Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Humorous quote

Isn't that so true?
The American Legion Magazine, January 2010 edition.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

War on Terror Status

This morning on the government controlled NBC Network, The George Snuffleupagus Show, had the Manatee Janet Napolitano as guest. The queen of open borders and head of Homeland Security proclaimed that everything had worked just fine and as planned while discussing the latest airline bombing attempt. The only thing that stopped it was the terrorist ineptitude, not being able to detonate his explosives. Everything did not work out fine from a Homeland Security standpoint. It was a cluster #@$!. PETN the explosive the terrorist possessed is extremely powerful and one ounce would have taken the plane out of the air.
Note: We will not be safe again until these pantie waist, political correctness, commie followers, of the man child Obama, are kick out of office along with the man child and a real leader is elected.
A. C. Smithson

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The end game

Recent events have led me to believe that the endgame, checkmate is at hand. Two educated intelligent people to whom I recently spoke really drove this point home. One tells me that there are only two options: one is to become angry and that option wasn't acceptable to this individual, and the second option was to wait and vote these people out. There didn't seem to have been any consideration that perhaps a little activism, or at least attempting to persuade others to a clear understanding of what is happening to us and our country might be a additional option. The second conversation involved the excuse making and talking points coming out of Moscow (Washington DC). I believe the jest of the comment was this mess was left for Premier Obama to deal with.

This Marxist Obama has been in control of the country for one year now. At what point does it become his responsibility? Most of the significant problems we face as a nation are his doing. Obama lacks humility and "class", always blaming others. It scares me that people can't recognize this.

The people I recently spoke to are both devout religious persons. It saddens me so their demonstrated lack of concern. This country, the greatest ever on the face of the earth was a divine gift from God. Our founding fathers no doubt establish this country with divine guidance. Genius on loan from God. We the people are willing to stand idly by not even willing to educate ourselves about what's happening. We clearly don't deserve what we have. Soon we will lose it.

We are on the verge of transforming this great bastion of freedom and liberty into a socialistic, tyrannical, Marxist style nation. We seem to be content to march along in blissful ignorance trusting our futures and our children's futures to a group of less than honorable politicians in Washington.

This alleged health care reform will result in one giant leap in the direction of lost freedoms. Anyone paying the slightest attention to this sham could spot it. Here are some guarantees that we'll all see from this takeover. Quality of service will drop as the same number of physicians will be required to see 30 million more people. Delays in treatment will be common as waiting lines will be long. The exorbitant cost will result in the cutting of services and equipment. The very young and the very old will be the first casualties. Taxation to operate this behemoth will skyrocket. In addition to taxes deducted from your paycheck numerous other taxes will surface as time rolls on. Anything deemed unhealthful will be taxed. Of course as currently tobacco and alcohol will be hit again. There is a provision that is currently in the health care plan that taxes tanning booths 10%. Things like fast foods, sodas, milk, white bread, driving your car, obesity, lack of exercise, using your cell phone, and dozens of other things will be identified as harmful to your health adding to the cost of healthcare ergo, needing to be taxed.

Ask yourself why was there such a rush to pass this healthcare reform. Is it perhaps because once more people find out what's contained in the legislation they will stand up against it. Why was it done in such secrecy, behind closed doors. Why wasn't it put on C-SPAN for all to examine as Obama claimed it would be? If it's such a great deal for America, why were the details contained within not passed on to the American public? Why did brides have to be paid out to individual senators to go along with such a wonderful plan? Why if it doesn't bust the budget are we required to pay into it for four years before the actual benefits of the plan begin? It's an accounting gimmick to give the appearance that it's within budget and does not add to the national deficit. Why if it is such a wonderful plan is it necessary to threaten with fine and incarceration any person not willing to purchase the insurance? Why can we as citizens not see the lies after lies stack upon each other coming from the legislators? A clear example of this would be "Dingy" Harry Reid claiming in his speech from the floor a couple days ago that every few minutes a person without healthcare insurance dies in this nation. He went on to say that in the brief time he was speaking two people died. To the logical mind this is fairly simple to figure out. If his claims are true how can we possibly wait four years for the benefits of this lifesaving plan to kick in. Off the top of my head that amounts to about 1.5 million deaths occurring as a result of this delayed implementation. Why would Dingy Harry and the other senators and our beloved leader Obama be willing to stand by for that. The answer is of course like most everything else they have claimed, the assertion is not true. All of us need to be aware of this fact, a government that controls our health controls our life.

A. C. Smithson

Sunday, December 20, 2009


The socialist were able to buy off enough senators to pass this step toward tyranny. Soon you will be receiving the bill. (Not only the rich will pay.) Let's see what we think of it then. With time all will see that we will pay more, receive less, and lose a lot of our freedoms along the way.
A. C. Smithson

It's freezing outside

When Premier Obama, the beloved leader arrived in Denmark for this meeting of socialist, dictators, and communist there was a blizzard there. When the Premier arrived back in Moscow (Washington) there was a blizzard there. How stupid to accept this global warming hoax. When the hoaxers measured the temperatures that support their claims they neglected to do any measurements in the former Soviet Union. They did this because is not only one of the largest but one of the coldest places on earth. Still have doubts? The origin of this non-sense was in the United Nations. This outstanding organization of tyrants, despots, dictators and commies started this lie in order to bleed money from the United States. Need I say more.
A. C. Smithson

Monday, December 14, 2009

Recently observed editorials

The first one is entitled Obama has "Bad Spending Habits" , written by El Pasoan Scott Graves. It reads as follows: We are governed by children who don't understand hard work or the value of keeping the fruits of one's labor. The Obamas would have you believe they originated from the oppressed underclass. This is untrue. Both benefited from Harvard educations and reaped the benefits of power and politics. Obama's attitudes towards money and taxes align perfectly with the Kennedys. It is quite easy to be generous when spending someone else's money and to opine about the poor and spreading wealth. The very people who so eagerly take our money from us and waste it don't think about what raising taxes does to those who work hard to try to improve their lot in life. Why should I work so hard to increase my earning capacity just to have it taken away and given to someone with less ambition. I promise you this: when the taxation Obama has planned for me makes it no longer profitable enough to work, then I will sit at home like the swill he is so fond of courting and I will stop paying so much in taxes. At least then Obama won't use my money to spread around.

The second article is by a Carl Poer is titled "Differing Views." He shows some of the clearer differences between conservatives and liberals. "If a conservative doesn't like guns, he doesn't buy one; a liberal wants to ban them from everyone. If a conservative is vegetarian, he doesn't eat meat; a liberal wants to ban all meat products. If a conservative sees a national threat, he thinks of ways to protect the country; a liberal tries to find a way to surrender and still look good. If a conservative is gay, he quietly enjoys his life; a liberal loudly demands legislative protection and rights. If a black or Hispanic is a conservative, he believes he is independently successful; a liberal sees himself as a victim in need of government help. If a conservative is down and out, he thinks of ways to better his situation; a liberal wonders who's going to support him. If a conservative doesn't like a talkshow host, he changes the station; a liberal wants to ban them from broadcasting. If a conservative is a nonbeliever, he doesn't go to church; a liberal wants to remove God from everyone. If a conservative wants healthcare, he buys it or finds an employer to provide it; a liberal wants you to buy it for him. Get my drift?" Great job guys. Thank you.

These men are clearly independent thinkers and are not the sheep who would waste their votes on straight party Democrat.

A. C. Smithson

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Another gov't program that didn't quite work!

As I said before there are few things the government can do well. The war on poverty destroyed the black family. Social Security is almost bankrupt. Medicare is almost bankrupt. Cash for clunkers cost the taxpayers 27,000 dollars per car. The 787 billion democrat slush fund has not fixed the economy nor the unemployment situation. It only succeeded in paying back the people who elected Obama. I could go on for ever.
The latest program to fall short is the school lunch program. The quality of beef provided to schools by the USDA does not meet the standards required of McDonald's, Burger King, Jack in the Box, or any other fast food restaurant. The testing requirement for bacteria for the fast food establishments is way higher than that of the school lunch program. The rules apply to us and not the government bureaucracies.
The poultry provided consist of older chickens that Kentucky Fried Chicken never has accepted. Over a decade ago Campbell's soup stopped using them as they did not meet their standards of quality. Besides the school lunch program the only other users of the poultry furnished by the USDA are: fertilizer (ground up chicken remains), and pet food.
Yes, I want the government to provide for my every need and want, how about you? Government run health care is roughly 10,000 times more complex than the school lunch program.
A. C. Smithson

Man Made Global warming hoax

Man made global warming is a Hoax. If there were any truth to it people who do not accept the claim would not be called deniers. (A term used to describe people who refuse to acknowledge the Jewish Holocaust). Freedom of information request to see the data that purports to prove it would be released and not concealed. If the science was correct releasing the information would help raise the alarm. If this is to complex to follow just remember this simple truth: In the universe of lies that the liberal lives in, everything is a lie.
A. C. Smithson

Friday, December 4, 2009

Education update

Once again I feel it necessary to correct the information that N.E.A., politicians and the news media puts out.
This is most important as teachers should be informed and resist the acceptance of propaganda.
Remember your government classes. Bills are written by the legislative branch and not the executive branch.
Your arch enemy No Child Left Behind was not written by Bush. He was practicing bi-partisanship.
It was written by two liberals, Senator Ted Kennedy (D) (dead) and Representative George Miller(D)California.
Obama seems to like it as he has had a year to fix it and done nothing. His education secretary has spoken in favor of it saying only it may need a few adjustments. Remember teachers we look to you for enlightenment always strive for accuracy.
A. C. Smithson

Weather update

If we don't find a solution to man-made global warming we will soon freeze to death! The proponents of this hoax want you to believe them and not your own eyes.
A. C. Smithson

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Ditherer in Chief

How many months, weeks, and days did Obama anguish prior to making his decision to pardon Courage, the Thanksgiving Day turkey?
A. C. Smithson

Helen Keller

When asked which of the two she found to be more debilitating, blindness or deafness she chose deafness. Helen Keller responded that "Blindness separates you from things, deafness separates you from people."
A. C. Smithson

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Obama supporter classics

  • You may be an Obama supporter if you believe the leader of the free world should be traveling to Europe and South America apologizing for the citizens of the United States.

  • You may be an Obama supporter if you wake up at noon, in order to go pick up your welfare check.

  • You may be an Obama supporter if all your life, your friends and family have continually reminded you of how gullible you are.

A. C. Smithson

Recently observed handgun poster

The poster exhibited photographs of the following gun control experts.

The experts agree...

Hitler, Castro, Qaddafi, Stalin,

Idi Amin, Mao Tse-tung, Pol pot, Kim Jong-Il

Gun control works!

In order for these prolific mass murders to succeed they first had to remove the two G's from their peoples: GOD and guns. Remarkably similar to what the liberals here in the United States are advocating.


Dose of humor

In the days of the Berlin wall, there was a little old man who crossed the checkpoint every week, pushing his bicycle and caring a heavy sack. The border guard, suspecting him of smuggling, always searched the sack thoroughly but never found anything worthwhile.

One day, after the wall came down, the guard ran into the little old man.

"Look, I just know you were smuggling something all those years, but I could never prove it," the guard said. "Tell me what it was."

The little man chuckled. "Bicycles."

The American Legion Magazine, December 2009, page 60.

Buyers remorse!

Yesterday, November 21, 2009, I was speaking to an old friend. He was explaining that his deferred compensation (retirement savings) were tanking. This soon led to a discussion of politics. He went on to explain that the economic problems were the result of Bush. He couldn't explain how Bush had done it just that he knew it was his fault. I pointed out it was a world wide recession and question whether he was responsible for all of it. I didn't bring up the housing market failure caused by the Democrats social engineering. Carter and then later Clinton forcing lending institutions to give loans to people who could not possibly pay them back. This practice did not exist prior to the government's involvement. Before the government (taxpayers) backing of loans, lenders only issued loans they felt relatively safe in recovering. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac served the purpose of encouraging these bad loans. I do hold Bush and McCain (McLame) partially responsible as they gave warnings in 2005 and 2002 respectively. They should have done a lot more than just warn. My friend went on to explain how our four dollar a gallon gas was due to collusion between Bush, and the big oil companies. He didn't seem to consider a possible impact of the commodities market, oil-producing countries output, supply and demand, peak driving season, refinery capacity, or any other possible factors. The big oil companies just like the big pharmaceutical companies overcharge consumers simply based on greed. The media has taught this lesson well, however, it would serve us well to consider the benefits that all of us derive from both of the aforementioned industries. Bush's friendliness toward big oil was the cause. When the price of a gallon of gas under Obama exceeds four dollars a gallon I wonder what we will think then.

My friend also remarked that Bush was stupid. He had not met him, but I had as a result of my previous employment. I found him to be both quick and witty. The basis of my friends opinion was a news conference, at which a reporter asked Bush a question, and then Bush asked a member of his entourage about it. This was proof that Bush was stupid. I wonder by this standard, where it leaves the rest of us.

My friend had some concerns about this Obama administration. He didn't seem to be too pleased about the current handling of the economy, unemployment, or this health care takeover. He wouldn't go as far as calling Obama stupid, but I will. If you allow yourself to be indoctrinated to the point where you feel government is the answer to all peoples needs and wants, your stupid. If your indoctrination causes you to hang around people like Rev. Wright (the hatemonger), William Ayres, (the domestic terrorist), or Van Jones, (the communist) to mention a few, you are stupid. If you have $787 billion at your disposal in order to boost the economy and the only thing you have to show for it is made up statistics on jobs saved, your stupid. Hell, if you gave me $787 billion, I could boost the economy. If you think that some form of tyrannical fascist government is preferable to our democratic republic, you are stupid. I could go on but why bother. I believe, as time goes on these things and more will become evident, even to the gullible.

My friend regrets his vote for Obama, and the change that came with it. In the future, he and a lot of other people will regret it even more. The amount of damage that these statist are attempting to do our country may likely be irreversible. Alexis De Tocqueville told us that in a democracy, "we get the government we deserve." Benjamin Franklin cautioned us,"they that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty or safety." On one occasion Benjamin Franklin was asked "what kind of government, have you given us, Mr. Franklin?" His reply was a challenge to every generation of Americans: "a Republic, if you can keep it."

A. C. Smithson

Another brilliant economic move!

The current administration plans to close down a state of the art detention facility, at Guantanamo Bay, which cost the tax payers tens of millions of dollars to build. In the place of Guantanamo they plan to build or refurbish a facility for tens of millions of dollars. New York, City will host the trial where it is estimated security will cost 100 million dollars. The purpose of the trial is to place the United States and Bush on trial. How's that change working for you?
A. C. Smithson

Question of the day!

Why is Obama holding a employment (jobs) summit next month?
Answer: Because he currently has no idea what to do. This is what happens when you elect a person with no experience (community agitator doesn't count). Sarah Palin had considerable more experience than Obama. In a democracy, we get the government we deserve.

A. C. Smithson

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Democrat Socialist party concerned for your tax dollar

Democrat Socialist party members frequently speak of their concern for the kitchen table issues. I suppose this means average citizens working to take care of their families, and pay their ever-increasing taxes. Here's yet one more example of their concern for the average citizen. Politburo Pelosi and her husband are worth in excess of $40 million. She shows her great concern for us by rejecting the use of a United States Air Force C-20B., Gulfstream lll, that comes with the speaker's job. This jet had to stop and refuel on its weekly trips back to California. She felt herself too important and our tax money so unimportant that she ordered a larger jet. She felt she needed a jet that could make the trip without refueling, so she ordered a 200 seat United States Air Force C-32, Boeing 757 jet. The cost to taxpayers is approximately $60,000 one-way. (Her work week is generally 3 days a week, explaining the difference when you add it up.) This totals $480,000 per month. The annual cost to the taxpayers is $5,760,000. These cost are for fuel only, not the cost of the plane or it's crew. These clowns want you to drive smaller cars, put more air in your tires, and reduce your carbon footprint. Consider the arrogance of these people's actions.

A. C. Smithson

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Political Correctness are we nuts?

Political correctness may be the end of us all. If a white man who has a Bible in his house were to shoot up an abortion clinic, he would be deemed a terrorist. He would be labeled as a right-wing, Christian nut. Consider a white man, shooting up a gay bathhouse. This person also happens to be a white man of the Christian faith. Would anyone including Obama or the liberal media have a problem coming to the conclusion that these men are domestic terrorist. If you're honest with yourself the answer is no. For at least a week all the headlines would read right wing Christian commits horrible domestic terrorist acts.
Concerning the shootings this week at Fort Hood, Texas, political correctness does not allow us to call this terrorist, a terrorist. With all the bizarre behavior and comments Hasan has made it is clear that any person not in a protected group would have been identified and kicked out of the service prior to these murders. In all likelihood the murders could have been avoided. All of the persons who witnessed his anti-American hatred were scared to say anything for fear of being accused of racism. Hasan yelled "Allah Akbar," as he began shooting unarmed citizens. He is a Muslim terrorist. Have we become total P.C. cowards? Are we afraid to speak the truth for fear of offending someone? See what this non-sense can lead to?
A. C. Smithson

Sunday, November 1, 2009

The Wonders of Research

Hundreds of thousands of decent caring people donate monies to all kinds of research. Cancer, muscular dystrophy, heart disease, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's are some of the better-known. I'm not sure that any of these researches will ever accomplish the goals they claim. A disease-free world is their professed claim. I guess that would mean we would live forever. In most of these efforts we will probably find we are limited by our humanity. There are just some things man cannot accomplish.

Another reason I say this is so much research money is wasted on asinine, ridiculous, wasteful research. What I am about to describe is only one of hundreds of wasteful research projects occurring as we speak. I believe it is because they (the researchers) are incapable of any real significant research (recent high school graduates.)

The University of California Irvine last week published the findings of their brilliant research. Now for the liberal person who does not want to be held responsible for any of their bizarre behaviors this research may be helpful. It's one more blow against any personal responsibility whatsoever. Consider how many tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars are wasted for this so-called research. (The money wasted on just one project could make life very comfortable for any one of us middle-class citizens.) Headlines "gene variant may be cause for bad driving." It's not your fault you crashed and injured someone, it's your stupid parents fault. Wait! It's not their fault it's their stupid parents fault, and this goes on I guess as far back as the first time anyone has ever driven. I don't suppose it could be you just grew up observing bad driving habits. No it couldn't be that it must be a gene thing. This is the type of cutting-edge research I support the heck with that cancer thing.

A. C. Smithson

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Thought to Ponder

Ronald Reagan told a story back in 1964. He and a friend were having a conversation with a Cuban refugee who had recently arrive in the United States. After listening to the refugee, Reagan's friend remarked that "we just don't realize how lucky we are." The Cuban responded "how lucky you are, I had a place to escape to." If we loose our freedoms here in America we have no place to escape to. The larger the government becomes the fewer freedoms we will have. Health care takeover, private business takeover, and energy resource takeover (cap and trade) will guarantee our loss of freedom. Remember we have no place to go.
A. C. Smithson

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Ironic Observation

Recently the Obama administration called the government of Afghanistan severely corrupt. This is an accurate observation. Now my observation is as follows: The Obama administration is populated by socialist, Marxist, communist, Maoist, tax cheats, anarchist and liars. It is severely corrupt. They lie about why they wish to push an energy tax (Cap and trade) on the taxpayer. They lie about what they're attempting to accomplish with healthcare legislation. They lie about what they've accomplished toward repairing the economy with their stimulus package. They lie about what their intent is when taking over private corporations i.e. banks, financial institutions and auto manufacturers. They lie about who they are, and what they believe. I could list the names of these socialist, Marxist, communist, Maoist, tax cheats, anarchist and liars associated with, or in his administration, but that information is available for all who care to discover it. Is this not a case of the pot calling the kettle black?

A. C. Smithson


Self-esteem and self-worth are wonderful attributes so long as you acquire them the old-fashioned way, you earn them. Self-esteem is defined as a confidence and satisfaction in one's self. Self esteem is generally built through accomplishment. There is nothing wrong with a person having confidence and self satisfaction so long as there is a relationship between that and their accomplishments.

In the early 1980s it was decided that there was a need for all young people to be full and overflowing with self-esteem. I believe this was a disservice to them in that it eventually led them to believe that they were the equals to their parents, teachers and adults. Youth no longer demonstrate respect or reverence toward adults or others. This is not difficult to understand considering these young people believe themselves to be equal to adults and every regard. When we discuss the psychobabble of self-esteem we disregard the fact that they've (the youth) have done nothing but take all their lives and contributed nothing back to society. Naturally, to the parents their children are precious and without flaw. To the general community, children displaying their unique style of crass behavior may be seen as slightly less endearing.

There is a difference between adults and youths. There's no great onerous in the acceptance that we are not equal. A difference exist between boss and employee, rich and poor, famous and not so famous. The list goes on. It is not a violation of their human rights, constitutional rights, or any other rights. Requiring children to accept the fact that adults are more knowledgeable, mature, and responsible in most instances, will not do permanent damage to the child. It will simply result in them growing up to be better adults.

In the words of preacher Billy Graham: "We have neglected to discipline our children and called it building self esteem."

A. C. Smithson

Saturday, October 17, 2009


I recently spoke to a person of unlimited stupidity, no limits. This person thinks we can cover everyone's healthcare needs, inexpensively, no additional taxes, no increase to the budget deficit, no decrease in the quality of service to anyone (no additional doctors or nurses), birds will sing, the sky will be bluer, the planet will cool and the sea levels will drop when the government takes control of your health care and life. In these instances, I attempt to contain myself. I don't like calling people names. I have fought the urge for days, but I finally lost out. Healthcare or insurance reform or whatever, they are calling it today there is no plan. There really is no plan there are five or so proposals, but the plan will be worked out behind closed doors in a smoke-filled room. Allow me to digress. Regarding calling this person one of unlimited stupidity I must freely admit that I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer. If I can figure this healthcare scam out it frustrates me that others can't. The current claim in one of the proposals is that 94% of the people will be covered. What of the remaining 6%. I thought we were doing this in order to ensure that everyone has health insurance. What of the millions (GAO estimates over 20 million) which will remain uncovered? We're going to destroy the best healthcare system in the world in order to cover some of the people. There are numerous reasons for the current high cost of healthcare. The liberal's claim that insurance companies are just plain evil doesn't even factor in to the top 10 reasons. Government programs (government run healthcare programs) artificially inflating the market is one of the leading reasons. Don't believe it, look back at healthcare cost prior to the 60s war on poverty. Both federal and state regulations additionally, contribute to these high-cost. Tort reform and I mean true tort reform would reduce the cost of healthcare by at least 20%. Physicians are being forced to purchase expensive malpractice insurance and doctors practicing defensive medicine (the cost of unnecessary test in order to protect themselves) contributes significantly to the cost. One of the goofy claims made is there's just not enough competition in healthcare. If only the government were present to compete with the evil insurance companies. This would drive the cost of healthcare down. There are over 1300 insurance companies nationwide selling health insurance. One more competitor will make no difference. Now to hurt the feelings of some people in our current entitlement society. If you truly want to reduce the cost of healthcare try paying out-of-pocket for routine health care needs. I know some will jump at this and say the poor and destitute cannot afford this. I'm not talking about them. I'm talking about those of us still working, earning an income and taking care of our families. Insurance should be purchased to cover catastrophic health needs not simple office visits and inoculations. If this was insurance on your car in addition to accident, comprehensive and theft what would it cost if you also purchase coverage for your belts, wear and tear, oil changes, brake replacement, wind shield wipers and every other component on your car. I would venture to say the cost would be roughly that of what we're currently paying for health insurance.

It does not seem to bother many that the federal government's involvement in healthcare is unconstitutional. Don't just accept that from me, read the constitution or ask a constitutional scholar. That being said the most disturbing aspect of all to me is that people believe they have a right to their neighbors labors. What kind of an upbringing allows people to think that? Another misconception is that ensuring an additional 46 million,30 million,47 million or however many they claim today are without will not cost any more. It's just not possible. One more outrageous yet accepted claim is that in order to help pay for the destruction of healthcare the government will cut $450 billion of waste, fraud and abuse from Medicare. My question, if they know how to do that why haven't they done that already? Are they telling us they could have stopped it at any time yet they stood by and allowed the taxpayers to get ripped off year after year after year? And now for an undeniable truth. No government program has ever or will ever come in at cost or below. They always cost more. That's enough to ponder for now. Please don't just sit back and think that this will work itself out because it won't. Make a decision based on your beliefs and then let your representatives know what you want. After all they do work for you.

A. C. Smithson

Thursday, October 15, 2009

A Little Common Sense Goes a Long Way!

Like most folks in this country, I have a job. I work, they pay me. I pay my taxes and the government distributes my taxes as it sees fit. In order to get that paycheck in my case, I am required to pass a random urine test (with which I have no problem). What I do have a problem with is the distribution of my taxes to people who don't have to pass a urine test. So here is my question: Shouldn't one have to pass a urine test to get a welfare check because I have to pass one to earn it for them? Please understand, I have no problem with helping people get back on their feet. I do, on the other hand, have a problem with helping someone sitting on their ass- doing drugs, while I work... Can you imagine how much money each state would save if people had to pass a urine test to get a public assistance check? I guess we could title that program, URINE OR YOU'RE OUT'. Something has to change in this country-- and soon!!!!
Passed on to me by a friend.
Unknown author but clearly and intelligent thinker.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Barry the Nobel Prize Winner

Obama is correct in his statement that he does not deserve the award. Few of the recent winners did. He was nominated for the award 12 days into his administration. With him everything is about him. I'm sure his private comments were to the effect, it was inevitable, what the hell took them so long. He is our beloved egomaniacal leader. I believe his head will swell to the point that his ears fit.

Let's look at some winners and losers of the award.
Mahatma Gandhi- four time nominee, four time loser. Master of non-violent resistance. Roll model for Martin Luther King. Loser
Harry Truman- led U.S. to successful conclusion of World War ll. Saved Europe's and most of the rest of the world's ass. Loser
Winston Churchill- lead Great Britain during World War ll. Loser
Ronald Reagan- defeated the communist Soviet Union. Loser

Yasser (yes sir that's my baby) Arafat- P.L.O. terrorist. Winner
Jimmy (the peanut farmer) Carter- Messed up the U.S. economy. Double digit unemployment, double digit inflation, laughing stalk in the world. Caused the creation of the misery index. He is the worst president in modern U.S. history. (soon to be second worst) Winner
Al (Bore) Gore- nut case. Winner
Barrack Obama- (Messiah) leader of the hate America, blame America crowd. Denounces U.S. around the world. Attacks the capitalist economic engine of America, which created the nation with the highest standard of living on earth. Moving toward establishing a socialist utopia where we are all equally poor and miserable. Nearing double digit unemployment, soon to be followed by double digit inflation. Weakened our economy at home and our foreign policy abroad. His only answer so far is it's Bush's fault. Winner

Who will be the future recipients of this award? Perhaps one of the Castro brothers from Cuba. Hugo Chavez from Venezuela or possibly Ahmadinejad (accent on mad) from Iran.
A. C. Smithson

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Recent cartoon

If a man yells "you lie!" in a room full of politicians, how do they know who he's talking to?


Wealth Redistribution

So many of us Americans become giddy at the prospect of getting something for nothing. This is why con-artist have it so easy these days. Take from the rich and give to the poor. Nothing wrong with that. We need more of it. If a student earns the grade of D and another earns an A is that fair? Hell no. They should be averaged so that both receive equal credit. Both should receive a C plus, ah what the hell a B minus. The person who got the A might have worked harder, or possibility the person with the D is just not as gifted. This is just not fair, but averaging the scores makes it fair.
A person has a neighbor who earns one million dollars a year. This person earns fifty thousand a year. He certainly is entitled to a portion of his neighbors labors, right? I think so. The total earnings should be divided up fifty-fifty. In days past, rich successful people were considered to be hard working, inventive, risk taking pioneers and economic roll models. These people with money were also the employers. This indeed is old fashioned archaic thinking. We know now they are simply winners in life's lotto.
America is no longer the land of opportunity. It has become the land of guaranteed outcomes. Anything short of that is, well it's just not fair. One of GOD's Commandments is " You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife; nor his male servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor's." I guess we decided that GOD was wrong.
Today's new standard is " from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs." These are the words of Karl Marx the father of modern communism. Unfortunately they also are the words of our current governmental leaders. We've come a long way baby.
A. C. Smithson
"The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of the blessings. The inherent blessing of socialism is the equal sharing of misery.:- Winston Churchill

Saturday, September 26, 2009

A quote and a joke

By the time a man realizes that his father was right, he has a son who thinks he's wrong.
A fellow was walking along a country road when he came upon a farmer working in his field. The man called out to the farmer, "How long will it take me to get to the next town?" The farmer didn't answer. The guy waited a bit and then started walking again. After the man had gone about a hundred yards, the farmer yelled out, "About 20 minutes." "Thanks. But why didn't you tell me that when I asked?" "Didn't know how fast you could walk."
The American Legion Magazine, October 2009

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Barry The Magician

The most merciful Barry the Messiah has accomplished a feat beyond belief. In at least half a dozen of his speeches given concerning his health care proposals he has repeatedly said 46 million people are without health insurance coverage. It use to be 47 million. Anyway, he gave speech after speech repeating 46 million, 46 million, 46 million, 46 million. During his speech to the joint session of congress he said over 30 million. It's a miracle! Overnight the number dropped by 16 million. Is he good or what. I have heard some say he subtracted the illegal aliens from the coverage he had previously lied about. I believe that the D.S.P. (Democrat Socialist Party) has lied so much they simply cannot keep track of the lies any longer.
A. C. Smithson

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Re-defining of words

The Democrat Socialist Party continues on it's quest to transform our nation into a socialist utopia. They continue re-defining words in order to keep people from focusing on their socialist designs. The D.S.P. intends to remake this nation into one that will ensure D.S.P. future power by making citizens subservient to the government. When the citizen becomes dependent upon the government for their needs the government will have complete control. The nation will not offer our future posterity the opportunity to prosper nor the freedom to enjoy life.
The D.S.P. has redefined racism toward this end. Previously racism meant, a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce and inherent superiority of a particular race. (Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, tenth edition, page 962.) The D.S.P. has redefined it to mean any person who disagrees on any subject with our socialist and chief (The Messiah). Don't for a minute think that the people spreading this lie, like Carter, are acting independently. They are doing it with his most holy blessing. These racist would include a large number of the 40 million white people who mistakenly voted to elect him. It would include the millions of white people who worship the Oprah, and the millions of racist white people who allowed Bill Cosby the opportunity to earn 35 million dollar a year during his career. There is no doubt that racism exist, as it resides in the D.S.P.
A. C. Smithson

Sunday, September 13, 2009

My Progressive Side

Most people caught up in recycling fail to take note of a couple of significant points. In their self diluted thoughts they actually believe they are saving the world. Point #1 not all things lend themselves to recycling. Only about a half dozen or so items, example; paper, aluminum, copper etc. recycle well. Others cost more in energy and money to recycle than is saved. Point #2 Most of the recyclables collected and faithfully separated end up alongside the other trash in landfills. This according to a study published approximately six months ago. Yes, the governments and private recycling companies dump it. I do not wish to be judged harshly when it comes to doing my part in recycling. From this point on, I want everything recycled whether it means we waste more energy and money or not.

Secondly, I am tired of hearing how we mistreat the animals of this planet. We encroach on their habitat and threaten their existence. I propose the following to insure this doesn't happen again. Ban hunting, no one needs to hunt to eat except maybe for the "one in eight" that the commercial claims is hungry. Some claim that species management is necessary to avoid overpopulation. They claim the species overwhelms their Eco-systems. The food supply and habitat are insufficient to support the increase in numbers. I don't believe this for a minute. In the Midwest (Illinois or Indiana) about four or five years ago a moratorium on hunting lead to starvation and the spread of disease through the states' deer population. The state moved in and euthanized the sick ones. Starvation is not such a bad way to go. I'm sure it was just a coincidence. Ban wind turbines as they kill birds. Ban air travel, as airplanes suck unsuspecting ducks into their jet engines. This can result in the airplane landing in a river threatening the fish. Ban roadways thereby eliminating the words road kill from our vocabulary. Ban solar panel arrays they hog up land (one huge array is close to Las Cruses). Ban buildings over one story tall (threat to birds). Ban all activities in oceans to include fishing, boating, surfing and anything else that can affect the fish. The oceans are just not big enough for all of us. Ban elimination of waste as it pollutes the waterways. Ban breathing as it emits carbon dioxide. Ban all cars, buses and trains. Make all modes of transport except bicycles illegal. Ban generating of electricity as it pollutes the air. Ban all industry so we no longer melt the ice and threaten the polar bears.

That should be enough for now. If these suggestions do not solve the problems we will revisit them later and add some really strict limitations.

A. C. Smithson

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Twin Towers Ground Zero

If the twin tower site is an example of how long it takes to get a shovel ready job started there may be a problem. This shovel ready site has been ready and waiting for eight years. Hopefully by the 10Th anniversary they will have a little something to show.
A. C. Smithson

Friday, September 11, 2009

Granting life to the non-living

Slightly more than a decade ago, a group of people who wanted to modify your behavior offered life to the sport utility vehicle. This new life form has since wreaked havoc around the nation. Media reports indicated that S.U.V.s have caused accidents, ran red lights, ran over pedestrians, and on one occasion drove off a fourth floor parking garage injuring three. Example of the coverage would be S.U.V. ran through railroad crossing collides with train, two people injured. Never the mention of a driver. Perhaps there wasn't one. Average citizens learned to mis-trust and rail against the ownership of the S.U.V. by other citizens. They have a mind of their own indiscriminately causing damage and mayhem. Pesky S.U.V.
This morning I heard the report of a high school cheerleader murdered by a gun. Somehow a football player was involved in the incident. Report: Gun crime results in the death of a cheerleader. The football player didn't kill her the gun did. In my life, I have been lucky in that I have never had a criminal gun. I have owned guns for 49 years. Never once has any of them committed a gun crime. Come to think of it my friends and relatives have never owned a criminal gun. Just dumb luck I guess.

A. C. Smithson

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Dumbo (Obama's) latest Healthcare speech

It is interesting how society interpreters things nowadays. Dumbo started lying from his opening remarks. Health care reform will not add one cent to the deficit. Lie number one. Then he said that illegal aliens will not access health care. Lied again. Dumbo (the ears) has no plan. The out front plan is the house plan. It has no mechanism for identifying legal status. Amendments put forth requiring legal status and excluding illegal aliens was promptly discarded by the house leadership. He said if you like your current plan and doctor you can keep them. Third lie. There was at least two more lies I can think of off the top of my head, but I don't want to bore you with details. Everyone eventually will be forced to join. It's in the house plan. The person lying is given a pass. The person Joe Wilson, R. South Carolina who told the truth when he yelled out "you lie" is the one that was scrutinized.

A. C. Smithson

Monday, September 7, 2009

Whale Wars

On a few occasion's I have watched this show on Animal Planet. The same channel where children receive their indoctrination training when not in school. All of these environmentalist claim to be saving the world and bringing awareness to the plight of animals. They all use the same worn out cliche's: the animal will only attack and bite in self defense, and the problem (whatever it is its due to ) mans encroachment into their world. Like humans are aliens and not part of the world. Steve Irwin took a spear into the heart while harassing a sting ray. In his honor the Eco-terrorist Sea Sheppard's named their ship after him. The Captain Paul Watson was drummed out of another psycho group named Green Peace. He was too far out even for them. He was one of the founders and they *#@$ canned him. He receives donations from gullible people whom he convinces that he is actually accomplishing something. Without him whales would vanish from the oceans of the earth is his claim. The whole lot of them are terrorists and at minimum should be imprisoned. He reminds me of Charles Manson. In one episode a Japanese sailor falls overboard. In that water he would be dead in 30 minutes. While the Japanese are searching for him the terrorists launch another attack. Captain Bly is one hell of an honorable man. The manner in which he manipulates these young people is laudable. He recruits a cast of international nitwits. These people are truly works of art. To say they are reminiscent of Gilligan is to do Gilligan a disservice. Gilligan never screwed up this bad. They mess up everything they touch. They are tossed aboard a ship and dragged to the frigid waters south of Australia. They chase Japanese whaling ships with the claim of ending whaling. They are always a day late and a dollar short. While practicing their Eco-terror they harass but never seem to be able to stop the whaling as the Japanese ships always make their catch. They throw stink bombs at the Japanese but since they throw like Obama they have to get in close and then the ships collide. Great Humor. Foolish people will continue to send money anyway. One day this misadventure will end in tragedy. These waters that the Sea Sheppards play in are extremely hazardous. These buffoons can't launch their speed boats, they can't navigate, and they can't maneuver a gaff without damaging the helicopters rotors. The crew members are so naive they don't understand that they are being manipulated by Captain Manson. Equally humorous is each of these mutants swear they will defend the whale with their lives. Then they continually remark that they are not on a suicide mission when they encounter their next screw up. When presented with the opportunity to exchange their lives to save a whale they always back down. They are always bickering and whining like the liberals they are. In the end they accomplish nothing other than providing some comic relief.
A. C. Smithson

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Van Jones (followup to Barry's Minions)

Word this morning is he resigned. He said he did it so his friends would not have to defend him from the lies people are spreading about him. Problem is he has apologized for at least three of the lies. The other problem is each and every allegation is on videotape.
A. C. Smithson

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Barry's Minions

I want to make a few brief comments and then ask a question. Anthony "Van" Jones, the Green Czar in Barry's Administration is the topic. Jones does not appear to be able to keep his mouth shut so I will let you know some of the things he says and thinks. He has described his childhood behavior as bookish and bizarre. He still is bizarre. While protesting the Rodney King verdict he was arrested. He indicated that he entered jail as a rowdy nationalist but by August of that year "I was a communist." In California he got involved in a group called STORM which was committed to revolutionary Marxist politics. The groups points of unity were revolutionary democracy, feminism, and internationalism. It additionally stood for the central role of the working class, urban Marxism and Third World Communism. His goal is to promote Eco-capitalism (wealth distribution). The Green-Collar Jobs Campaign is intended to improve racial and economic equality. The greatest hoax of modern times, man made global warming, is the excuse he uses in order to accomplish his agenda. He signed a petition alleging government complicity in the September 11 attacks. He has made numerous racist remarks for which he has had to issue apologies. He will control 30 billion dollars of stimulus money for green projects with no experience in energy production. He is and has always been (like Barry) a community organizer. He is one more of the score of radicals that Bary hangs with. Why because Barry is just like them. Van needs to go. He could never survive an FBI background investigation let alone a senate confirmation ergo he becomes one of the commie CZARS. Van go back to your racist cesspool in Oakland.
Now to my question. If I become a Communist and racist that hates America can I get a job in Washington overseeing 30 billion dollars?
A. C. Smithson

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Immigration Reform (amnesty)

Soon the democrat party will once again attempt to enlarge its voter pool by throwing open our borders, and welcoming a dependent class of citizen which will undoubtedly vote democrat. They vote democrat in hopes the government's social programs will continue to support them and there relatives. When we go through this again I propose the following reforms:

They must speak the common language (English)

Must be professionals or investors

No unskilled workers allowed

No bilingual programs in school

No special ballots in immigrants native language

No government business in immigrants native language

Foreigners not allowed to vote (non citizen)

No burden on tax payers, no welfare, food stamps etc.

Investors must invest 40 thousand times amount of current minimum wage

If purchasing land they are not allowed to buy water front land

Must relinquish individual rights to the property

No protest, no demonstrations, no foreign flag waving, no political organizing

No holding of political office

No badmouthing our president or policies, shut your mouth or get out

Enter the country illegally you will go to jail The first consideration involving the illegal alien is that they broke our law when they entered our country. Hence, illegal against the law alien. If you cannot maintain your borders you do not have a country. These proposed reforms are actually provisions extracted from Mexico's current immigration laws. If Mexico has the right to control it's borders, in any manner they see fit, then so do we. We not only have the right but the federal government has the responsibility, but thus far has chosen not to. Come legally and be welcome. P.S. Remember these laws the next time Mexico complains about the manner in which we treat their citizens that flee Mexico in order to have a better life.

A. C. Smithson

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Edward Kennedy

As with Princess Di and Michael Jackson the Kennedy death is a media circus. A teacher who passed away a few weeks ago was worthy of these accolades much more than any of the aforementioned.
I remember Teddy this way. In 1969 while cheating on his wife with a young woman he drove down the road drunk. He ran off a bridge and plunged into the water. He fled instead of attempting to save the woman's life. His concern for himself outweighed any concern for her. He hid until sober and then turned himself in only to be exonerated because of his wealth and influence. He treated women no better than Clinton did. Throughout his life I saw no significant change, and one of his moronic friends recently stated that Kennedy would ask on occasion if there were any new Chappaquiddick jokes. What a hero. During his long and illustrious career in the senate he became known as the "Lion of the Senate", and we were the prey.
A. C. Smithson

Prayer For Our Nation

Read the following carefully it's easy to recognize our society in these words.
"Heavenly Father, we come before you today to ask your forgiveness and to seek your direction and guidance, We Know Your Word says, "Woe to those who call evil good," but that is exactly what we have done. We have lost our spiritual equilibrium and reversed our values. We have exploited the poor and called it the lottery. We have rewarded laziness and called it welfare. We have killed our unborn and called it choice. We have shot abortionists and called it justifiable. We have neglected to discipline our children and called it building self esteem. We have abused power and called it politics. We have coveted our neighbor's possessions and called it ambition. We have polluted the air with profanity and pornography and called it freedom of expression. We have ridiculed the time-honored values of our forefathers and called it enlightenment. Search us, Oh God and know our hearts today; cleanse us from every sin and set us free. Amen.
Billy Graham's Prayer For Our Nation

Beautiful Quotes

Two of my favorite quotes of all time are as follows.

"The saddest words of tongue or pen; to know the things that might have been."
A slightly different version and I believe the original quote is:
"For of all sad words of tongue or pen. The saddest are these: "It might have been!"
John Greenleaf Whittier, 1807-1892, American Quaker Poet and Ardent Advocate of the Abolition of Slavery.

"Here lies in Honored Glory, an American Soldier, known but to God."
Inscription on the tomb of the unknown soldier, Arlington Cemetery.

A. C. Smithson

Monday, August 24, 2009

Obama's Wars

I thought Obama was going to end the wars when he became president. They were wrong, wars of choice, killing of innocents and a waste of taxpayer money. They caused the rest of the world to not like us. Under Bush all of these things were true but now the wars are ok. I don't understand. If he is planning to surrender he should pull out today before one more American life is lost. Play politics with something else.
A. C. Smithson

Sunday, August 23, 2009


"Obama's health care plan will be written by a committee whose head, John Conyers, says he doesn't understand it. It'll be passed by Congress that has not read it, signed by a president who smokes, funded by a Treasury chief who didn't pay his taxes, overseen by a Surgeon General who is obese, and paid for by a country that's nearly broke. What could possibly go wrong?"

Rush Limbaugh Program, August 20,2009

Golfer's Dream

A RECENT RETIREE was given a set of golf clubs by his former co-workers. He had never golfed. Thinking he'd give it a chance, he asked the local golf pro for lessons and explained that he knew nothing whatsoever about the game.
The pro showed him the proper stance and swing, and then said, "Just hit the ball toward the flag on the first green."
The novice teed up and smacked the ball straight down the fairway and onto the green, where it stopped inches from the hole.
"Now what?" he asked the speechless pro. "Uh... you're supposed to hit the ball into the cup," the pro finally uttered.
"Oh great. Now you tell me!"
The American Legion Magazine, September 2009 edition.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Letter to City Government/El Paso

The following is a letter I sent to the City Government after receiving a threat to clean another persons property or be sent a bill if I refuse.

April 12, 2008

Open letter to the Mayor of El Paso
City Council Representatives,
City Manager,
Media outlets

Dear Folks,

I returned home on 4-11-08, from a long day at work to find that I had been conscripted into the service of the City of El Paso.

Left on my front door was a notice from the Department of Environmental Services Division. It indicated the weeds in the alley behind my house had an "accumulation of weeds/grass over 12 inches" (w/in 10 ft from the rock wall of your property.) Alas, they caught up with this master criminal, Vietnam era Air Force veteran, with 20 years of civilian law enforcement and six years as a sign language interpreter for the deaf.

This alley- a narrow street; esp: a thoroughfare through the middle of a block giving access to the rear of lots or buildings. (Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, Tenth Edition, 1995, pg. 30.) Not, it is the freaking desert. Depends what the meaning of is is.

I checked with neighbors to see if other criminals had been rounded up. I found one. He received a notice. He told me when he saw it he immediately entered his yard to determine the problem. I advised him they were talking about the other side of his wall. He indicated that was not his property and asked how he could be held responsible for that. I spoke with another neighbor who had weeds and debris but no notice. I explained the requirement and he asked me if we could move our rock wall outward since we were responsible for the 10 feet. I had additional questions also. I wondered since I'm a senior citizen if I were to drive around through the desert to access the Alley, and got stuck in the desert would the city pay for the wrecker to rescue me. Then I thought if I jump over my six foot rock wall and break my leg will the city pay the medical bills. Then I thought what if I stroke out while chopping these weeds will the city care for my family. Another question I had was whether or not I might be arrested for trespassing as this property is not mine. I have noted that a colony of prairie dogs reside beyond my fence as they have dug under it on occasion to eat flowers in my yard. Perhaps the city should consider doubling all property taxes, and fund an environmental impact study to see what effect the removal of this grass and 12 inch weeds will have on them. What of the prairie dogs? My apologies I have one more question. There is some kind of bush and a cactus, should I kill them or are they exempt? City please respond as I need answers to my questions, particularly about the cactus and bush (both over 12 inches), Live or die?

On one other occasion I had difficulty with that property. I was leaving to work approximately 15 years ago when two sheriffs deputies were at my front door. They had paper work that the city was suing me for failure to pay taxes on the property beyond the rock wall. I informed the plaintiffs that if they send me the title for the property, and name me the owner I would pay the taxes. I was not the owner then nor am I now.

This notice threatens that if I do not clean the alley within 7 days the city may clean it and send me a bill. It says that I caused it or allowed it to grow. I say the city caused it to grow. The city water reservoir, to the east of me , on a couple of occasions (possible repairs) has been drained. They tried to wash my back wall down as they ran the water right past it. The wall stood however the grass grew. The city caused it not me. (What of the prairie dogs?) The other possibility is I allowed it. I did not. It is not my property, and I never payed attention to it nor gave permission for it to grow. I never even thought about that property except for the time they sued me claiming I owned it. Could that land be after me?

Concerning this conscription issue, should the A.C.L.U. be coming to my aid? Why stop at 10 feet is my question? Marty Robbins Park is close to my house. The city maintains (ha ha) that property. Hint: Marty check your south fence, same problem, same alley/desert. You might take a peek at the reservoir also. Unless of course these rules apply only to the serfs and not the ruling class. The park is full of sticker weeds, has graffiti, and frequently looks sorta pitiful. Why not make me responsible for that. You could assign my neighbors to clean up the remaining desert around El Paso. Another question, will we get paid?

You may be thinking, old man, you have a job just pay someone to clean it. Wait until the city cleans it and sends you a bill, ( you can always get a second job in order to afford that.)

Today, I was discussing with my son his school assignment concerning the U.S. Constitution. In reading and analyzing it I was struck by the diametrically opposed concepts and principles of this nations founding, and those of a political sub-division run amuck.

How could a person be against a quality of life issue? I have thought about it, but I cannot see how forcing me to jump over my six foot wall, and chop weeds with my high blood pressure will improve my quality of life. Lower my property taxes, that would do it. Petition the U.S. Congress to investigate property taxes as they did those oil company executives. I understand you're attempting to save the world one rock wall, ten foot strip at a time, but it really didn't help me.

In conclusion, one final question. Since I have been captured and brought to justice is there a time table for the retribution against the following: The one or two vehicles a week that stop in the 11400 block of Cedar Oak and dump vehicle loads of trash out? What about the party goers that stand in the street at 1 A.M. drinking beer throwing their beer cans and bottles onto the street and into the desert (excuse me alley). What about the ones having sex throwing out their condoms on the street and alley, or the ones using drugs. What about the daily stream of teenagers that cut the fence and enter the reservoir for the same above stated reasons. What about the wonderful children spray painting the signs around your reservoir and the nearby businesses. Now that this master criminal is out of the way hopefully the enforcement officer can move on and solve these less offensive crimes.

Respectfully Submitted

Andrew C. Smithson
Master Criminal,
Faithful Tax Payer and Voter

Saturday, August 15, 2009

New Jersey Blues

If they arrest anymore democrat politicians in New Jersey, soon they will lack enough politicians to hold a town meeting.
A. C. Smithson

Healthcare reform

If you are truly interested in positive health care reform which will save money, tell you congressmen you want the following.
  • Tort reform. Doctors pay 30 billion dollars a year for mal-practice insurance. Many of the test they order are in self defense to avoid a mis diagnosis or un-diagnosis.
  • Allow citizens to purchase insurance across state lines as congress does. This will foster competition between the approximately 1,300 insurance agencies nationwide. The government claims they want the public option to encourage competition (there are already over one thousand competitors).
  • Keep the government out. They are largely responsible for the increase via Medicare, Medicaid and Chips.
  • Encourage health savings accounts.
  • Allow portability where individuals can purchase insurance in the same manner as large corporations.

Socialist and the hopelessly ignorant that continue to insist on socialized medicine can be aided in the following manner. Taxpayers will pick up the tab for transportation and a couple nights lodging to the socialist paradise of their choice. Canada, Great Britain or Cuba.

There are numerous other adjustments that could be made to lower the cost. Don't ask the federal government to take total control of your life and freedoms.

A. C. Smithson

Barry Obama

If he is not a Marxist Socialist (based on his presidential actions and numerous radical associations in the past and present) he probably will do until one comes along. He wants us all to be equally poor and miserable.
A. C. Smithson

A Special Person

Last Week we lost a special person. Her name is Corina. She is the special caliber of person you meet infrequently over a lifetime. I can count all that I have met on one hand. I was honored to have known her for the past four years. She had an incredible sense of humor and was quick with a smile and laugh. I observed her at work and she was the consummate professional who never failed to impress me. Her life was way to short and she will forever be loved and missed.
A. Smithson

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Bamsters Healthcare Plan

Change you cannot believe in.
Elections have consequences. We wanted change and boy did we get it. The Nationalist Socialist Democrat Party is attempting to force nationalized health care down your throat ( a similar plan was instituted in Germany in 1883). They tell you lie after lie in order for you to accept it. They want control of one sixth of the economy and control over your life. It will allow the government to make decision over who lives and who dies, and how you live your life. It will in all likelihood destroy our economy. The people who object to this are called mobs, un-american, racist, nazis and kkk.. If you object to The Most Merciful Lord Messiah Barrack Obama you are guilty of blasphemy. George Bernard Shaw wrote "All great truth's begin as blasphemy".
A. C. Smithson

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Submitted by CEPTXJ

"Recession is when your neighbor loses his job. Depression is when you lose your job. Recovery is when Obama loses his."

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Beware the end is at hand!

I am not speaking of the end of the world, but instead the end of the greatest nation ever to exist on the face of the earth. The end of the world we will have to wait and see. The evidence I base this prediction on the following: Commercials on radio and television. I'm guessing that since the inception of these forms of media they have always played to the lowest common denominator. Now days the target is very low, very, very low. If we the United States Citizens are as dumb, and lack the common sense that the government thinks we do we are beyond help.
  • The Texas National Resource Commission has a commercial that instructs you on how to care for your carpets. Vacuum frequency, do not pull out attached fibers, and move furniture around to change high traffic areas. (I don't understand the connection between TNRC and our carpets).
  • Health and Human Services admonished people to talk to their doctors and ask questions during examinations. Don't just sit and stare.
  • The Texas Agriculture Commissioner reminds us that during school months people are fed. Despite welfare, food stamps and food distribution centers hunger has run amuck during summer break. Hunger is everywhere so we have feeding centers in selective schools. Sponsored by the U.S.D.A.-United States Dumb Asses.
  • Don't dump your oil (from Vehicle) into storm drains. A single oil change will pollute one million gallons of water. If you water your lawn during the heat of the day, the water will evaporate. Save Texas. Org
  • Smart Way Leaf will tell you when purchasing a new car what models are environmentally friendly. Best mileage, fewest emissions etc. You could never figure it out for yourself. Smart Leaf decal will be on the windshield to guide you. Sponsored by the E.P.A.
  • Generally speaking it is not a good idea to leave a child under the age of 10 at home alone. (I have heard that before somewhere, wait it was the movie "Home Alone"). C.H.I.P.S. advertisement
  • The United States Department of Transportation has a commercial with voices, purported to be that of young children, discussing picking their noses and farting in the back seat of the car. Then they go on to explain to the lowest common denominator how to secure your child's restraint seat. If you can't figure out how to buckle them in how did you figure out how to procreate in the first place? A state worker needs to be assigned to buckle these kids in.
Understand your tax dollars are paying for this. This is what your government thinks about your ability to care for yourself and your family.
A. C. Smithson

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Call for help

Today at a Taco Bell restaurant I observed the following, and I'm just not intelligent enough to figure it out. Please help. I saw a young male approximately twenty five years old enter the restaurant ahead of me. His pants were sagging about half way down his butt exposing his underwear. He had a blue handkerchief hanging out of his left rear pocket. While waiting in line behind him I noted that he had two earrings, cone shaped about two inches long. His left eyebrow had a piece of metal in it. He was wearing a baseball cap slightly cocked to the left side with the visor bent in the middle and pointing up. What does it mean. Is this a fashion statement. Does this make him cool. Is this our future where people can't dress themselves and think they are cool? Is it a rebellious act against the older generation? Does the handkerchief in his left rear pocket mean he is gay, a member of a gang, or just cool? When he was younger who could have allowed this? Who is responsible the parents, the school, who? What future contribution can a person like this make? Please Help
A. C. Smithson

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Fish Story

Two men are out ice fishing at their favorite spot, sitting quietly and drinking beer. Whispering, so as not to scare the fish, Bob says "I think I'm going to divorce my wife. She hasn't spoken to me in over two months."
Earl continues sipping his beer, then thoughtfully replies, "You'd better think it over, Bob. Women like that are hard to find."
The American Legion Magazine, August 2009 issue.

One of many differences between a Conservative and a Liberal

Off the top of your head you might think a conservative is a racist, sexist, bigoted, homophobe. The liberal is a thoughtless child that simply has feelings about issues but never thinks the issues through. The liberal is a helpless victim of life.

I will explain one significant difference that controls the way they both conduct themselves. Conservatives accept the premise that we as humans lack perfection. We all are fallible and will make mistakes. Since we are human and therefore imperfect we understand not all the answers are known to us. We do not know what is best for everyone else. Conservatives are humbled by this understanding, and for the most part refrain from making judgments of what others should do, or how they should live their lives.

The liberal is an elitist much smarter than anyone else. They are infallible operating almost at a divine level. The liberal knows how you should relate to your environment. They know how you should interact with your ecosystem. They know how to eliminate global warming. They know how to save the planet. They know how you should care for your resources. They know what you should and shouldn't eat. They know what kind of health care you should have. They know how much exercise you need. They know you shouldn't eat hot dogs. They know you shouldn't own a gun. They know you shouldn't drive an SUV. They know what kind of car you should drive. They know what manner of fuel you should utilize in your car. They know you shouldn't acknowledge GOD in public (Christians only). They know you should support single motherhood, homosexuality, and abortion. They know your kids should go to public school (no alternatives) whether they get a quality education or not. They know you pollute the air when you breathe. They know you are destroying the planet when you use plastic bags, plastic water bottles and aluminum cans. They know you are abusive to animals. They know how you should raise your kids. They know what kind of appliances you should have inside your house. They know that socialism is right for you. They know that you do not pay enough taxes (you not just the rich). They know we evolved from pond slime. They know there is no GOD. They know they are superior to you. They know how much you should earn. They know you can't take care of yourself, but the government can. Ultimately they know what kind of light bulb you should use. They know everything!

Take three minutes I bet you can think of twelve more instances in which "Liberals Know Best".

A. C. Smithson

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Obama the baseball player

Obama throws a baseball like a girl. He is more of an "athletic supporter" than an athlete.
A. C. Smithson

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


How are Obama and GOD the same.
Neither GOD nor Obama have a birth certificate.

Obama Bumper Stickers

"Obama lied Afghans died"

"Afghanistan is Obama's Vietnam"
(Both borrowed from the loony left.)

Sign seen at recent Tea Party Event.
I'll keep my freedom, my guns and my money. You keep the CHANGE.
A. C. Smithson

Sunday, June 28, 2009


Please see greeting.
For additional insight as to what government run health care would look like go to www.cprights.org.


Turning over health care to a federal government that has proven over the decades that there is very little they can manage effectively is not the answer. The last six months prove this beyond any doubt. I challenge anyone to identify one thing done correctly by the federal government in the last half year. Support any challenge with facts no liberal hallucinations.
Washington D. C. is a collection of inept often time corrupt players that would control one-sixth of the G. N. P. and make life and death decisions regarding you and your family. This small group would have the final say. No appeal. If the current system were left in place you would at least have the option to appeal and ultimately change insurance providers. Consider an insurance company in Arizona for example, denies needed treatment to a particular individual, it does not affect the entire 310 million of us. A decision by the bureaucrats in Washington would.
There are two fixes that would dramatically reduce the cost of national health care if implemented. The first would be meaningful tort reform. If a physician was not required to pay malpractice insurance cost in excess of $100,000.00 a year, the cost of a doctor visit could be significantly reduced. Secondly, along the lines of the Safeway Corporation, there are other options. People who utilize the coverage less in a more responsible manner pay less. Those who overuse it pay higher premiums. Insurance coverage could be modeled after auto insurance. Doctor visits and routine medications should be paid out of pocket. When I was growing up this was the norm. Costs were kept down. Poor folks like ourselves who could not always afford the medication were aided by compassionate physicians. The doctor would give us a shot for a nominal fee, or furnish us sample medications he had in the office at no cost.
Insurance should be reserved for catastrophic illnesses. Cost of insurance would be significantly reduced. Think of it as you would auto insurance. You insure your car for theft and collision. Possibly you purchased a warranty against major breakdown. That's why you can afford it. There is a limited coverage. You do not insure your oil changes, tire rotations or wiper blade replacements. Think of health insurance in the same vein and you will realize considerable savings.
In the event the government should run the program you will be taxed to death. Every activity the government deems to be unhealthy will result in additional tax. Ultimately one or more of these activities will be used by the government to explain why a specific ailment will not be covered. Your conduct lead to it, therefore you are not covered. Allow the government to take over health care and it will go the way of Social Security and Medicare, guaranteed.
There are a number of other corrections that could be made to our current system without destroying the best health care system in the world. Consider it.
A.C. Smithson

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Additional Jokes

When a man went to get his driver's license renewed at the Department of Motor Vehicles, the building was packed. The line inched along for an hour until he finally got his photo taken. The man commented to the clerk, "I was standing in line so long, I ended up looking rather grouchy in this picture. " The clerk looked over at the photo. "It's OK," he reassured the man." That's how you're going to look when the cops pull you over anyway."
AFTER THE PARTY, as the couple drove home, the wife asked the husband, "Honey, has anyone ever told you how handsome, sexy and irresistible to women you are?' "Not that I recall," the husband replied. "Then what on Earth gave you that idea at the party tonight?'
The American Legion Magazine, June 2009

Jokes of the day

A man phones the church and the receptionist answers. The man says let me speak to the head hog at the trough, the top hog. The receptionist says you can call him the pastor but you can't call him the head hog at the trough. The man replied I'm sorry but I was planning to make a $10,000 donation to the church. The receptionist responds hold on porky just walked in the door.
A man walking in the forest hears a voice that says kiss me and I will turn into a beautiful bride. The man looks down and sees a frog. The frog says kiss me and I will turn into a beautiful bride. The man bends down picks up the frog and puts it in his shirt pocket. The bewildered frog looks up and says kiss me and I will turn into a beautiful bride. The man looks down and says at my age I would rather have a talking frog.
Joel Olsteen

Friday, June 26, 2009

Man Made Global Warming

Alexander Hamilton once said, "If you stand for nothing you will fall for anything." Gullible and foolish are words that come to mind when I see sheepish people rush to embrace man made global warming.
The scientific method states: The system of advancing knowledge by formulating a question, collecting data about it through observation and experiment, and testing a hypothetical answer." Others should be able to replicate your testing with the same conclusions. If you have a consensus of scientists you don't have science you have junk science. Consensus is frequently defined as the lack of leadership.
Question, why would so many scientists support the theory of man made global warming? If your position is that it does not exist how would you secure funding to study it? On the other hand, funding is available to study this crisis if you profess a belief in it.
In the late 1970's a significant number of these same scientists made the claim that due to man made pollution the earth would become a frozen waste land. Claims were made that if the problem was not addressed seriously within a period of time the crisis would be irreversible (sound familiar). The deadline has come and gone.
Now we face destruction from man made global warming. Were they wrong then or are they wrong now, or both? Some of the radical environmental groups had set a deadline for action before the destruction would become irreversible. That date passed approximately five years ago, so kick back and relax, it's over. Nothing can be done about it. They have learned from that lesson and now they no longer attach deadlines. It is phrased now as, immediate urgent action is needed to save the planet. What are they asking us to do in order to save the planet.
  • Tax oil companies
  • Move to alternative energy sources that don't as of yet work
  • Drive smaller more dangerous cars
  • Lower home heating temperatures
  • Change home lighting, use dim energy efficient bulbs w/mercury
  • No burning of coal
  • No oil exploration or refining
  • No nuclear plants
  • Walk don't drive
  • Ride bicycles don't drive
  • Buy new energy efficient appliances
  • Limit cow flatulence
  • Further regulate industries and manufacturing
  • Purchase carbon-offset credits
  • Return to the dark ages by systematically making a villain of every modern convenience
  • No bonfires on the beach(air pollution)
  • Low flow showers and toilets
  • Burning and BBQ days limited (air pollution)
  • Four dollar a gallon gas (cost more use less)
  • Don't buy books check them out of library, we can all share (personal property rights and collectivism)

This is a partial list to be sure. I recently heard on a news broadcast that the estimated cost of compliance would be in the ballpark of 45 trillion dollars. That might do a little damage to our economy.

Mars' polar ice caps reach temperatures of -225 degrees Fahrenheit. The atmosphere on Mars is 95.32% CO2. Earths' atmosphere consist of 0.03% CO2. Shouldn't their temperature be a lot hotter than ours with that level of CO2? It appears that there is some other factor that determines a planets temperature and we call it the SUN.

Claims are that the temperature has increased .07% of a degree in the last 100 years. How accurate were the measuring devices of that time? Were there ever times in man's history when the earth was either cooler or warmer? Recurring ice ages possibly.

Man made global warming has been blamed for the following and more: rainfall, lack of rainfall, flooding, drought, tornadoes, lack of tornadoes, severity of tornadoes, hurricanes, lack of hurricanes, severity of hurricanes, snowfall, lack of snowfall. Soon, I expect when a student fails to complete his or her homework the excuse of man made global warming will be utilized.

Who is to say what the optimum temperature should be. What if a couple of additional degrees of heat actually benefits man in the long run? Could global warming be caused by natural cycles? Impossible, in that event, we would not be able to feel guilt as we are not the cause of it.

Is this global warming claim political or scientific. Take note of the fact that liberal Hollywood types are lining up as proponents. They have attained their fame and now they are in search of relevance. They glob onto anything for that purpose. In the 50's it was Marxism today Global warming. These are the real geniuses in our society. It's a safe bet that if they are for something and you want to be on the correct side, pick the opposite. It's another Hollywood for humanity episode, liberal guilt? The question and position truly is along political lines. Is this science?

Ninety-five percent of green house gases are produced by nature. We should turn on mother earth. Instead of celebrating Earth Day we should stand around cursing and insulting her, after all it is her fault. Volcanoes, forrest fires, decaying materials, etc. are all natural occurrences. Five percent of total green house gasses are man made. If we stopped all of our activity here, driving, industry, heating, cooling, farming, all of it, no significant adjustment could be achieved. China and India have no plans to stop producing or feeding it's citizens. Unilaterally we cannot even effect the five percent generated by man.

Global warming may possibly be occurring, but it is not man made. Weather cycles have occurred in the past and will continue in the future. Before investing your soul and riches into this nonsense, ask some questions, then decide. My position is we did not cause it and we can't fix it.

A. C. Smithson

Please see greeting.


Two must read books are as follows:
"Guilty" Liberal "Victims" and their Assault on America, by Ann Coulter.
"Liberty and Tyranny" A Conservative Manifesto, by Mark R. Levin.
Please see greeting.

Things that will kill you!

We have become a nation of whiners, hypochondriacs and crybabies. I attribute much of this to the fact that we have it so easy these days. With all the leisure time we can sit around and dream up new crisis and syndromes. The generations before us faced real challenges like the Great Depression and World War ll, and they had to work hard daily to guarantee their and their families survival. The feminization of America and the Oprah's teachings that everyone is a victim play a huge role in our acceptance of this malarkey. Here is a partial list of things that will kill you as reported by the liberal news media. All have been reported in the past two years. Immediate or future death was attributed to each.

White bread
Fat around stomach
Vote or die
Incandescent light bulbs
Climate change
Climate change delusion
Bicycling without a helmet
Global warming
Responding to global warming
Heart disease
Driving automobiles
Flying in planes
Bonfires at the beach
Methane gas from cows
Second hand smoke
Carbon dioxide
Un-vented heaters in the house
Forrest fires
Trans fat
Radon gas
Nuclear power
Male spouse
Sleep apnea
High blood pressure
Pandemic flu
Not enough fiber
Not enough vegetables
Lack of exercise
Mercury in fish, but not the mercury in compact fluorescent light bulbs
Clean air (allows harmful rays to reach earth)
Cell phones
Election of a Republican
West Nile Virus
Melting polar caps
Gamma radiation
Plastic bags
Drunk driving
Cyber bulling
Gun battle in toys R us
Working in Wal-Mart after Thanksgiving
Government run health care

See my point. Stay in your house and don't move around too much. The odds are against you, but good luck anyway.

A. C. Smithson

Please see greeting.