Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Humorous quote
Sunday, December 27, 2009
War on Terror Status
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
The end game
Recent events have led me to believe that the endgame, checkmate is at hand. Two educated intelligent people to whom I recently spoke really drove this point home. One tells me that there are only two options: one is to become angry and that option wasn't acceptable to this individual, and the second option was to wait and vote these people out. There didn't seem to have been any consideration that perhaps a little activism, or at least attempting to persuade others to a clear understanding of what is happening to us and our country might be a additional option. The second conversation involved the excuse making and talking points coming out of Moscow (Washington DC). I believe the jest of the comment was this mess was left for Premier Obama to deal with.
This Marxist Obama has been in control of the country for one year now. At what point does it become his responsibility? Most of the significant problems we face as a nation are his doing. Obama lacks humility and "class", always blaming others. It scares me that people can't recognize this.
The people I recently spoke to are both devout religious persons. It saddens me so their demonstrated lack of concern. This country, the greatest ever on the face of the earth was a divine gift from God. Our founding fathers no doubt establish this country with divine guidance. Genius on loan from God. We the people are willing to stand idly by not even willing to educate ourselves about what's happening. We clearly don't deserve what we have. Soon we will lose it.
We are on the verge of transforming this great bastion of freedom and liberty into a socialistic, tyrannical, Marxist style nation. We seem to be content to march along in blissful ignorance trusting our futures and our children's futures to a group of less than honorable politicians in Washington.
This alleged health care reform will result in one giant leap in the direction of lost freedoms. Anyone paying the slightest attention to this sham could spot it. Here are some guarantees that we'll all see from this takeover. Quality of service will drop as the same number of physicians will be required to see 30 million more people. Delays in treatment will be common as waiting lines will be long. The exorbitant cost will result in the cutting of services and equipment. The very young and the very old will be the first casualties. Taxation to operate this behemoth will skyrocket. In addition to taxes deducted from your paycheck numerous other taxes will surface as time rolls on. Anything deemed unhealthful will be taxed. Of course as currently tobacco and alcohol will be hit again. There is a provision that is currently in the health care plan that taxes tanning booths 10%. Things like fast foods, sodas, milk, white bread, driving your car, obesity, lack of exercise, using your cell phone, and dozens of other things will be identified as harmful to your health adding to the cost of healthcare ergo, needing to be taxed.
Ask yourself why was there such a rush to pass this healthcare reform. Is it perhaps because once more people find out what's contained in the legislation they will stand up against it. Why was it done in such secrecy, behind closed doors. Why wasn't it put on C-SPAN for all to examine as Obama claimed it would be? If it's such a great deal for America, why were the details contained within not passed on to the American public? Why did brides have to be paid out to individual senators to go along with such a wonderful plan? Why if it doesn't bust the budget are we required to pay into it for four years before the actual benefits of the plan begin? It's an accounting gimmick to give the appearance that it's within budget and does not add to the national deficit. Why if it is such a wonderful plan is it necessary to threaten with fine and incarceration any person not willing to purchase the insurance? Why can we as citizens not see the lies after lies stack upon each other coming from the legislators? A clear example of this would be "Dingy" Harry Reid claiming in his speech from the floor a couple days ago that every few minutes a person without healthcare insurance dies in this nation. He went on to say that in the brief time he was speaking two people died. To the logical mind this is fairly simple to figure out. If his claims are true how can we possibly wait four years for the benefits of this lifesaving plan to kick in. Off the top of my head that amounts to about 1.5 million deaths occurring as a result of this delayed implementation. Why would Dingy Harry and the other senators and our beloved leader Obama be willing to stand by for that. The answer is of course like most everything else they have claimed, the assertion is not true. All of us need to be aware of this fact, a government that controls our health controls our life.
A. C. Smithson
Sunday, December 20, 2009
It's freezing outside
Monday, December 14, 2009
Recently observed editorials
The first one is entitled Obama has "Bad Spending Habits" , written by El Pasoan Scott Graves. It reads as follows: We are governed by children who don't understand hard work or the value of keeping the fruits of one's labor. The Obamas would have you believe they originated from the oppressed underclass. This is untrue. Both benefited from Harvard educations and reaped the benefits of power and politics. Obama's attitudes towards money and taxes align perfectly with the Kennedys. It is quite easy to be generous when spending someone else's money and to opine about the poor and spreading wealth. The very people who so eagerly take our money from us and waste it don't think about what raising taxes does to those who work hard to try to improve their lot in life. Why should I work so hard to increase my earning capacity just to have it taken away and given to someone with less ambition. I promise you this: when the taxation Obama has planned for me makes it no longer profitable enough to work, then I will sit at home like the swill he is so fond of courting and I will stop paying so much in taxes. At least then Obama won't use my money to spread around.
The second article is by a Carl Poer is titled "Differing Views." He shows some of the clearer differences between conservatives and liberals. "If a conservative doesn't like guns, he doesn't buy one; a liberal wants to ban them from everyone. If a conservative is vegetarian, he doesn't eat meat; a liberal wants to ban all meat products. If a conservative sees a national threat, he thinks of ways to protect the country; a liberal tries to find a way to surrender and still look good. If a conservative is gay, he quietly enjoys his life; a liberal loudly demands legislative protection and rights. If a black or Hispanic is a conservative, he believes he is independently successful; a liberal sees himself as a victim in need of government help. If a conservative is down and out, he thinks of ways to better his situation; a liberal wonders who's going to support him. If a conservative doesn't like a talkshow host, he changes the station; a liberal wants to ban them from broadcasting. If a conservative is a nonbeliever, he doesn't go to church; a liberal wants to remove God from everyone. If a conservative wants healthcare, he buys it or finds an employer to provide it; a liberal wants you to buy it for him. Get my drift?" Great job guys. Thank you.
These men are clearly independent thinkers and are not the sheep who would waste their votes on straight party Democrat.
A. C. SmithsonSunday, December 13, 2009
Another gov't program that didn't quite work!
Man Made Global warming hoax
Friday, December 4, 2009
Education update
Weather update
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Ditherer in Chief
Helen Keller
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Obama supporter classics
- You may be an Obama supporter if you believe the leader of the free world should be traveling to Europe and South America apologizing for the citizens of the United States.
- You may be an Obama supporter if you wake up at noon, in order to go pick up your welfare check.
- You may be an Obama supporter if all your life, your friends and family have continually reminded you of how gullible you are.
Recently observed handgun poster
The poster exhibited photographs of the following gun control experts.
The experts agree...
Hitler, Castro, Qaddafi, Stalin,
Idi Amin, Mao Tse-tung, Pol pot, Kim Jong-Il
Gun control works!
In order for these prolific mass murders to succeed they first had to remove the two G's from their peoples: GOD and guns. Remarkably similar to what the liberals here in the United States are advocating.
Dose of humor
In the days of the Berlin wall, there was a little old man who crossed the checkpoint every week, pushing his bicycle and caring a heavy sack. The border guard, suspecting him of smuggling, always searched the sack thoroughly but never found anything worthwhile.
One day, after the wall came down, the guard ran into the little old man.
"Look, I just know you were smuggling something all those years, but I could never prove it," the guard said. "Tell me what it was."
The little man chuckled. "Bicycles."
The American Legion Magazine, December 2009, page 60.
Buyers remorse!
Yesterday, November 21, 2009, I was speaking to an old friend. He was explaining that his deferred compensation (retirement savings) were tanking. This soon led to a discussion of politics. He went on to explain that the economic problems were the result of Bush. He couldn't explain how Bush had done it just that he knew it was his fault. I pointed out it was a world wide recession and question whether he was responsible for all of it. I didn't bring up the housing market failure caused by the Democrats social engineering. Carter and then later Clinton forcing lending institutions to give loans to people who could not possibly pay them back. This practice did not exist prior to the government's involvement. Before the government (taxpayers) backing of loans, lenders only issued loans they felt relatively safe in recovering. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac served the purpose of encouraging these bad loans. I do hold Bush and McCain (McLame) partially responsible as they gave warnings in 2005 and 2002 respectively. They should have done a lot more than just warn. My friend went on to explain how our four dollar a gallon gas was due to collusion between Bush, and the big oil companies. He didn't seem to consider a possible impact of the commodities market, oil-producing countries output, supply and demand, peak driving season, refinery capacity, or any other possible factors. The big oil companies just like the big pharmaceutical companies overcharge consumers simply based on greed. The media has taught this lesson well, however, it would serve us well to consider the benefits that all of us derive from both of the aforementioned industries. Bush's friendliness toward big oil was the cause. When the price of a gallon of gas under Obama exceeds four dollars a gallon I wonder what we will think then.
My friend also remarked that Bush was stupid. He had not met him, but I had as a result of my previous employment. I found him to be both quick and witty. The basis of my friends opinion was a news conference, at which a reporter asked Bush a question, and then Bush asked a member of his entourage about it. This was proof that Bush was stupid. I wonder by this standard, where it leaves the rest of us.
My friend had some concerns about this Obama administration. He didn't seem to be too pleased about the current handling of the economy, unemployment, or this health care takeover. He wouldn't go as far as calling Obama stupid, but I will. If you allow yourself to be indoctrinated to the point where you feel government is the answer to all peoples needs and wants, your stupid. If your indoctrination causes you to hang around people like Rev. Wright (the hatemonger), William Ayres, (the domestic terrorist), or Van Jones, (the communist) to mention a few, you are stupid. If you have $787 billion at your disposal in order to boost the economy and the only thing you have to show for it is made up statistics on jobs saved, your stupid. Hell, if you gave me $787 billion, I could boost the economy. If you think that some form of tyrannical fascist government is preferable to our democratic republic, you are stupid. I could go on but why bother. I believe, as time goes on these things and more will become evident, even to the gullible.
My friend regrets his vote for Obama, and the change that came with it. In the future, he and a lot of other people will regret it even more. The amount of damage that these statist are attempting to do our country may likely be irreversible. Alexis De Tocqueville told us that in a democracy, "we get the government we deserve." Benjamin Franklin cautioned us,"they that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty or safety." On one occasion Benjamin Franklin was asked "what kind of government, have you given us, Mr. Franklin?" His reply was a challenge to every generation of Americans: "a Republic, if you can keep it."
A. C. Smithson
Another brilliant economic move!
Question of the day!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Democrat Socialist party concerned for your tax dollar
Democrat Socialist party members frequently speak of their concern for the kitchen table issues. I suppose this means average citizens working to take care of their families, and pay their ever-increasing taxes. Here's yet one more example of their concern for the average citizen. Politburo Pelosi and her husband are worth in excess of $40 million. She shows her great concern for us by rejecting the use of a United States Air Force C-20B., Gulfstream lll, that comes with the speaker's job. This jet had to stop and refuel on its weekly trips back to California. She felt herself too important and our tax money so unimportant that she ordered a larger jet. She felt she needed a jet that could make the trip without refueling, so she ordered a 200 seat United States Air Force C-32, Boeing 757 jet. The cost to taxpayers is approximately $60,000 one-way. (Her work week is generally 3 days a week, explaining the difference when you add it up.) This totals $480,000 per month. The annual cost to the taxpayers is $5,760,000. These cost are for fuel only, not the cost of the plane or it's crew. These clowns want you to drive smaller cars, put more air in your tires, and reduce your carbon footprint. Consider the arrogance of these people's actions.
A. C. SmithsonSunday, November 8, 2009
Political Correctness are we nuts?
Sunday, November 1, 2009
The Wonders of Research
Hundreds of thousands of decent caring people donate monies to all kinds of research. Cancer, muscular dystrophy, heart disease, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's are some of the better-known. I'm not sure that any of these researches will ever accomplish the goals they claim. A disease-free world is their professed claim. I guess that would mean we would live forever. In most of these efforts we will probably find we are limited by our humanity. There are just some things man cannot accomplish.
Another reason I say this is so much research money is wasted on asinine, ridiculous, wasteful research. What I am about to describe is only one of hundreds of wasteful research projects occurring as we speak. I believe it is because they (the researchers) are incapable of any real significant research (recent high school graduates.)
The University of California Irvine last week published the findings of their brilliant research. Now for the liberal person who does not want to be held responsible for any of their bizarre behaviors this research may be helpful. It's one more blow against any personal responsibility whatsoever. Consider how many tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars are wasted for this so-called research. (The money wasted on just one project could make life very comfortable for any one of us middle-class citizens.) Headlines "gene variant may be cause for bad driving." It's not your fault you crashed and injured someone, it's your stupid parents fault. Wait! It's not their fault it's their stupid parents fault, and this goes on I guess as far back as the first time anyone has ever driven. I don't suppose it could be you just grew up observing bad driving habits. No it couldn't be that it must be a gene thing. This is the type of cutting-edge research I support the heck with that cancer thing.
A. C. SmithsonWednesday, October 28, 2009
Thought to Ponder
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Ironic Observation
Recently the Obama administration called the government of Afghanistan severely corrupt. This is an accurate observation. Now my observation is as follows: The Obama administration is populated by socialist, Marxist, communist, Maoist, tax cheats, anarchist and liars. It is severely corrupt. They lie about why they wish to push an energy tax (Cap and trade) on the taxpayer. They lie about what they're attempting to accomplish with healthcare legislation. They lie about what they've accomplished toward repairing the economy with their stimulus package. They lie about what their intent is when taking over private corporations i.e. banks, financial institutions and auto manufacturers. They lie about who they are, and what they believe. I could list the names of these socialist, Marxist, communist, Maoist, tax cheats, anarchist and liars associated with, or in his administration, but that information is available for all who care to discover it. Is this not a case of the pot calling the kettle black?
A. C. SmithsonSelf-esteem
Self-esteem and self-worth are wonderful attributes so long as you acquire them the old-fashioned way, you earn them. Self-esteem is defined as a confidence and satisfaction in one's self. Self esteem is generally built through accomplishment. There is nothing wrong with a person having confidence and self satisfaction so long as there is a relationship between that and their accomplishments.
In the early 1980s it was decided that there was a need for all young people to be full and overflowing with self-esteem. I believe this was a disservice to them in that it eventually led them to believe that they were the equals to their parents, teachers and adults. Youth no longer demonstrate respect or reverence toward adults or others. This is not difficult to understand considering these young people believe themselves to be equal to adults and every regard. When we discuss the psychobabble of self-esteem we disregard the fact that they've (the youth) have done nothing but take all their lives and contributed nothing back to society. Naturally, to the parents their children are precious and without flaw. To the general community, children displaying their unique style of crass behavior may be seen as slightly less endearing.
There is a difference between adults and youths. There's no great onerous in the acceptance that we are not equal. A difference exist between boss and employee, rich and poor, famous and not so famous. The list goes on. It is not a violation of their human rights, constitutional rights, or any other rights. Requiring children to accept the fact that adults are more knowledgeable, mature, and responsible in most instances, will not do permanent damage to the child. It will simply result in them growing up to be better adults.
In the words of preacher Billy Graham: "We have neglected to discipline our children and called it building self esteem."
Saturday, October 17, 2009
I recently spoke to a person of unlimited stupidity, no limits. This person thinks we can cover everyone's healthcare needs, inexpensively, no additional taxes, no increase to the budget deficit, no decrease in the quality of service to anyone (no additional doctors or nurses), birds will sing, the sky will be bluer, the planet will cool and the sea levels will drop when the government takes control of your health care and life. In these instances, I attempt to contain myself. I don't like calling people names. I have fought the urge for days, but I finally lost out. Healthcare or insurance reform or whatever, they are calling it today there is no plan. There really is no plan there are five or so proposals, but the plan will be worked out behind closed doors in a smoke-filled room. Allow me to digress. Regarding calling this person one of unlimited stupidity I must freely admit that I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer. If I can figure this healthcare scam out it frustrates me that others can't. The current claim in one of the proposals is that 94% of the people will be covered. What of the remaining 6%. I thought we were doing this in order to ensure that everyone has health insurance. What of the millions (GAO estimates over 20 million) which will remain uncovered? We're going to destroy the best healthcare system in the world in order to cover some of the people. There are numerous reasons for the current high cost of healthcare. The liberal's claim that insurance companies are just plain evil doesn't even factor in to the top 10 reasons. Government programs (government run healthcare programs) artificially inflating the market is one of the leading reasons. Don't believe it, look back at healthcare cost prior to the 60s war on poverty. Both federal and state regulations additionally, contribute to these high-cost. Tort reform and I mean true tort reform would reduce the cost of healthcare by at least 20%. Physicians are being forced to purchase expensive malpractice insurance and doctors practicing defensive medicine (the cost of unnecessary test in order to protect themselves) contributes significantly to the cost. One of the goofy claims made is there's just not enough competition in healthcare. If only the government were present to compete with the evil insurance companies. This would drive the cost of healthcare down. There are over 1300 insurance companies nationwide selling health insurance. One more competitor will make no difference. Now to hurt the feelings of some people in our current entitlement society. If you truly want to reduce the cost of healthcare try paying out-of-pocket for routine health care needs. I know some will jump at this and say the poor and destitute cannot afford this. I'm not talking about them. I'm talking about those of us still working, earning an income and taking care of our families. Insurance should be purchased to cover catastrophic health needs not simple office visits and inoculations. If this was insurance on your car in addition to accident, comprehensive and theft what would it cost if you also purchase coverage for your belts, wear and tear, oil changes, brake replacement, wind shield wipers and every other component on your car. I would venture to say the cost would be roughly that of what we're currently paying for health insurance.
It does not seem to bother many that the federal government's involvement in healthcare is unconstitutional. Don't just accept that from me, read the constitution or ask a constitutional scholar. That being said the most disturbing aspect of all to me is that people believe they have a right to their neighbors labors. What kind of an upbringing allows people to think that? Another misconception is that ensuring an additional 46 million,30 million,47 million or however many they claim today are without will not cost any more. It's just not possible. One more outrageous yet accepted claim is that in order to help pay for the destruction of healthcare the government will cut $450 billion of waste, fraud and abuse from Medicare. My question, if they know how to do that why haven't they done that already? Are they telling us they could have stopped it at any time yet they stood by and allowed the taxpayers to get ripped off year after year after year? And now for an undeniable truth. No government program has ever or will ever come in at cost or below. They always cost more. That's enough to ponder for now. Please don't just sit back and think that this will work itself out because it won't. Make a decision based on your beliefs and then let your representatives know what you want. After all they do work for you.
A. C. Smithson
Thursday, October 15, 2009
A Little Common Sense Goes a Long Way!
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Barry the Nobel Prize Winner
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Recent cartoon
Wealth Redistribution
Saturday, September 26, 2009
A quote and a joke
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Barry The Magician
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Re-defining of words
Sunday, September 13, 2009
My Progressive Side
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Twin Towers Ground Zero
Friday, September 11, 2009
Granting life to the non-living
This morning I heard the report of a high school cheerleader murdered by a gun. Somehow a football player was involved in the incident. Report: Gun crime results in the death of a cheerleader. The football player didn't kill her the gun did. In my life, I have been lucky in that I have never had a criminal gun. I have owned guns for 49 years. Never once has any of them committed a gun crime. Come to think of it my friends and relatives have never owned a criminal gun. Just dumb luck I guess.
A. C. Smithson
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Dumbo (Obama's) latest Healthcare speech
Monday, September 7, 2009
Whale Wars
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Van Jones (followup to Barry's Minions)
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Barry's Minions
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Immigration Reform (amnesty)
They must speak the common language (English)
Must be professionals or investors
No unskilled workers allowed
No bilingual programs in school
No special ballots in immigrants native language
No government business in immigrants native language
Foreigners not allowed to vote (non citizen)
No burden on tax payers, no welfare, food stamps etc.
Investors must invest 40 thousand times amount of current minimum wage
If purchasing land they are not allowed to buy water front land
Must relinquish individual rights to the property
No protest, no demonstrations, no foreign flag waving, no political organizing
No holding of political office
No badmouthing our president or policies, shut your mouth or get out
Enter the country illegally you will go to jail The first consideration involving the illegal alien is that they broke our law when they entered our country. Hence, illegal against the law alien. If you cannot maintain your borders you do not have a country. These proposed reforms are actually provisions extracted from Mexico's current immigration laws. If Mexico has the right to control it's borders, in any manner they see fit, then so do we. We not only have the right but the federal government has the responsibility, but thus far has chosen not to. Come legally and be welcome. P.S. Remember these laws the next time Mexico complains about the manner in which we treat their citizens that flee Mexico in order to have a better life.
A. C. Smithson
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Edward Kennedy
Prayer For Our Nation
Beautiful Quotes
Monday, August 24, 2009
Obama's Wars
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Golfer's Dream
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Letter to City Government/El Paso
April 12, 2008
Open letter to the Mayor of El Paso
City Council Representatives,
City Manager,
Media outlets
Dear Folks,
I returned home on 4-11-08, from a long day at work to find that I had been conscripted into the service of the City of El Paso.
Left on my front door was a notice from the Department of Environmental Services Division. It indicated the weeds in the alley behind my house had an "accumulation of weeds/grass over 12 inches" (w/in 10 ft from the rock wall of your property.) Alas, they caught up with this master criminal, Vietnam era Air Force veteran, with 20 years of civilian law enforcement and six years as a sign language interpreter for the deaf.
This alley- a narrow street; esp: a thoroughfare through the middle of a block giving access to the rear of lots or buildings. (Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, Tenth Edition, 1995, pg. 30.) Not, it is the freaking desert. Depends what the meaning of is is.
I checked with neighbors to see if other criminals had been rounded up. I found one. He received a notice. He told me when he saw it he immediately entered his yard to determine the problem. I advised him they were talking about the other side of his wall. He indicated that was not his property and asked how he could be held responsible for that. I spoke with another neighbor who had weeds and debris but no notice. I explained the requirement and he asked me if we could move our rock wall outward since we were responsible for the 10 feet. I had additional questions also. I wondered since I'm a senior citizen if I were to drive around through the desert to access the Alley, and got stuck in the desert would the city pay for the wrecker to rescue me. Then I thought if I jump over my six foot rock wall and break my leg will the city pay the medical bills. Then I thought what if I stroke out while chopping these weeds will the city care for my family. Another question I had was whether or not I might be arrested for trespassing as this property is not mine. I have noted that a colony of prairie dogs reside beyond my fence as they have dug under it on occasion to eat flowers in my yard. Perhaps the city should consider doubling all property taxes, and fund an environmental impact study to see what effect the removal of this grass and 12 inch weeds will have on them. What of the prairie dogs? My apologies I have one more question. There is some kind of bush and a cactus, should I kill them or are they exempt? City please respond as I need answers to my questions, particularly about the cactus and bush (both over 12 inches), Live or die?
On one other occasion I had difficulty with that property. I was leaving to work approximately 15 years ago when two sheriffs deputies were at my front door. They had paper work that the city was suing me for failure to pay taxes on the property beyond the rock wall. I informed the plaintiffs that if they send me the title for the property, and name me the owner I would pay the taxes. I was not the owner then nor am I now.
This notice threatens that if I do not clean the alley within 7 days the city may clean it and send me a bill. It says that I caused it or allowed it to grow. I say the city caused it to grow. The city water reservoir, to the east of me , on a couple of occasions (possible repairs) has been drained. They tried to wash my back wall down as they ran the water right past it. The wall stood however the grass grew. The city caused it not me. (What of the prairie dogs?) The other possibility is I allowed it. I did not. It is not my property, and I never payed attention to it nor gave permission for it to grow. I never even thought about that property except for the time they sued me claiming I owned it. Could that land be after me?
Concerning this conscription issue, should the A.C.L.U. be coming to my aid? Why stop at 10 feet is my question? Marty Robbins Park is close to my house. The city maintains (ha ha) that property. Hint: Marty check your south fence, same problem, same alley/desert. You might take a peek at the reservoir also. Unless of course these rules apply only to the serfs and not the ruling class. The park is full of sticker weeds, has graffiti, and frequently looks sorta pitiful. Why not make me responsible for that. You could assign my neighbors to clean up the remaining desert around El Paso. Another question, will we get paid?
You may be thinking, old man, you have a job just pay someone to clean it. Wait until the city cleans it and sends you a bill, ( you can always get a second job in order to afford that.)
Today, I was discussing with my son his school assignment concerning the U.S. Constitution. In reading and analyzing it I was struck by the diametrically opposed concepts and principles of this nations founding, and those of a political sub-division run amuck.
How could a person be against a quality of life issue? I have thought about it, but I cannot see how forcing me to jump over my six foot wall, and chop weeds with my high blood pressure will improve my quality of life. Lower my property taxes, that would do it. Petition the U.S. Congress to investigate property taxes as they did those oil company executives. I understand you're attempting to save the world one rock wall, ten foot strip at a time, but it really didn't help me.
In conclusion, one final question. Since I have been captured and brought to justice is there a time table for the retribution against the following: The one or two vehicles a week that stop in the 11400 block of Cedar Oak and dump vehicle loads of trash out? What about the party goers that stand in the street at 1 A.M. drinking beer throwing their beer cans and bottles onto the street and into the desert (excuse me alley). What about the ones having sex throwing out their condoms on the street and alley, or the ones using drugs. What about the daily stream of teenagers that cut the fence and enter the reservoir for the same above stated reasons. What about the wonderful children spray painting the signs around your reservoir and the nearby businesses. Now that this master criminal is out of the way hopefully the enforcement officer can move on and solve these less offensive crimes.
Respectfully Submitted
Andrew C. Smithson
Master Criminal,
Faithful Tax Payer and Voter
Saturday, August 15, 2009
New Jersey Blues
Healthcare reform
- Tort reform. Doctors pay 30 billion dollars a year for mal-practice insurance. Many of the test they order are in self defense to avoid a mis diagnosis or un-diagnosis.
- Allow citizens to purchase insurance across state lines as congress does. This will foster competition between the approximately 1,300 insurance agencies nationwide. The government claims they want the public option to encourage competition (there are already over one thousand competitors).
- Keep the government out. They are largely responsible for the increase via Medicare, Medicaid and Chips.
- Encourage health savings accounts.
- Allow portability where individuals can purchase insurance in the same manner as large corporations.
Socialist and the hopelessly ignorant that continue to insist on socialized medicine can be aided in the following manner. Taxpayers will pick up the tab for transportation and a couple nights lodging to the socialist paradise of their choice. Canada, Great Britain or Cuba.
There are numerous other adjustments that could be made to lower the cost. Don't ask the federal government to take total control of your life and freedoms.
A. C. Smithson
Barry Obama
A Special Person
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
The Bamsters Healthcare Plan
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Submitted by CEPTXJ
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Beware the end is at hand!
- The Texas National Resource Commission has a commercial that instructs you on how to care for your carpets. Vacuum frequency, do not pull out attached fibers, and move furniture around to change high traffic areas. (I don't understand the connection between TNRC and our carpets).
- Health and Human Services admonished people to talk to their doctors and ask questions during examinations. Don't just sit and stare.
- The Texas Agriculture Commissioner reminds us that during school months people are fed. Despite welfare, food stamps and food distribution centers hunger has run amuck during summer break. Hunger is everywhere so we have feeding centers in selective schools. Sponsored by the U.S.D.A.-United States Dumb Asses.
- Don't dump your oil (from Vehicle) into storm drains. A single oil change will pollute one million gallons of water. If you water your lawn during the heat of the day, the water will evaporate. Save Texas. Org
- Smart Way Leaf will tell you when purchasing a new car what models are environmentally friendly. Best mileage, fewest emissions etc. You could never figure it out for yourself. Smart Leaf decal will be on the windshield to guide you. Sponsored by the E.P.A.
- Generally speaking it is not a good idea to leave a child under the age of 10 at home alone. (I have heard that before somewhere, wait it was the movie "Home Alone"). C.H.I.P.S. advertisement
- The United States Department of Transportation has a commercial with voices, purported to be that of young children, discussing picking their noses and farting in the back seat of the car. Then they go on to explain to the lowest common denominator how to secure your child's restraint seat. If you can't figure out how to buckle them in how did you figure out how to procreate in the first place? A state worker needs to be assigned to buckle these kids in.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Call for help
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Fish Story
One of many differences between a Conservative and a Liberal
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Obama the baseball player
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Obama Bumper Stickers
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Additional Jokes
Jokes of the day
Friday, June 26, 2009
Man Made Global Warming
- Tax oil companies
- Move to alternative energy sources that don't as of yet work
- Drive smaller more dangerous cars
- Lower home heating temperatures
- Change home lighting, use dim energy efficient bulbs w/mercury
- No burning of coal
- No oil exploration or refining
- No nuclear plants
- Walk don't drive
- Ride bicycles don't drive
- Buy new energy efficient appliances
- Limit cow flatulence
- Further regulate industries and manufacturing
- Purchase carbon-offset credits
- Return to the dark ages by systematically making a villain of every modern convenience
- No bonfires on the beach(air pollution)
- Low flow showers and toilets
- Burning and BBQ days limited (air pollution)
- Four dollar a gallon gas (cost more use less)
- Don't buy books check them out of library, we can all share (personal property rights and collectivism)
This is a partial list to be sure. I recently heard on a news broadcast that the estimated cost of compliance would be in the ballpark of 45 trillion dollars. That might do a little damage to our economy.
Mars' polar ice caps reach temperatures of -225 degrees Fahrenheit. The atmosphere on Mars is 95.32% CO2. Earths' atmosphere consist of 0.03% CO2. Shouldn't their temperature be a lot hotter than ours with that level of CO2? It appears that there is some other factor that determines a planets temperature and we call it the SUN.
Claims are that the temperature has increased .07% of a degree in the last 100 years. How accurate were the measuring devices of that time? Were there ever times in man's history when the earth was either cooler or warmer? Recurring ice ages possibly.
Man made global warming has been blamed for the following and more: rainfall, lack of rainfall, flooding, drought, tornadoes, lack of tornadoes, severity of tornadoes, hurricanes, lack of hurricanes, severity of hurricanes, snowfall, lack of snowfall. Soon, I expect when a student fails to complete his or her homework the excuse of man made global warming will be utilized.
Who is to say what the optimum temperature should be. What if a couple of additional degrees of heat actually benefits man in the long run? Could global warming be caused by natural cycles? Impossible, in that event, we would not be able to feel guilt as we are not the cause of it.
Is this global warming claim political or scientific. Take note of the fact that liberal Hollywood types are lining up as proponents. They have attained their fame and now they are in search of relevance. They glob onto anything for that purpose. In the 50's it was Marxism today Global warming. These are the real geniuses in our society. It's a safe bet that if they are for something and you want to be on the correct side, pick the opposite. It's another Hollywood for humanity episode, liberal guilt? The question and position truly is along political lines. Is this science?
Ninety-five percent of green house gases are produced by nature. We should turn on mother earth. Instead of celebrating Earth Day we should stand around cursing and insulting her, after all it is her fault. Volcanoes, forrest fires, decaying materials, etc. are all natural occurrences. Five percent of total green house gasses are man made. If we stopped all of our activity here, driving, industry, heating, cooling, farming, all of it, no significant adjustment could be achieved. China and India have no plans to stop producing or feeding it's citizens. Unilaterally we cannot even effect the five percent generated by man.
Global warming may possibly be occurring, but it is not man made. Weather cycles have occurred in the past and will continue in the future. Before investing your soul and riches into this nonsense, ask some questions, then decide. My position is we did not cause it and we can't fix it.
A. C. Smithson
Things that will kill you!
Government run health care
A. C. Smithson
Please see greeting.