Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Obama's Family Tree

It is no coincidence that Obama and the Devil on the TV series " The Bible" look similar.  I am relatively sure they are related.
A. C. Smithson

Monday, March 18, 2013

Parental advise: If you have teenage children and they want to sheepishly follow the trend of tattooing and piercing themselves to the point of being unemployable you need to stop them.  They will become wards of the state and live a life of perpetual mediocrity.  The only job they can get is on the TV show Freak Show.  Guide them before it is too late.
A. C. Smithson
If you are a parent and rely on Common Sense. org for parenting tips you probably should have not had kids in the first place. Poor kids. Question: How did you figure out how to make them in the first place?
A. C. Smithson