Thursday, November 25, 2010

Tax Cuts for the Rich?

Remember how the Democrat Socialist Party has called the Bush Tax Cuts, tax cuts for the rich? For more than a decade uninformed people have complained how unfair it was, tax cuts for the richest among us. Now that the tax cuts are close to expiring the big dummies are beginning to realized the cuts were for all of us.

A. C. Smithson

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

TSA Screening

There is nothing wrong with the way TSA screens airport passengers. A prime example follows:

A military group rotating out of Bagram Air Base, Afghanistan stopped over at Indianapolis International Airport. A re-screening was necessary. One alert screener located a nail clipper on one of the passengers. It was promptly confiscated and the passenger was informed that this clipper could bring down an aircraft. Good work, right? Only problem is the passenger was carrying a combat rifle. Your government at work......

A. C. Smithson

Monday, November 22, 2010

Recent health study

A recent health study indicated that some 45 million people, 1 in 5 Americans, during 2009 had a mental illness. This equates to 20% of Americans. Liberals in the United States constitute 20% of the population. Coincidence?

A. C. Smithson

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Do they really believe in man-made global warming

As I see it there's two groups of people that call themselves environmentalists. The first group is like the Gores and the Kennedys who profess their concern as a means of increasing their personal gain. Al (the bore) Gore has made millions off this con. The second group are innocent dupes with good intentions. Clinging to some cause gives their lives meaning. If it wasn't man-made global warming it would be something else. They want to show how intelligent and reasonable they are by standing with conventional wisdom. It's safe to go with the flow, with the crowd.

I question whether many of these followers truly believe the nonsense they espouse. Consider this: if people truly in their hearts believed we were destroying the planet by utilizing products derived from trees would they not stop or severely limit their use? Would we purchase houses made from wood? Would we continue making thousands of paper copies on a daily basis in our workplaces? Or would we simply refuse to kill a tree? Would we not drive clown cars, ride bicycles, or walkabout ( a bit of Crocodile Dundee lingo in order to spice things up)? Would we not take showers every other day and limit them to one minute. Would we not use one square of toilet paper as suggested by Sheryl Crow? Sheryl is the type of intellectual that believes this malarkey. I believe she suffers from too many drugs at too young an age. Would we not all travel by mass transit regardless of how time-consuming and inconvenient it might be? Would we not all have solar panels regardless of cost. Wouldn't we all hang our clothes out on the line to dry turning away from the traditional clothes dryer? Would we not keep our thermostats at 60° and wear a sweater? We would prohibit the use of coal putting tens of thousands of people out of work. Dirty, dirty, dirty. Without coal burning our electrical production would be cut in half. ( Yes over 50% of our electrical production is derived from the burning of coal). We would gladly do without electricity 12 hours a day in order to make up the difference. Would we not avoid exercise in order to limit the amount of carbon dioxide we release into the atmosphere?

I promise you if I believed in this nonsense (with the exception of the toilet paper) I would follow this guidelines. There would be no alternative. We would do all this and more in order to survive.

Think about it! Do they truly believe?

A. C. Smithson

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Public Reprimand

I work as a sign language interpreter in the public school system.

On Tuesday I was late in arriving to one of my classes. I lingered in the previous class building rapport with the teacher. It is always good to have a friendly relationship with the teachers in whose classroom you work. I missed the first few minutes of the scripted initial assignment. An interpreter, and two teachers were present. All of whom can execute sign language to varying degrees. I was immediately pounced on and yelled at for being late. Late to one of ten assignments that I have on a daily basis. I have three minutes between each assignment so there is no justification for being late.

The following day one of the student who had overheard the reprimand asked. "Say man who was that old lady that was yelling at you. The wicked witch of the west?"

One of the items in education which is sorely missing is leadership and management training. It is one of numerous trainings available. The difference in this training and others the district provides is that this training would be beneficial to the organization.

In the field of education these magic moments are what we call re-arraigning the deck chairs while the Titanic is sinking, or business as usual.

A. C. Smithson

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The wonders of science

Imagine if you will your small son or daughter under the age of five dies from an insect borne disease. Whether the disease be typhus, malaria, or some other disease. The use of a pesticide DDT could have prevented it. It is believed that malaria afflicts between 300 and 500 million every year, causing up to 2.7 million deaths annually, mainly among children under five years. Mothers and fathers grieve. These deaths occur predominantly in Third World countries. They're people of color so maybe it matters less. Here the United States we have alternative methods of vector control. We send mosquito nets to Third World countries. The Nets don't seem to be enough do they? DDT was banned worldwide based largely on the alarm sounded by Rachel Carson in her book Silent Spring. Eagle eggs with thinning shells were blamed on the use of DDT and its metabolites DDD and DDE.

I will list a few of the findings from half a dozen or so different research efforts. The totality of the hundred plus studies clearly shows the DDT was not the cause of the Eagles malaise. Research was done on both humans, primates, and a variety of bird types. All were dosed in amounts varying from hundreds to in the case of primates more than 33,000 times the average daily human exposure. Many experiments on caged birds demonstrates the DDT and its metabolites do not cause serious egg shell thinning even at levels many hundreds of times greater than wild birds would ever accumulate. A myriad of other explanations for the egg shell thinning were identified. Lead has been associated with egg shell thinning. Mercury, stress from noise, fear or excitement and disease are all associated with egg shell thinning. Older birds produce thinner shells. Dehydration is associated with thinning in shells. Temperature extremes are associated with thinner eggshells. Decreased illumination is associated with thinner eggshells. Normal egg shells become 5% thinner as developing embryos withdraw calcium for bone development. Larger birds tend to produce thicker shelled eggs. Predator intrusion is associated with thinner egg shells. Phosphorus or calcium deficiency is associated with thinning shells.

Here's a couple more quick facts. Bald Eagles were reportedly threatened with extinction in 1921, 25 years before widespread use of DDT. Alaska paid over $100,000 in bounties for 115,000 bald eagles between 1917 and 1942. The bald eagle had vanished from New England by 1937. After 15 years of heavy and widespread usage of DDT, Audubon Society ornithologist counted 25% more eagles per observer in 1960 than during the pre-DDT 1941 bird census.

As stated earlier I have a complete compilation of studies done on DDT and its risk to humans and wildlife. I only scratched the surface of available information. It should be enough to make readers questioned certain claims. Hopefully it reminds us when someone sounds the alarm we need to ensure the evidence supports the claim. If not look at the harm that can be done.

A. C. Smithson

Monday, November 8, 2010

Is Life Still Worth Living?

If you listen to the liberal nuts the answer is no. Everything is a crisis or calamity that only government can fix.

The local newspaper today had an advice piece about an 11-year-old boy being distressed at watching the news. The father was advised unless his son is very sensitive (little girl) he can watch it, but the parents need to be present. The father was told to put the news in perspective. "Let your son know that although it seems like there's nothing but bad news in the world, there are plenty of good and positive stories that don't get reported." What's on the news is nothing compared to what they're taught in school.

What's being taught kids now days should scare them to death. They are told that the earth is overpopulated. That man encroaches on nature and is destroying species after species. That over collection, and over hunting, and overfishing are destroying the planet. Man has caused tumors to grow on turtles. Man is causing European Swans who are said to be more aggressive than the American Swan to kick the American Swan's ass. We are destroying the ozone. We are destroying the air. We are destroying the water. We are destroying the rain forest. We are causing one plant species not indigenous to an area to overtake and destroy native plants. We are causing a wasp to kill Afghan pine trees. Pesticides are killing bugs and everything else. Man is the quintessential devil on earth. According to these nuts were not fit to live among nature.

The liberals can't be blamed for the overpopulation crisis. Through their abortion practices they have killed over 40 million babies. Over 50 million have died from insect borne diseases since the late 1960s. One standout liberal nut Rachel Carson negotiated the banning of DDT the most effective pesticide in controlling these insects worldwide. Liberals have done their best to decrease the number of people on earth.

Now here's my point if all this crap that these pointy-headed, unthinking, drones accept as gospel was true would life worth living?

They have no answers for any these problems other than limiting individual choice, freedoms, and liberties.

What will be their answer to overpopulation? Extermination camps? Gas chambers? Death squads or what? And who would decide who lives and who dies? Now if I get to make the choices I could possibly get on board. If the choices are left to someone else I'd just as soon pass.

There is no longer any debate allowed in education. It's either my liberal nut cake way of indoctrination, or the highway. I say God forgive them for they know not what they do.

A. C. Smithson

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Child Advocate

I use to be against children.

That is until I discovered how they are made.


A. C. Smithson

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Evolution of the American People

Previously if you disagreed with Premier Obama you were a racist.

Recently at an amnesty rally for illegal immigrants the Messiah called you the enemy.

See how easy it was for the American People to transform from racist to:


A. C. Smithson