Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Humorous quote
Sunday, December 27, 2009
War on Terror Status
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
The end game
Recent events have led me to believe that the endgame, checkmate is at hand. Two educated intelligent people to whom I recently spoke really drove this point home. One tells me that there are only two options: one is to become angry and that option wasn't acceptable to this individual, and the second option was to wait and vote these people out. There didn't seem to have been any consideration that perhaps a little activism, or at least attempting to persuade others to a clear understanding of what is happening to us and our country might be a additional option. The second conversation involved the excuse making and talking points coming out of Moscow (Washington DC). I believe the jest of the comment was this mess was left for Premier Obama to deal with.
This Marxist Obama has been in control of the country for one year now. At what point does it become his responsibility? Most of the significant problems we face as a nation are his doing. Obama lacks humility and "class", always blaming others. It scares me that people can't recognize this.
The people I recently spoke to are both devout religious persons. It saddens me so their demonstrated lack of concern. This country, the greatest ever on the face of the earth was a divine gift from God. Our founding fathers no doubt establish this country with divine guidance. Genius on loan from God. We the people are willing to stand idly by not even willing to educate ourselves about what's happening. We clearly don't deserve what we have. Soon we will lose it.
We are on the verge of transforming this great bastion of freedom and liberty into a socialistic, tyrannical, Marxist style nation. We seem to be content to march along in blissful ignorance trusting our futures and our children's futures to a group of less than honorable politicians in Washington.
This alleged health care reform will result in one giant leap in the direction of lost freedoms. Anyone paying the slightest attention to this sham could spot it. Here are some guarantees that we'll all see from this takeover. Quality of service will drop as the same number of physicians will be required to see 30 million more people. Delays in treatment will be common as waiting lines will be long. The exorbitant cost will result in the cutting of services and equipment. The very young and the very old will be the first casualties. Taxation to operate this behemoth will skyrocket. In addition to taxes deducted from your paycheck numerous other taxes will surface as time rolls on. Anything deemed unhealthful will be taxed. Of course as currently tobacco and alcohol will be hit again. There is a provision that is currently in the health care plan that taxes tanning booths 10%. Things like fast foods, sodas, milk, white bread, driving your car, obesity, lack of exercise, using your cell phone, and dozens of other things will be identified as harmful to your health adding to the cost of healthcare ergo, needing to be taxed.
Ask yourself why was there such a rush to pass this healthcare reform. Is it perhaps because once more people find out what's contained in the legislation they will stand up against it. Why was it done in such secrecy, behind closed doors. Why wasn't it put on C-SPAN for all to examine as Obama claimed it would be? If it's such a great deal for America, why were the details contained within not passed on to the American public? Why did brides have to be paid out to individual senators to go along with such a wonderful plan? Why if it doesn't bust the budget are we required to pay into it for four years before the actual benefits of the plan begin? It's an accounting gimmick to give the appearance that it's within budget and does not add to the national deficit. Why if it is such a wonderful plan is it necessary to threaten with fine and incarceration any person not willing to purchase the insurance? Why can we as citizens not see the lies after lies stack upon each other coming from the legislators? A clear example of this would be "Dingy" Harry Reid claiming in his speech from the floor a couple days ago that every few minutes a person without healthcare insurance dies in this nation. He went on to say that in the brief time he was speaking two people died. To the logical mind this is fairly simple to figure out. If his claims are true how can we possibly wait four years for the benefits of this lifesaving plan to kick in. Off the top of my head that amounts to about 1.5 million deaths occurring as a result of this delayed implementation. Why would Dingy Harry and the other senators and our beloved leader Obama be willing to stand by for that. The answer is of course like most everything else they have claimed, the assertion is not true. All of us need to be aware of this fact, a government that controls our health controls our life.
A. C. Smithson
Sunday, December 20, 2009
It's freezing outside
Monday, December 14, 2009
Recently observed editorials
The first one is entitled Obama has "Bad Spending Habits" , written by El Pasoan Scott Graves. It reads as follows: We are governed by children who don't understand hard work or the value of keeping the fruits of one's labor. The Obamas would have you believe they originated from the oppressed underclass. This is untrue. Both benefited from Harvard educations and reaped the benefits of power and politics. Obama's attitudes towards money and taxes align perfectly with the Kennedys. It is quite easy to be generous when spending someone else's money and to opine about the poor and spreading wealth. The very people who so eagerly take our money from us and waste it don't think about what raising taxes does to those who work hard to try to improve their lot in life. Why should I work so hard to increase my earning capacity just to have it taken away and given to someone with less ambition. I promise you this: when the taxation Obama has planned for me makes it no longer profitable enough to work, then I will sit at home like the swill he is so fond of courting and I will stop paying so much in taxes. At least then Obama won't use my money to spread around.
The second article is by a Carl Poer is titled "Differing Views." He shows some of the clearer differences between conservatives and liberals. "If a conservative doesn't like guns, he doesn't buy one; a liberal wants to ban them from everyone. If a conservative is vegetarian, he doesn't eat meat; a liberal wants to ban all meat products. If a conservative sees a national threat, he thinks of ways to protect the country; a liberal tries to find a way to surrender and still look good. If a conservative is gay, he quietly enjoys his life; a liberal loudly demands legislative protection and rights. If a black or Hispanic is a conservative, he believes he is independently successful; a liberal sees himself as a victim in need of government help. If a conservative is down and out, he thinks of ways to better his situation; a liberal wonders who's going to support him. If a conservative doesn't like a talkshow host, he changes the station; a liberal wants to ban them from broadcasting. If a conservative is a nonbeliever, he doesn't go to church; a liberal wants to remove God from everyone. If a conservative wants healthcare, he buys it or finds an employer to provide it; a liberal wants you to buy it for him. Get my drift?" Great job guys. Thank you.
These men are clearly independent thinkers and are not the sheep who would waste their votes on straight party Democrat.
A. C. Smithson