Friday, March 18, 2011

Scared of our shadows

Scared of our shadows! These days we are scared of everything. The government has taught us to be. They need us to be so that we look to them to fix it. I remember a day when people lived enjoyable lives and were not scared of everything. We just had fun and experienced the fullness of life. Today we are scared to eat certain foods, drink certain drinks. We are scared to drive real cars, and some want to drive clown cars because they are scared of destroying the environment. We are scared to talk for fear of being called some harsh name. We are scared to object to wrong doing for the same reason. We are told to be scared of our cell phones as they may or may not harm us. Be scared of fish because of mercury. Be scared of fossil fuels because they are polluting. Be scared of inoculating your children against disease because it may or may not cause autism. Be scared of lead if your house is older than 1978. ( In my day parents didn't allow their children to eat the paint). Be afraid to take a political stand , or you may be punished for it. Be scared of guns as they are evil. Without being acted upon by any outside force a gun can take it upon itself to shoot you and your children. Sports utility vehicles are just as evil for their own reasons. The list is endless. Be scared of not eating enough vegetables. Be scared of eating too much meat. Be scared of chopping down a tree as it may destroy our environment. Be scared to fish or hunt as it may cause some species to become extinct. Be scared of not getting the federally described amount of exercise, or you may die of heart attack or stroke. Be scared of hurricanes, tornado's, earthquakes, as they are becoming more prevalent and severe as a result of our polluting of earth. Be scared of snow, rain, cold and hot weather. Be scared to breath the air. Be scared to drink the water. Be scared to throw your trash in a landfill. Be scared of the oil in the Gulf of Mexico. Remember the scare behind that? A month after the spill they couldn't even find the oil that was suppose to decimate the gulf for decades, if not for ever. Remember? Be scared of your own damn shadow. Well I refuse to be! Today the big scare is nuclear radiation. This fear extends beyond that of the Japanese nuclear reactor leak. The fear must extend to our nuclear plants of both present and future. The Japanese radiation will first kill all of the Japanese. Then it will travel across the Pacific Ocean and kill everyone in California, Oregon, and Washington. On it's way here of course it will destroy Hawaii and Alaska. Then it will arrive in El Paso and kill all of us. This despite the fact that the radiation did not rise into the upper atmosphere which would be required to carry it here. We are all going to die even though the level of radiation to reach us, should it enter the jet stream, would be less than spending an hour in the sun, or getting an x-ray. When you have a society that is scared that second hand smoke will kill them it is not hard to get people to be scared of anything and everything. When we dropped two nuclear weapons on Japan in 1945 I am surprised we didn't kill ourselves then. What about the above ground test in Nevada and New Mexico. What about the numerous above ground test in the Pacific Ocean. All of these explosions unlike the leak in Japan did entered the jet stream. How did we ever manage to survive? Better question is how did the Japanese survive? Scared people in El Paso have been buying and taking Iodine tablets to prevent damage to their thyroids. This despite medical doctors indicating that it can only possibly benefit children and pregnant women. Doctors additionally warned that it is dangerous for pregnant women to take iodine tablets. Stores have sold out! The local news reports that calls have been made to poison control centers as a result of people taking iodine tablets. Prior to Chernobyl there was a saying that more people had died at Chappaquiddick than in nuclear accidents. Don't buy into this crap. don't live life in fear of everything. If you do you will either end up with a crappy life, or end up poisoning yourself as did a few scared people. As FDR said "You have nothing to fear but fear itself." Stay calm, educate yourself, and think before you leap. A. C. Smithson

Monday, March 14, 2011

I told you don't doubt me!

When our geniuses on the El Paso City Council passed an ordinance, protecting people in traffic, who don't belong there, I told you it wouldn't work. The ordinance instructs operators of motor vehicles not to hit pedestrians, cyclists, skateboarders, joggers etc. This morning a block from my house an elderly female was struck and killed. She was close to a bus stop. Now it's only speculation on my part, but she may have been crossing the street after getting off a bus, attempting to get on a bus, or waiting on a bus to arrive. Perhaps, the news reports will clarify. The stupid ordinance didn't help that poor lady. It won't help anyone else either. Instead of ridiculous ordinances like the don't hit pedestrians ordinance, get rid of the buses. Only two or three people ride them anyway, and it takes half a day to get anywhere and back. Makes more sense than their new ordinance, and it will save taxpayer money.

Followup, she was a jogger.

A. C. Smithson

Saturday, March 12, 2011


Clairvoyants' meeting canceled due to unforeseen events.

"AL-QAIDA is planning Christmas attacks in the U.S. and Europe. The U.S. government sprang into action and told al-qaida, "Hey, you cannot call them Christmas attacks. You have to call them holiday attacks."-Jay Leno

This is about the response you would expect to get from the community organizer.

The American Legion Magazine March 2011

Sunday, March 6, 2011


Michael Moore, a leftist and member of the Democrat Socialist Party says we should take rich peoples money and re-distribute it. We can also use it to pay the deficit off. He said there is a limited amount of money and no more (even though they print more at will). It does not belong to the rich he claims, but instead it is a national resource and their money belongs to all of us. That is communism! I tried to tell you about the Yoda Obama regime and it's followers.

A. C. Smithson