Sunday, June 28, 2009


Please see greeting.
For additional insight as to what government run health care would look like go to


Turning over health care to a federal government that has proven over the decades that there is very little they can manage effectively is not the answer. The last six months prove this beyond any doubt. I challenge anyone to identify one thing done correctly by the federal government in the last half year. Support any challenge with facts no liberal hallucinations.
Washington D. C. is a collection of inept often time corrupt players that would control one-sixth of the G. N. P. and make life and death decisions regarding you and your family. This small group would have the final say. No appeal. If the current system were left in place you would at least have the option to appeal and ultimately change insurance providers. Consider an insurance company in Arizona for example, denies needed treatment to a particular individual, it does not affect the entire 310 million of us. A decision by the bureaucrats in Washington would.
There are two fixes that would dramatically reduce the cost of national health care if implemented. The first would be meaningful tort reform. If a physician was not required to pay malpractice insurance cost in excess of $100,000.00 a year, the cost of a doctor visit could be significantly reduced. Secondly, along the lines of the Safeway Corporation, there are other options. People who utilize the coverage less in a more responsible manner pay less. Those who overuse it pay higher premiums. Insurance coverage could be modeled after auto insurance. Doctor visits and routine medications should be paid out of pocket. When I was growing up this was the norm. Costs were kept down. Poor folks like ourselves who could not always afford the medication were aided by compassionate physicians. The doctor would give us a shot for a nominal fee, or furnish us sample medications he had in the office at no cost.
Insurance should be reserved for catastrophic illnesses. Cost of insurance would be significantly reduced. Think of it as you would auto insurance. You insure your car for theft and collision. Possibly you purchased a warranty against major breakdown. That's why you can afford it. There is a limited coverage. You do not insure your oil changes, tire rotations or wiper blade replacements. Think of health insurance in the same vein and you will realize considerable savings.
In the event the government should run the program you will be taxed to death. Every activity the government deems to be unhealthy will result in additional tax. Ultimately one or more of these activities will be used by the government to explain why a specific ailment will not be covered. Your conduct lead to it, therefore you are not covered. Allow the government to take over health care and it will go the way of Social Security and Medicare, guaranteed.
There are a number of other corrections that could be made to our current system without destroying the best health care system in the world. Consider it.
A.C. Smithson

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Additional Jokes

When a man went to get his driver's license renewed at the Department of Motor Vehicles, the building was packed. The line inched along for an hour until he finally got his photo taken. The man commented to the clerk, "I was standing in line so long, I ended up looking rather grouchy in this picture. " The clerk looked over at the photo. "It's OK," he reassured the man." That's how you're going to look when the cops pull you over anyway."
AFTER THE PARTY, as the couple drove home, the wife asked the husband, "Honey, has anyone ever told you how handsome, sexy and irresistible to women you are?' "Not that I recall," the husband replied. "Then what on Earth gave you that idea at the party tonight?'
The American Legion Magazine, June 2009

Jokes of the day

A man phones the church and the receptionist answers. The man says let me speak to the head hog at the trough, the top hog. The receptionist says you can call him the pastor but you can't call him the head hog at the trough. The man replied I'm sorry but I was planning to make a $10,000 donation to the church. The receptionist responds hold on porky just walked in the door.
A man walking in the forest hears a voice that says kiss me and I will turn into a beautiful bride. The man looks down and sees a frog. The frog says kiss me and I will turn into a beautiful bride. The man bends down picks up the frog and puts it in his shirt pocket. The bewildered frog looks up and says kiss me and I will turn into a beautiful bride. The man looks down and says at my age I would rather have a talking frog.
Joel Olsteen

Friday, June 26, 2009

Man Made Global Warming

Alexander Hamilton once said, "If you stand for nothing you will fall for anything." Gullible and foolish are words that come to mind when I see sheepish people rush to embrace man made global warming.
The scientific method states: The system of advancing knowledge by formulating a question, collecting data about it through observation and experiment, and testing a hypothetical answer." Others should be able to replicate your testing with the same conclusions. If you have a consensus of scientists you don't have science you have junk science. Consensus is frequently defined as the lack of leadership.
Question, why would so many scientists support the theory of man made global warming? If your position is that it does not exist how would you secure funding to study it? On the other hand, funding is available to study this crisis if you profess a belief in it.
In the late 1970's a significant number of these same scientists made the claim that due to man made pollution the earth would become a frozen waste land. Claims were made that if the problem was not addressed seriously within a period of time the crisis would be irreversible (sound familiar). The deadline has come and gone.
Now we face destruction from man made global warming. Were they wrong then or are they wrong now, or both? Some of the radical environmental groups had set a deadline for action before the destruction would become irreversible. That date passed approximately five years ago, so kick back and relax, it's over. Nothing can be done about it. They have learned from that lesson and now they no longer attach deadlines. It is phrased now as, immediate urgent action is needed to save the planet. What are they asking us to do in order to save the planet.
  • Tax oil companies
  • Move to alternative energy sources that don't as of yet work
  • Drive smaller more dangerous cars
  • Lower home heating temperatures
  • Change home lighting, use dim energy efficient bulbs w/mercury
  • No burning of coal
  • No oil exploration or refining
  • No nuclear plants
  • Walk don't drive
  • Ride bicycles don't drive
  • Buy new energy efficient appliances
  • Limit cow flatulence
  • Further regulate industries and manufacturing
  • Purchase carbon-offset credits
  • Return to the dark ages by systematically making a villain of every modern convenience
  • No bonfires on the beach(air pollution)
  • Low flow showers and toilets
  • Burning and BBQ days limited (air pollution)
  • Four dollar a gallon gas (cost more use less)
  • Don't buy books check them out of library, we can all share (personal property rights and collectivism)

This is a partial list to be sure. I recently heard on a news broadcast that the estimated cost of compliance would be in the ballpark of 45 trillion dollars. That might do a little damage to our economy.

Mars' polar ice caps reach temperatures of -225 degrees Fahrenheit. The atmosphere on Mars is 95.32% CO2. Earths' atmosphere consist of 0.03% CO2. Shouldn't their temperature be a lot hotter than ours with that level of CO2? It appears that there is some other factor that determines a planets temperature and we call it the SUN.

Claims are that the temperature has increased .07% of a degree in the last 100 years. How accurate were the measuring devices of that time? Were there ever times in man's history when the earth was either cooler or warmer? Recurring ice ages possibly.

Man made global warming has been blamed for the following and more: rainfall, lack of rainfall, flooding, drought, tornadoes, lack of tornadoes, severity of tornadoes, hurricanes, lack of hurricanes, severity of hurricanes, snowfall, lack of snowfall. Soon, I expect when a student fails to complete his or her homework the excuse of man made global warming will be utilized.

Who is to say what the optimum temperature should be. What if a couple of additional degrees of heat actually benefits man in the long run? Could global warming be caused by natural cycles? Impossible, in that event, we would not be able to feel guilt as we are not the cause of it.

Is this global warming claim political or scientific. Take note of the fact that liberal Hollywood types are lining up as proponents. They have attained their fame and now they are in search of relevance. They glob onto anything for that purpose. In the 50's it was Marxism today Global warming. These are the real geniuses in our society. It's a safe bet that if they are for something and you want to be on the correct side, pick the opposite. It's another Hollywood for humanity episode, liberal guilt? The question and position truly is along political lines. Is this science?

Ninety-five percent of green house gases are produced by nature. We should turn on mother earth. Instead of celebrating Earth Day we should stand around cursing and insulting her, after all it is her fault. Volcanoes, forrest fires, decaying materials, etc. are all natural occurrences. Five percent of total green house gasses are man made. If we stopped all of our activity here, driving, industry, heating, cooling, farming, all of it, no significant adjustment could be achieved. China and India have no plans to stop producing or feeding it's citizens. Unilaterally we cannot even effect the five percent generated by man.

Global warming may possibly be occurring, but it is not man made. Weather cycles have occurred in the past and will continue in the future. Before investing your soul and riches into this nonsense, ask some questions, then decide. My position is we did not cause it and we can't fix it.

A. C. Smithson

Please see greeting.


Two must read books are as follows:
"Guilty" Liberal "Victims" and their Assault on America, by Ann Coulter.
"Liberty and Tyranny" A Conservative Manifesto, by Mark R. Levin.
Please see greeting.

Things that will kill you!

We have become a nation of whiners, hypochondriacs and crybabies. I attribute much of this to the fact that we have it so easy these days. With all the leisure time we can sit around and dream up new crisis and syndromes. The generations before us faced real challenges like the Great Depression and World War ll, and they had to work hard daily to guarantee their and their families survival. The feminization of America and the Oprah's teachings that everyone is a victim play a huge role in our acceptance of this malarkey. Here is a partial list of things that will kill you as reported by the liberal news media. All have been reported in the past two years. Immediate or future death was attributed to each.

White bread
Fat around stomach
Vote or die
Incandescent light bulbs
Climate change
Climate change delusion
Bicycling without a helmet
Global warming
Responding to global warming
Heart disease
Driving automobiles
Flying in planes
Bonfires at the beach
Methane gas from cows
Second hand smoke
Carbon dioxide
Un-vented heaters in the house
Forrest fires
Trans fat
Radon gas
Nuclear power
Male spouse
Sleep apnea
High blood pressure
Pandemic flu
Not enough fiber
Not enough vegetables
Lack of exercise
Mercury in fish, but not the mercury in compact fluorescent light bulbs
Clean air (allows harmful rays to reach earth)
Cell phones
Election of a Republican
West Nile Virus
Melting polar caps
Gamma radiation
Plastic bags
Drunk driving
Cyber bulling
Gun battle in toys R us
Working in Wal-Mart after Thanksgiving
Government run health care

See my point. Stay in your house and don't move around too much. The odds are against you, but good luck anyway.

A. C. Smithson

Please see greeting.

Obama, the African Colonial

Ever consider where Obama is coming from? Not quite sure what he is trying to do to our country. A fellow African-American who understands what he is all about has a recent article published in "The American Thinker." The article is from June 25, 2009, it is titled "Obama, the African Colonial". The author is L.E. Ikenga. Check it out
A. C. Smithson


We are on the precipice, a point of no return. Obama wants all of this socialist legislation passed rapidly before you can figure out what is going on. Much of Obama's planned changes fit into the dreamland that most liberals live in. Justice Antonin Scalia accurately describes liberal thought in the following way: "It is like one of those snowy globes filled with floating flakes of liberal fantasies in an imaginary landscape. It's a perfect encapsulation of the sweet little dreams...of those who are barking mad."
Cap and trade (environmental legislation), to save the world, make everything green and clean. That is what it is claimed to be right? Like all their previous plans it's guaranteed to work without a doubt. Wrong it is a massive energy tax increase that will diminish every one's quality of life. According to Obama it must be passed quickly just as the stimulus package was, and the socialized medicine scheme should be. The so-called stimulus passed without our legislators having read it or us having a chance to comprehend it. If the majority of citizens understood the ramifications of these programs we would then certainly resist this change.
The socialized medicine scheme will be catastrophic if passed. If you would like to research what government health care looks like go to Two points to consider concerning this legislation are 1) private insurance premiums will be taxed to pay for the public coverage. Union members are exempt from this taxation, but not you. and 2) members of congress are exempt from participating in the public coverage that they and Obama will provide for you. They can retain the coverage they have. If it's good enough for you it should be good enough for them. If it's not then you should reject it. Prior to you accepting the destruction of our health care system, ask them if they are willing to accept the same coverage that they are offering you. Please telephone them and only accept a yes or no answer. 1 - 202 - 224-3121.

A. C. Smithson
Please see greeting.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


  • How can you tell if Obama is lying ? When his lips are moving.
  • How is God and Obama different? God only ask for 10% of what you earn.
  • How are God and Obama different? God doesn't think he is Obama.

Obama legacy

Obama will be judged harshly by history. He will be viewed as being in over his head. Due to his total lack of experience and understanding of reality, he will surpass Carter as the worst president in modern history. Carter's administration was an unmitigated failure. He wrecked the economy and the world laughed at us. If you doubt what I say look it up. Obama will rescue the Carter administration as it will no longer be the worst, but only second worst.
A. C. Smithson

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Attention Deficit Disorder an ailment of the 70's, is generally limited to industrialized developed countries. It's birth coincided with the decline in public education once the schools were turned over to the children. The decline lead to standardized testing which lead to more ADD. One factor in it's creation was the result of too much leisure time that allows us to sit around and dream up imaginary ailments in order to explain just how difficult life is for us.
One might ask how a layperson can simply discount the existence of a diagnosed, widely accepted, treated ailment. Two days ago I was speaking to a physician who said my theory was an interesting one. He went on to tell me about a highly regarded, highly respected neurologist who had stated that fibromyalgia does not exist. The one similarity between fibromyalgia and ADD is that there is no test that can confirm it's existence. If a highly regarded, highly respected neurologist can come up with that opinion I do not see how it is unreasonable for others to draw similar conclusions about similarly diagnosed ailments.
This morning I took the screening test and guess what ? My results are consistent with symptoms of Adult ADD. What about yours ? Do you have trouble wrapping up final details of a project once the challenging parts have been done ? Do you have difficulty getting things in order when you have to do a task that requires organization? Problems remembering appointments or obligations ? A task requiring a lot of thought often makes you avoid getting started ? Do you squirm with your hands or feet when you sit down for a long time ? See I'm not alone.
I recall the first debate I saw on the subject where a physician displayed brain scans of two twelve year old boys. The doctor proceeded to point to one scan and describe it as that of a normal twelve year old's brain. Then he pointed to the other and explained a lighter portion of the brain demonstrated increased activity which clearly meant ADD. A second doctor took over and indicated that the first brain scan was that of a normal twelve old. The second scan however, showed not a child with ADD, but one that had been taking psychotropic drugs for five years.

Here are some of the dynamics which came into play when this pandemic first struck. In the schools parents blamed the administrators and teachers. Administrators blamed teachers for the problem, claiming teacher's lacked classroom management skills. Teachers didn't like it so they blamed administrators for their lack of discipline (most discipline in school rests with the administration). Teachers additionally felt that the parents should have some role in the child's upbringing. Eventually the three got tired of blaming each other and for a brief moment the child was blamed. The parents soon tired of this, so the administrators, teachers, parents and child went is search of the cause of this unruly behavior. Alas, social workers, psychologists and psychiatrists were only too happy to assist for a fee. Not all are motivated by money, I'm sure some just wanted to assist with helping solve the parent and patients dilemma. ADD was born.
I have worked around young people now for over 30 years. The last ten in an educational setting. I have no testing equipment so I can only speak anecdotally. The hundreds of ADD victims that I have worked with had one thing in common. When they were held responsible and accountable for their actions they were able to control their actions. I saw this both in law enforcement and in the educational settings. I could list dozens of examples but the end result is that if someone required them to behave and conform they did. One youth in particular had been involved in numerous transgressions: disruptive behavior, lying, stealing, assaulting, harassing and bullying. It came to an end one day when this child's latest incident came with a warning that in all likelihood the police would come and arrest the student. For the next two weeks this person was the model student. The child did the school work, behaved in class, showed respect and appreciation toward the teacher. You could see the student looking back over the shoulder for the next two weeks. One day the child came to the realization that the police were not coming. From that moment on the child reverted to ADD. It was only a cure for a brief time.
ADD afflicts boys predominately. Is it possible they are only being boys ? The feminization of America requires that they act like little girls and when they don't something is wrong with them. Sounds a little sexist. Huh!
Society has embraced the concept of no corporal punishment and parents have evolved from parents to that of friend and in some instances involving single parent families to victim. No longer can an adult raise his or her hand, voice or eyebrows at inappropriate behavior. No way, but it is OK to drug them. In my humble opinion, the drugging of millions of young people is child abuse. One thing for sure, a child exhibiting unruly behavior will be doped. You can count on it. Of course, in today's society it is the only acceptable form of child abuse. Tag, dodge ball, competitive sports, spanking, verbal chastisement and bullying have all been banned. Drugging of millions of children however is just fine.
In order to obtain a diagnosis you do not need to know how to read or write. Just remember to say that: you fidget, talk excessively, run around at inappropriate times and frequently disrupt class, you blurt out answers in class, take action before thinking, and you make rash decisions, in other words you are a kid. You don't pay attention, make careless mistakes, do not listen, do not finish tasks, and you don't follow directions. The diagnosis, excuse and drugs can now be yours.

A. C. Smithson
Please see greeting


Three days ago, at school, I saw a note posted advertising free meals to persons 18 years and under (possibly persons under 18), both breakfast and lunch. The liberals truly do believe that America is jut one big soup line. The dozen or so children gathered around it could not believe the absurdity of the offer, but a number agreed to participate. None will as they will not return to school from summer vacation to eat, even for free. Free my @#?. I along with the other members of the working class know it is not free, and we know who paid for it. I don't eat in the school cafeteria as I am asked to pay 3 times that charged to the students (if they paid) despite the fact that I have already purchased the food once before. Did the tax man shove his hand in our pockets one last time, in order to ensure he got everything, and discovered a sawbuck? Then a program needed to be created in order to deal with the new found wealth.
The wife and I were working around the house yesterday and at about 1:oo PM she mentioned she was hungry. I was hungry also. What if this program was for 65 year olds and younger. Why not follow the logic. Problem solved and we have already paid for the food previously. Since the government let us down I was forced to grill burgers.
If you have been confused by the whining consider this. The only people going hungry in this country are possibly the beggars on the corners and maybe the recent arriving immigrants lurking in the shadows. The kids are doing fine. They wear designer jackets, earrings (mostly boys), and expensive running shoes. They all have I-Pods and or personal play stations. None of the children are without cell phones. Have the proponents of this free lunch ever heard of Social Security, welfare, food stamps, Chips, Medicaid, Medicare, AWDC, food banks and a number of other handouts.
I think someone should alert the beggars since whatever funds they receive from their labors is either drunk up or pushed into their veins. They must be hungry. The program if expanded would truly benefit them. With the manner in which the economy is being systematically destroyed by the statist soon the program will be needed, but not now.
A. C. Smithson

Please see greeting

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Obama,s D-day Speech

Later today Obama will be giving a speech in Normandy to commemorate the 65th anniversary of the D-Day invasion. I wonder will he take the opportunity to apologize to Germany for our soldiers having fought the NAZI troops with such ferocity. Will he apologize to the French for having bled on their beaches? Will he point out is was not one of Americas proudest or finest moments?

A. C. Smithson

P.S. See greeting

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

U.S. Currency

Did you know that the largest currency produced by the United States was the 100,000 dollar bill
$100.000 bill featured Woodrow Wilson
$10,000 bill featured Salmon P. Chase, Supreme Court Chief Justice
$5.000 bill featured James Madison
$1,000 bill featured Grover Cleveland
$500 bill featured William McKinley

Is this considered a dichotomy?

Corporate executives of financially strapped organizations are not allowed to travel in corporate jets. They have been shamed out of it. The C.E.O. of the financially strapped United States government travels around in our corporate jet at our expense. The C.E.O. of the United States does it on such worthwhile causes as dating his wife. At least the corporate executives were conducting business. I know some of you are thinking he is forced to travel in that manner due to security concerns. The New York trip to Broadway took two planes, one helicopter and several vehicles. Within the past week Obama indicated the U.S. has run out of money. Should not all C.E.O.'s of organizations living off the taxpayers comply with all the same rules. Stay at home, watch a movie, save some of our tax dollars.

A.C. Smithson


In the first year of marriage, the man speaks and the woman listens. In the second year, the woman speaks and the man listens. In the third year, they both speak and the neighbors listen. Unknown
"The Country of China is going to be doing a Broadway-style play based on Karl Marx's book on communism. A play based on communism. You know, that's where capitalism has been replaced by the government taking over control of all private industries- or, as we call it in this country, a 'stimulus' package." Jay Leno

Monday, June 1, 2009

Religion of Global Warming

All to often we present information in a one sided indoctrinational manner excluding other thoughts or perspectives on an issue, and we call it education. This paper is intended to offer a view other than the religion of global warming, and the we are destroying the planet crowd. The planet would be a perfect place if there just weren't any people around.
In the words of the late comedian George Carlin here are some points to ponder.
"The country is full of them, people walking around worried about everything. They are worried about the air, water, soil, worried about insecticide, pesticides, food additives, radon gas, carcinogens', worried about asbestos, worried about saving endangered species. Saving endangered species is one more arrogant attempt by humans to control nature. Way over 90% of the species who ever lived on this planet are gone, disappeared. They"re extinct, we didn't kill them all." "We are so self important. Every body's going to save something now. Save the trees, save the bees, save the whale, save the snail. The greatest arrogance of them all is save the planet. I'm tired of earth day and these self righteous environmentalist, these white bourgeois liberals who think the only thing wrong with this country is there are not enough bike paths. People trying to make the world a safe place for their Volvo's." "The planet has been here four and a half billion years. We have been here what, 100,000 maybe 200,000 years. We have been engaged in heavy industry for what a little over 200 years. Two-hundred years verses four and a half billion. We have the conceit to think that somehow we are a threat. We are going to destroy this little blue green ball that is floating around the sun. The planet has been through all kinds of things much worse than us. It's been through earthquakes, volcanoes, plate tectonics, continental drift, solar flares, sun spots, magnetic storms, magnetic reversal of the poles, hundreds of thousands of years of bombardment by comets and asteroids and meteors, world wide floods, tidal waves, world wide fires, erosion, cosmic rays, recurring ice ages, and we think that some plastic bags and aluminum cans are going to make a difference. The planet isn't going anywhere, the planet is fine. The planet will one day shake us off like a bad case of the fleas. If you want to know how the planet is doing ask those people in Pompeii who are frozen into position from volcanic ash if they feel like a threat to the planet this week."
All of us should be good stewards of the earth and conserve when possible and definitely not trash the place with plastic bags and aluminium cans. We also have a duty to act in reasonable and intelligent ways and not to glob onto the next slogan or bumper sticker that comes down the road. Science by consensus is not science, but instead junk science and we are bombarded by it on a daily basis.

A. C. Smithson

Bye Bye American Car by J Jet

Years ago Don Mclean wrote the song "American Pie" about the day the music died. It recalls the death of Buddy Holly and the subsequent decline of American Rock and Roll. The era of blue jeans and white tee shirts, guys with fast cars and testosterone fueled competitiveness was quickly replaced by wimpy looking characters in paisley floating through cartoon flowers and romping around in yellow submarines. The sell off of Chrysler and the bankruptcy of GM need to be documented in song as the day the American car died. Great steeds of chrome and steel replaced by little plastic and battery hybrids so small you can't even make out in the back seat.

The American Auto Industry has been sickly for years, but recently, like a dying patient in a nursing home, has been artificially kept alive with infusions of billions of taxpayer dollars. We are being told that hopefully, with more tax dollars, the patient will be revived.

After GM's bankruptcy the subsequent entity would be owned by the government and the union, and would be a leaner, more competitive organization that would supply the types of products that people demand. This could be the best snow job of all time, worthy of great car salesmen. If you buy this we will throw in the free floor-mats.

Has anyone stopped to figure out what went wrong with the corporation that at one time was considered one of the symbols of American greatness? Simply put, could there be much of an argument against the premise that the demise of GM was caused by greedy executives, greedy unions, and governmental regulations and interference? The plan is that when we get rid of the executives, the unions and government will change their ways, and this venture will be successful. do you want the undercoating? How about the extended warranty?

Design the new Chevy Racing Team Uniforms

by J. Jet
Now that the Government owns a good chunk of GM, help us design a new racing suit.

Logos to include but not limited to well known Govt. sponsors such as the UAW, Amer. Bar Assoc., NEA, or the Amer. Medical Assoc.

The winning design will be posted on our website!! Cash prize dependant on receipt of stimulus monies.