and murdering our children.  This made possible by electing a know nothing, no experience, Marxist community organizer.  His weakness has allowed the terrorist ranks to grow by 48% in the last few years.  As a Vietnam Veteran and retired law enforcement officer I can tell you the following.  When you attack the terrorist with shock and awe they are busy running and hiding and unable to mount an attack.  Went you have soldiers on the ground hunting and killing them they have no chance to execute attacks.  Liberals have said for years if you fight the terrorist you will make them mad and they will want to kill you.  They want to kill you anyway.  The limited bombing will do exactly that.  It is like throwing a rock at a hornets nest.  They will strike back.  Without boots on the ground, chasing and killing them on a daily basis, they will have the ability to organize and respond.  When they hit our schools you can thank obama for playing politics with our security.  You can also blame the people who senselessly voted for a weakling instead of a true leader.
Andrew C. Smithson

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Robin Williams is Dead!

My initial inclination was to say something negative about him for his hateful, mindless, attacks on conservatives.  Then I heard he was a friend to the military.  I decided to let it go.  The news kept up their worship non-stop.  The fairy, Shep Smith from Fox News was so sicking in his ass kissing it almost caused me to join Williams.  The guy was a drunk and a drug addict.  What is the surprise?  This is how lives like that end up.  This morning the news was reporting on how many millions of Americans suffer from depression and other mental ailments.  They were attempting to make him killing himself sound normal.  News flash enough is enough.  GOD did not die.  An actor and comedian killed himself.  The End.
Andrew C. Smithson

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Announcement of Candidacy for President of the United States

I wish to announce my Candidacy for President of the United States.  I would like to have an airplane, helicopter, and live in the White House.  I will double the number of free concerts held at the White House.  Note: I will only invite performers with talent.  I want  taxpayers to pay 44 million dollars for my vacations.  I love to play golf.  I vow to play daily.  When elected I promise to enact the following policies.  I will appoint cabinet members and department heads based not on their talents and abilities, but simply that they share my political ideology.  Within the first year of my administration I will spend one trillion dollars on shovel ready infrastructure jobs putting America back to work.  I'm not interested in photo ops, I'm interested in solving problems for the American People.  I will print money and swell the stock market until it explodes and collapses wiping out retirement savings and making more citizens dependent on government.  I will confiscate all the money from the 1% to ensure I live the lifestyle to which I am accustomed.  I will increase teacher pay to $250.000 a month regardless if the children learn anything or not.  I will enact Common Core nationwide so the students will be too ignorant to realize they were cheated out of an education.  By the time they figure out the math it will be too late.  In exchange teachers will be required to vote for me in all future elections owing their very souls to me.  I will expand the Affordable Care Act so that all Americans receive totally free health care.  This will allow artist to avoid work and pursue their creative talents.  I will submit to enemies in order avoid conflict, and abandon our allies.  I will shrink our bloated military to 6 sailors, 3 marines, 12 soldiers, and 1 airman.  The savings will be diverted to the Affordable Care Act.  I will fix the Veterans Administration by giving it a lot more money.  I will support gay marriage in all states and expand it.  I will expand it so people can marry whomever and as many as they want to include relatives, children and pets (either sex).  I will stop all coal mining even though it will increase electric bills threefold.  I will shut down big oil by declaring them to be enemies of the state.  We will ride bikes and walk to improve health and lose weight.  I will work tirelessly for the middle class.  I will speak of the United States in derogatory terms every chance I get.  I will place unnecessary regulations on business and drive all those money grabbing bastards out of business.  I will talk with Iran until they have nuclear weapons.  Who the hell are we to tell other nations how to act and who can have nuclear weapons and who can't.  I will open the borders to all nations and grant them citizenship by executive order.  No assimilation required and you can bring your customs and religions with you.  All immigrants will however be required to take an oath of allegiance to me.  I will disband Border Patrol and Immigration Customs Enforcement so that new citizens are not hassled.  I will establish Special Weapons and Tactics Teams in every federal agency in the event a few misguided citizens object to my policies and regulatory schemes.   I will arm the agencies to the teeth with military vehicles and weapons.  I will provided military vehicles and weapons to all local police departments.  If SWAT hits your house, even by mistake, they will look sharp and be completely equipped.  If they shoot your family pet it will be quick and relatively painless with the latest military weaponry.  I will work tirelessly for the middle class.  I will grant Polar Bears and all species of Whales citizenship so they will no longer be endangered.  They will enjoy full protection from the United States Government.  To combat man made global warming I will require each household  leave their refrigerator doors open for one hour each day.  This will reverse the effects and refreeze the polar caps.  I will outlaw tobacco and will allow and encourage the free exchange and use of marijuana.  I will permit cocaine and heroin if that will guarantee your vote.  I will travel to  fundraisers at least once a week.  I will outlaw football and declare Soccer to be the national pastime.  I will pass an executive order that any and all criticism of me will be deemed a hate crime and racism.  I am white so minorities beware.  I will ensure abortions are granted on demand in all states for the first 10 trimesters ( in the event you have a child and decide you don't want it).  I will register all firearms and then confiscate them.   I will protect citizens from religion especially Christianity.  I will fight tirelessly for the benefit of the middle class.  I will not accept blame for anything pretending I am on the outside and that Washington not me is doing the harm.  If any blame is wrongfully attached to me I will blame my predecessor.  If Congress objects I will disband Congress and have them arrested.  Please vote for me.  A vote for me is a vote for the middle class.  I will do this and more and still enjoy the support of at least 40 % of the electorate. 
Andrew C. Smithson
Note:  For low information citizens this is a joke, I am not really a candidate for president.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Request for favor from 18 to 30 year olds

If you are 18 to 30 years of age and fall into the following descriptors please do your fellow mankind a favor.  If you believe Lincoln was the first president and Washington was the second.  If you see a picture of George H.W. Bush and think it is Nixon.  If you see a picture of Joe Biden and think he is the states secretary (what the hell is that).  If you believe we dropped the bomb on Russia to end World War ll.  It is your understanding  that the North and South fought the Revolutionary War.  It is your understanding that Lincoln was on the side of the South.  If you know it was the French that we fought for independence in the Revolutionary War.  If you believe Reagan was president during World War ll.  If you believe JFK's words were "Ask not what your country can do for you but what your country can do for you." If you believe republicans are waging a war on women.  If you can't find Iraq or Iran on a map.  If you think Obama is doing a good job.  If you think that it is the responsibility of your fellow citizens to purchase your birth control pills.  If you believe conservatives  are anti-immigration and not anti-illegal immigration.  If you believe the poor have too little because the rich have too much.  If you believe anything Obama says.  You know none of these things and are as ignorant about many more. Additionally,  you think it is funny and cute to be this dumb.  PLEASE, PLEASE don't vote in the future.  You have already screwed things up bad enough.
Andrew C. Smithson

Monday, June 30, 2014


This observation is for future posterity.  I predict most people will come to understand this simple truth.  "The best part of Obama ran down his mother's leg."
Andrew Smithson

Personal Responsibility

It has always been easier for man to run from his responsibilities than to live up to them.  At least easier in the short run.
Andrew Smithson

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Actors are you kidding me?

I know actors work hard and spend many hours performing their trade.  Still you would think they might know something, anything, right?  They don't.  I saw a recent interview with numerous actors, and almost without exception they displayed their total liberal ignorance.  They were asked what they considered to be the biggest issues our nation faced.  Like parrots they recited climate change and income inequality.  Obviously they were schooled by MSNBC and the New York Times.  There is no man made global warming.  It has never been proved, never.  Even if there was man mad global warming shutting down our energy sources would make no difference at all.  China, Russia, and India are the main polluters.  Income inequality.  If these phony baloney, good time rock and roll, plastic banana, actors really were concerned they would donate some of their millions to correct this injustice.  Fact is hard workers will always have more than lazy shiftless people.  In America most people will not become rich like actors with millions of dollars, but with a little effort people can lead comfortable lives able to afford all their needs and many of their wants. 
A. Smithson

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Mental Illness of the liberal democrat

Liberal Democrat is a mental illness afflicting members of the Democrat Party of the U.S.  Members exhibit a noticeable deterioration in the level of functioning in everyday life, and by disintegration of personality expressed as a disorder of the thought (hallucinations).  Characteristics of the illness are a belief in the political movement advocating a gradual transition from capitalism to socialism.  Members exhibit a basely or abjectly servile character resulting from or showing lack of knowledge or intelligence.  Their character is of a weakling whimp supporting politically leftist or subversive causes.  Beliefs include the cessation of tobacco usage in favor of frequently smoking marijuana.  The illness causes a dislike of the U.S. Constitution, our supreme law of the land.  Confusion in their comprehension leads Liberal Democrats to believe that the constitution mandates freedom from religion not freedom of religion.  They encourage and support people to perform unnatural sex acts in the name of love.  Members support the putting to death of the unborn with the consent of the parent.  They are unwilling to grant equal freedom of expression while insisting they be heard.  Liberal Democrats function with little attention or thought resulting in policies and practices causing economic and moral devastation.  Victims exhibit a quality or state of being influenced or determined by or subject to another, and advocate theft by the government of working citizens property to provide benefits to members of the dependent class.  The affliction does not allow the Liberal Democrat to feel shame. Liberal Democrats experience feelings of superiority not only telling people how to live, but demanding  that people live in a manner the Liberal Democrat prescribes.  Prognosis:  Maturity, personal responsibility, and self respect, diminishes the symptoms unfortunately many Liberal Democrats live in an adolescence state in perpetuity.
A. Smithson

Tuesday, April 29, 2014


Don't get me wrong I really don't care what happens to Donald Sterling, owner of the Los Angeles Clippers.  He is being attacked for racist comments made to his young concubine. He is  a liberal democrat donor, contributing to the Marxist politicians who are destroying our great nation.  This is why I don't really care what they do to him.  I differ from all the pathetic, pompous, self-righteous, talking heads.  All of these talking heads start out with " He has the first amendment right to say what he wants, but we need to destroy him for his racist comments ( what he said).  Most of these blabber mouths fall into one of three categories: They voted for Obama because he is half-black, they voted for Obama to prove they were not racist, or they frequently state (when speaking of race) some of my best friends are black.  Let's start with the basics.  A former sociology  professor of mine, Mrs. Watley, explains the difference between prejudice and discrimination.  Professor Watley happens to be a black female.  She explains that everyone has prejudices, preferences.  It is preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience.  Not really harmful.  No action.  I guess it is only devastating to our sensitive whinny, sissy, society today.  What ever happened to sticks and stones, or consider the source? Sorry I digress.  Discrimination is different.  Discrimination is to make an unjust or prejudicial distinction in the treatment of different categories of people or things, especially on the grounds of race, sex, or age.  I understand that Sterling has in the past discriminated against minorities in his real estate business.  He said something to the effect that blacks smelled bad, and Mexicans sat around smoking and drinking all the time.  He was fined and punished significantly for his discriminatory acts.  Now for most villains once their punishment, or sentence was served society was obligated to allow them to get on with their lives and put their past behind them.  Harry Reid famously said that Obama was "light skinned", and had no Negro dialect unless he wanted to have one."  This translates that if a negro is light skinned he is more acceptable in society.  No negro dialect means he knows how to speak.  Unless he wanted to have a negro dialect means Obama  will attempt to deceive you with a phoney negro dialect.  Joe Biden said "you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy."  This means never before has there been an African-American mainstream candidate who could speak, wasn't stupid, dirty, and ugly.  Both of those seem to me to be at least as bad as what the racist Sterling said.  Roughly 30 years of Sterling's life, his formative years, were in a time of societal acceptance of segregation and open racism.  The Oprah says " There are still generations of people, older people, who were born and bred and marinated in it-in that prejudice and racism- and they have to die!"  If you don't think that old white people should die... then you're a racist.  There is no doubt a person's formative years has a lasting impact in their lives.  Obama had Frank Marshall Davis, his communist mentor during his formative years.  Marxism has clearly stuck with Obama.  Let me digress.  Obama is damaging our economy, jobs, constitution, language (a damn liar is no longer a damn liar, he is just spinning) and he has us on the precipice of major war with his weakness and flawed foreign policy.  Return to focus.  To all the talking heads who want Sterling destroyed Charles Barkley, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and the doper, porn producer Snoop Dogg who yesterday went on a profanity laced rant against the racist Sterling.  Sean Hannity, and Greta Van Susteren included.  My question is whether these pompous, self-righteous, people, plus numerous additional talking heads are without sin?  Have none of these people ever said or thought negative things about another race of people.  Have they ever said or done anything in a misogynistic manner.  I believe Charles Barkley is an angry person and has probably said and done inappropriate things.  I know Snoop Dogg has probably violated every norm in society.  I know I am not free of sin.  I bet none of these people judging Sterling's heart are guilty of racism at some point in their lives.  Racism has declined significantly over the past 50 years. This despite Obama's continuing attempts to divide the American people by race, and income levels.  Now Sterling says what he said is not him and is not what is in his heart.  We need to end all hateful thought and speech in the name of political correctness.  No more of this first amendment crap.  I have the solution.  Sterling says this is not what is in his heart.  Let's judge him and all the pompous, self-righteous talking heads.  We shall bind their hands and feet.  We shall toss them into a river.  If they not be racist they will sink and drown.  If they float they be proven to be racist (everyone knows racist are made of wood and will float).  If they float we shall pull them out and burn them at the stake.  Since all evil thought and deed be erased all books, movies, or anything else that mentions or describes racism must be destroyed by fire.  This includes dictionaries as I found the word "nigger" in an online dictionary.  I shall travel far and wide monitoring people one at a time looking into their hearts, and facial expressions.  If I detect any inappropriate speech or thought the person will immediately be required to take the water test.
A. C. Smithson

Friday, March 21, 2014

We Have Lost Our Minds!

My credit union, (Teachers Federal Credit Union)  has a sign up that people with concealed handgun permits can't bring their guns in.  They want their customers to be defenseless in the event of a robbery.  Same as the schools, defenseless.  My bank welcomes people with concealed handgun permits, but they will not take a cash deposit without an ID.  I put $250.00 cash in my account to cover checks I wrote.  Cash, and they wanted a damn ID.  I asked the person who took my money to show me an ID as I wanted to know who took my money, she declined.  I asked the bank manager why did they need an ID for a $250.00 deposit.  She said because of drugs.  Some kind of fascist collaboration between our freedom stealing government and businesses.  I understand the movement of large sums of cash might indicate drug dealing, but not a $250.00 into a checking account.  I asked them if they report it to someone?  The answer was no we just need to see an ID.  We just blindly accept crap regardless if it makes any sense or not.  This is how they slowly rob us of our rights.  The government tells us they have an affordable health care act.  It cost more, has less quality and access.  They want us to accept that.  They tell us to ignore what our lying eyes tell us and just take their word for it.  I can't find any .22 ammunition to take my grand kids target shooting in the desert.  The government has been unsuccessful in taking our weapons because of that pesky little thing called the constitution.  Instead they have attacked the manufacturing and sale of ammunition.  People call 911 when McDonald's Restaurants run out of chicken nuggets.  They also call when the families cat takes them hostage (happened last week in Oregon).  We demonize smoking tobacco while encouraging people to smoke dope. We accept bad as good and good as bad.  We watch the most moronic crap on television like Naked and Scared, When Ghost Attack, Mom's Cooking, Edible Cities, Jil Martin's Minute Closet Makeover, What's Next Virgin Diaries, and an endless array of reality shows.  Who's reality, circus freaks?  We not only accept this crap we pay for it.  Kids are raised without respect, self control, morals or values.  We allow it because it is too difficult to raise them correctly.  Schools are tolerant of everything so it's not just the parents that fail the kids.  We advertise for people to become dependent on their neighbors for welfare.  We encourage illegal aliens to break into our country and take advantage of our welfare programs.  We elect an incompetent community agitator as President of our nation and then stand by and watch as he slowly destroys our prestige in the world, our military strength, our economy, and our values and morals.  It might take a book to document all of our craziness.  Were pathetic.
A. C. Smithson

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Minimum wage laws

This is more education for the low information citizen.  Minimum wage jobs are entry level jobs.  They are not intended as lifetime career employment.  People should gain experience, education, and knowledge to obtain better employment in the future.  Liberals bring it up every so often to convince low information citizens they care about you.  They don't.  Since the inception of minimum wage laws in 1938 the increase of income to the low income worker has been at the expense of other low wage earners.  Same is true today.  When the minimum wage is increased employers make adjustments.  If they employee six people they fire one in order to stay in business.  Five workers see an increase an one loses everything.  This is just the way it works.  If you happen to be a minimum wage earner better hope it is not your job they cut.
A. C. Smithson

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Man made Global warming hoax

I was thinking this morning about who I was most disgusted with democrats lying to stupid people, or stupid people for being stupid.  I decided it was stupid people because with the easy access to information there is no longer a reason for people to remain ignorant.  Allatolah Obama pledged 183 million dollars of taxpayer money to California for drought relief.  This money, your money, is another gift from Santa Claus to buy votes and pay off political allies.  The problem or cause of the drought is climate change brought on by man's activities.  Here is a little history and science to help clear it up.  Droughts are caused by above average persistence of high pressure over the drought area.  Normal, natural climate change.  Drought struck the American Southwest in the 13th Century.  (1200's for low information citizens).  The 13th Century drought dramatically affected the Pueblo Cities.  Drought struck the Central Mississippi River Basin between the 14th and 16th Century.  This caused the decline and fall of the Mississippian Cultures.  Other droughts occurred  in 1721, 1736, 1771 to 1773.  Three major droughts hit in the 19th Century.  Mid-1850's to the mid/1860's.  One in the 1870's and one in the 1890's.  Now all of these happened long before we started driving cars etc.  The government will tell you after selling this hoax to enough stupid people that it will need more revenue to combat these occurrences.  Ready to pay more and get nothing in return.  Only GOD can control the climate.
A. C. Smithson

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Unaffordable Care Act

It was bound to fail as we are not a Marxist Socialist Society, at least not yet.  This is for low information middle class citizens.  Recently I learned a man in his forties had checked into his Obamacare cost.  This man earned $10.00 an hour and worked forty hours a week.  His cost was fifty-eight dollars a month.  The government would subsidize his premium  with a three-hundred and something dollar a month payment.  My question to you low information citizens is this.......... Who will pay for this?  Will the rich 1% pay their share  I am sure they will and more.  Will it be enough?  Hell no!  Who then will pay it the poor, and the lazy?  They have no money, yet they are the only people who will likely benefit, to some degree from the unaffordable care act.  The middle class will foot the bill.  It always does as this is where the bulk of the wealth resides.  This should anger you middle class citizen enough to think this time before you vote.  These people in Washington D.C. care nothing about you or your families.  They only care for themselves.
A.C. Smithson