Sunday, October 30, 2011

Occupy Wall Street

The mangy, flea bitten, low life members of the occupy Wall Street are not doing so well. They want working people to give them a hand out. They on the other hand are not willing to help others. The bums (homeless people) in Nuevo York have been showing up at the O.W.S. kitchen. The Marxist anarchist are not willing to share. They do not want to feed the bums. They want the bums who want a hand out to go away. This is sorta what the American people want the hippies of Wall Street to do.

A. C. Smithson

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Say it ain't so!

Marxist socialist, excuse me liberal progressives think just because they say something that makes it true.
This is because of their disdain toward the average citizen. They truly believe that the common man is an idiot and will believe whatever he is told. Socialist believe that they can brainwash the masses similar to the 90 plus percent of black people who vote democrat. Well not all of us fall for their truisms.

Obama claims Joe Biteme is the best vice president we have ever had. Remember Joe oversaw the waste of a trillion dollars of taxpayers money. They also used to call him the smartest man in the senate. Both grossly misstated.

Dancing with the stars identified Cher's daughter Chastity as "her son Chaz." Saying it doesn't make it true.

Beware of what these people tell you.

A. C. Smithson

Friday, October 21, 2011

Potential Democrat Voter

I guess it is just as well that Mohammar Quadaffi was killed. Look at him. He looks like someone who would want to destroy our great nation. He looks like a person of low intelligence. Someone
who has no true values or beliefs. Yes, my friends before his death he definitely had the characteristics of an Obama Voter. Hell now that he is dead he probably still could vote for Obama as the democrat party has thousands of dead people voting for them each election season.
A. C. Smithson

Friday, October 7, 2011

Fast and Furious

What was this "Fast And Furious" program put forward by the Obama Administration? It was an attack on our 2nd amendment rights. The plan was to give and sell guns to Mexico drug dealers. Guns provided by our federal government. Then at a later point the federal government along with the government of Mexico would decry the fact that Americans guns were being used by the drug cartels. Then it would be pointed out that Americans should not have such easy access to guns. It is too easy for Americans to obtain guns and then sell them to Mexico. Laws would have to be passed to curtail access of guns by Americans. The only problem is they got caught. At least 200 people American and Mexicans have died from this operation.

A. C. Smithson

Education continues

On Wednesday I met the last person on earth who believes O.J. is innocent of murder. I now am convinced that my self-assigned duty of informing and educating may never end. I have such a long way to go.

A. C. Smithson

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Yesterday, at a news conference Joe Biden did not know who this guy was. I refer you to my post "Dumb and Dumber," 9-11-11. Joe this guy is Van Jones. He was your green jobs czar until it was revealed that he was a self avowed Communist. He then fled Washington and went back to Oakland. To be fair to Joe there are so many Marxist Socialist in this administration it is difficult to remember them all.
A. C. Smithson