Monday, January 7, 2013

Hollywood liberals

A  week or so ago the Hollywood elite came out against gun ownership.  Now these delicate, sensitive, emotional, fragile, artist are against Americans  owning guns.  I think it is fortunate that these Hollywood pretenders are against guns.  I believe that they are so emotional that if they liked guns they would probably end up shooting each other. They instead believe in drugs as the choice of death.  These sensitive, caring individuals prefer drugs as a means of offing themselves.  I propose outlawing heroin and cocaine to help save this national treasure (our artist).  I propose that only a certain level of potency be legalized so they cannot overdose.  I propose background checks so that only the most responsible actors be allowed to purchase these drugs.  There should be a cooling off period so they don't irrationally inject themselves.  There should be a limit on how much heroin and coke an individual should be allowed to purchase.  There should be a national registry to keep track of these sales.  Street sales should be made illegal so that purchases can be properly regulated.  These morons can't take care of themselves an should not be listened to at all.  There is a new movie out warning against fracking  to retrieve natural gas.  The movie explains how it destroys lives, property, water, and air.  Truth is it does none of these.  Fracking has been around since 1949.  Study after study has proven all of these claims to be false.  The low information voter will watch the movie and conclude that it is dangerous.  Thank you Hollywood.
A.C. Smithson

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


Question of the day.  Are the unwitting citizens of 1930 Germany who allowed the rise of Adolph Hitler much different than the 2013 citizens of America who allow the rise of Adolph Obama and his lying lawless regime?  Will the end result be the same?  As Raul Castro is busy dismantling the former Soviet system in Cuba President Kardashian is equally as busy installing one in the United States.
A. C. Smithson