Sunday, December 29, 2013

Is it Fair?

Is it fair that I am better looking than you.  The person down the street is smarter than you.  You want to be taller.  You want to be thinner.  You were born poor.  You were born rich, but your parents didn't give you enough attention.  You have a seriously ill child.  You or a family member suffers a disability.  Your friend makes more money at his job than you do at yours. You got arrested when your friend got away.  You don't like your new tattoo.  Your girlfriend left you for someone else.  Your father abandoned the family when you were little.  Your father died when you were very young.  While growing up your friends always had more than you.  The neighbors have a nicer car than you.  You are not the athlete you wanted to be.  Get the message life is not fair.  Too bad so sad.  That is the way it is.
 Now if a politician tells you he can make it fair consider this:  Obama wasted 1 trillion dollars on shovel ready jobs and then laughed remarking there weren't really that many shovel ready jobs.  He just wasted your money in kickbacks to his supporters.  He said he would unite not  divide.  He would close Gitmo.  He would be ethical and transparent.  He would represent all Americans.  He lied about fast and furious.  He lied about Benghazi and then lied to cover it.  He lied about NSA spying.  He lied about Syria.  When he tells you he is working hard every day to make your life fair he is lying.  He lied about the IRS.  He lied about Obamacare and how it would reduce your cost by $2,500.00 a year, and that you could keep your policy and your doctor.  He will shortly be giving the insurance companies a bailout.  He said no more bailouts.  These are just a few of a politicians lies.
 Now liberals (Marxist socialist) utilize the tactic of dividing people in order to accomplish their goals.  Is it fair that that person has so much more than you?  He is just a winner in life's lottery. You should feel jealous and envious of his possessions.  When a politician  tells you he can make life fair for you he is lying.  If the politician is a serial liar similar to Obama there should be little doubt it is a lie.  Bottom line "life is not fair. " Not to say you can't change the circumstances of your life, but someone else can't do it for you.  If you develop the skills necessary to make yourself marketable you can improve your lot in life.  If you work hard and apply yourself you can change your circumstances.  If you don't like your lot in life it is up to you and nobody else to fix it. If you believe a government stealing from one person giving a handout to you will solve unfairness you are in for a sad life.
A. C. Smithson

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Crack Dealers

This past week obama commuted the sentences of a number of crack cocaine dealers.  He must need more navigators for his obamacare!
A. C. Smithson

Monday, December 16, 2013

NFL Sleaze bags

The NFL denied Rush Limbaugh the ownership of an NFL team because they don't like his politics.  They have judged him unworthy.  They will however hire Snoop Dog to introduce the teams on Sunday Night Football.  Now understand Limbaugh is out because he is a conservative.  Snoop is in even though he is a self described Gangsta, dope smoking, porn producing (porn movies), rap artist.  He is one of the super star rappers who calls women whores and bitches.  Go figure.
A. C. Smithson

Thursday, December 12, 2013


Randi Weingarten, President of American Federation of Teachers, was interviewed on TV a couple of days ago.  She explained the reason we can't educate kids nowadays is because of poverty.  I guess if you are poor you are too stupid to learn.  When I went to elementary school I was poor.  I was so poor that on occasion after visiting a friend in the Kennedy Projects, El Paso, TX.,  I made this wish.  I  wished that one day I might be able to live in such a nice place.  Ninety-five percent of the kids in my school were poor.  Many started out in first grade speaking Spanish.  By second grade they had learned English.  Surprisingly 99.999 % successfully obtained an education.  Both poverty and English as a second language are frequently used as excuses for failing to get an education nowadays.  The real reason why schools fail is that there is no longer any personal responsibility, or accountability standards.  Liberalism has afforded these young miscreants excuse after excuse for failure.  The same moronic liberal policies from school boards, politicians, administrators, parents, and lawyers, have wrecked the system.  A six year old  boy was suspended from a school in Canon City, Colorado for sexual harassment after kissing the hand of a little girl.  You have idiots like this running schools.  How the hell can the youths get an education under these circumstances.  A couple of days ago  I was visiting with a merchant near Hanks High School.  He told me that he had just run off two kids at lunch time who were having sex in the entry way of his business.  No wonder they can't focus on school work they are not having a proper lunch.  Now don't get me wrong, it wasn't all bad.  Two positive points come to mind.  1) The couple having sex was a male and a female couple, not two boys or two girls.  2) The shopping center houses a WIC office so once the girl becomes pregnant she can access taxpayer funded handouts without much difficulty.
A. C. Smithson

Monday, December 9, 2013

Something to consider!

Thomas Sowell, scholar, author, brilliant thinker, tells us: "No society ever thrived because it had a large and growing class of parasites living off those who produce."  Now if you doubt many with their hands out are parasites check out who is going into your food stamp, welfare, and WIC, offices.  You will find them to be young, healthy, lazy, and shiftless parasites.
A.C. Smithson

Liberals are nuts.

The Daily Caller on 12/8/2013 has a story indicating "Liberals want men to stop checking out women.  The "objectifying gaze" should stop, science says so.  MSNBC can use this story when they report on the "rape culture" of which they have put forward.  These nuts are going against human nature.  I guess we should put women in burkas.  Ugly women know who the are and may elect not to wear them.  Attractive women know who they are and should possibly elect to wear a burka.  Maybe instead of women telling men not to stare at their breast men could tell women to have their breast stop staring at men's eyes. Are liberals nuts or not, you decide.
A. C. Smithson