Saturday, July 28, 2012

Something to think about

I just watched a commercial with our obese Surgeon General warning what will happen to children if they smoke tobacco.  They will all die of a number of horrid diseases.  Now if this is true why then doesn't our government not outlaw the production. import, possession, and sale of tobacco.  They claim concern while they collect taxes on this commodity.  Where is their true concern, tax revenue or the children.
A.C. Smithson

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Smartest man in the senate!

I recall the liberal press years ago called Joe Biden the smartest man in the senate. They slobbered over him.  He is so experienced, knowledgeable, articulate.  He is just the greatest.
This does not bode well for the U.S. Senate.  He may have been the smartest man in the senate  however, he is the dumbest Veep we have ever had.
One of Joe's quotes: As Barrack says a three letter word jobs, J. O. B. S., jobs."
This unfortunately for America was one of his more lucid moments.
A. C. Smithson

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Question of the Day!

In 1776 the U.S. Population, in the colonies, was approximately 2.5 million, .5 million slaves.  They found to lead the government and establish a new nation people like George Washington, Patrick Henry, John Adams, Samuel Adams, John Jay, Benjamin Franklin, Robert Morris, John Hancock, Peyton Randolph, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, Clymer, Blout, Broom, Dayton, Gorman, Befford, and a large number of other honorable, dedicated men. 
Today the population is 320 million and the best we can find is this collect of dishonest, disloyal, compromising, spineless, corrupt, self serving, lying, socialistic, thieving, collection of politicians we currently have in Washington D. C. who are running our great nation into the ground.  Heaven help us!  Question, with all the people we have to choose from today, Can't We Do Better Than This?
A. C. Smithson