Wednesday, November 7, 2012

It's all down hill from here!

America's best days are behind her.  It has always been known that she would fall from within.  To you greedy uninformed people who elected Czar Obama remember; you will reap what you have sown. Enough said.
A. C. Smithson

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Education Moment

Since schools are failing to educate the youth of America I will do my little part to help.

Marxism: A system of economic and political thought, originated by Karl Marx, and elaborated by others.  It holds that the state has been the device for suppression of the masses, allowing exploitation by a dominant (capitalistic) class; that historical change occurs through class struggle; and that the capitalist system will inevitably wither away to be superseded by a classless society.

Communism: A scheme of equalizing the social conditions of life; specifically, a scheme which contemplates the abolition of inequalities in the possession of property, as by distributing all wealth equally to all, or be holding all wealth in common for the equal use and advantage of all.

Democrat Party-Present Day:  See above definitions.

Make no mistake, if President Kardashian is re-elected the hope, opportunity, and freedoms, America offers will be lost possible forever.  Our economy will become the new Greece.
A. C. Smithson

Monday, November 5, 2012

Obama Election Plan

"Remember Joe, we don't need everyone's vote. We only need the STUPID one's."  "I am afraid Barrack those are the only votes we can get."
A. C. Smithson

Ass Kicking

Tell Vladimir that I got my ass kicked because the American People figured out that like you and Vlad I am a Marxist Communist.  They don't appreciate my efforts to destroy America.  Tell Vlad I can no longer help so Vlad will have to destroy America by himself.
A. C. Smithson

Colin Powell

People fawn and drool over Colin Powell.  Not me.  To me he is human excrement.  He is willing to support Obama over America.  Support another black brother over America.  Powell doesn't want to be known as an Oreo (black on the outside and white on the inside).  It's more important to him than the continued success and greatness of America. He is no better for this nation than Obama.
A. C. Smithson

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Vote for revenge?

I agree with Obama. Vote for revenge.
Vote for revenge against the person who put your children and grandchildren in debt for their entire lives.
Vote for revenge against the person who passed a health care law which will destroy our great health care system.
Vote for revenge against the person who gave guns to Mexican drug cartels who in turn killed over 200 Mexican Citizens.  Including teenagers at a birthday party.
Vote for revenge against the person who left fellow citizens alone to be murdered in Libya.
Vote against the person who gave the stimulus money to his political supporters to buy votes instead of building an infrastructure in the Northeast which could have withstood Hurricane Sandy.
Vote for revenge against the person who has destroyed jobs in America.
Vote for revenge against the person who apologizes for America to a bunch of terrorist.
Vote for revenge against the person who is trying to steal your rights and make you subject's of the state.
Vote for revenge against the person who played the race care against Hillary Clinton.
Vote for revenge against the person who will not allow gas exportation and caused prices to double.
Vote against the person who has vowed to put the coal business, out of business, doubling the future price of electricity.
Vote for revenge against the person who is destroying our military putting our security in jeopardy.
Vote against the person who claims to be moving forward, but is in fact only implementing the old policies of the progressive party from 1917.
Vote for revenge against a liar who sends out a convicted liar, Bill Clinton, to lie for him.
Vote for revenge against the person who on a daily basis lies to you about these issues.
Vote for revenge against the person who takes advantage of the weak minded people who constitute the democrat party.
Vote for revenge against the Marxist community organizer, Barrack Hussein Obama!
A. C. Smithson

Saturday, November 3, 2012

What more do they need?

After four years of evidence of what "Obama the Destroyer" is about, who can still be considering a vote for him?  Programmed Children and the criminally insane.  What is his goal?  To grow government to the point that the democrat socialist party can continue in power forever.  Then what happens?  They will have absolute power over every American's life.  Then what?  Absolute power corrupts absolutely.  Not that his regime can be much more corrupt.
A. C. Smithson

Friday, November 2, 2012

Another Obama Reverend

Reverend Joseph Lowery (another Obama friend and preacher) recently declared that all white people are going to hell. Now it is certainly possible that many will.  Matthew 7:13-14 states; "Enter through the narrow gate.  For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it".  Little doubt this racist bastard will be there.  There should be a good number of blacks there with us.  The fathers that abandon their children (more than 60 % fatherless families) and their mothers.  The vile an vulgar rap artist and their gangster persona's.  The drug dealers who poison their own.  The lazy shiftless that expect their fellow citizens to take care of them, and then whine and complain about how they are mistreated. The gang members who murder other blacks in Chicago, Los Angeles, Detroit, Washington D.C., Camden, New York, etc. Those who murder their children through abortion.  The Sharpton's and Jackson's who teach hate and distrust.  Yes it should be quite crowded.
A.C. Smithson